The sizes vary ... The table of the sizes of footwear of the different countries

To pick up shoes in size, in the firstit is necessary to know the real size of your foot. First, you need to measure the length of the foot with a regular ruler. It is necessary to measure in the evening. For a day, tired feet are swelling a little, so the feet become a bit bigger. We feel it when the shoes begin to rub by the evening.

How to measure. Depends on what kind of season shoes are going to buy. Sandals, shoes - measure the foot without a sock. Boots, boots, winter, demi-season shoes - we wear that sock, which we will wear. Now you need to put your foot on cardboard, or thick paper, circle with a pencil or marker, keeping it upright without tilting. A ruler with a centimeter scale measures the leg from one extreme point along the length to the opposite (the longest toe, they can have a second finger, especially if the deformed bone of the thumb protrudes). Remember that a person is asymmetric, respectively, one leg will always be slightly larger than the other. According to statistics, right-handed people have a longer left foot, the right one is shorter. But there are a lot of exceptions. In general, we can say that each person has his own way. Visually this is invisible, but for choosing shoes - it is important, you need to take into account when you want to take a couple a little larger, and at what - less. For example, we buy leather shoes, focusing on the shorter length of the leg, because they wear when they wear, they will stretch out a little. As a result, and for a larger leg will be just right, the way they will be pulled under the influence of the foot, and on the other the legs will not fly. But winter boots need to focus on the big leg. The resulting measurement of the stop is rounded to 5 mm. and try to understand the table of the size of the country that we need. So, feet in hand and travel ... .. Before us, a table of shoes sizes of different countries manufacturers of good quality footwear.

Everywhere they train in their own way

France. The standard of charm, refinement and taste. The system is bar-and not metric. That's the answer to the question: why do I have a leg length of 25 cm, and I wear 37.5 size. In addition, fashion legislators consider the length of the insole to be the size of the shoe. It is longer than the foot somewhere 10-15 mm., Depending on the model of the shoe. This system is considered to be European.

In Britain every next number is 1/3 inch from the previous one. Start counting from the zero size (4 inches). 1 inch (inch) is 2.54 cm. There are in total 13 British sizes.

The biggest difficulties when buying without fitting,as for evil, is such a quality and stylish American shoes! Like the British, this system of sizes is tied to an inch: each subsequent size is larger than the previous one by 8.5 mm. Can indicate the completeness of the model shoes. On shoes, sneakers and boots is not complete, because the materials from which such shoes are made are very elastic. Completeness is: A, B, C, where A is the minimum value. The American sizes completely coincide with the Canadian ones.

The Russian system is metric, guided bythe old Soviet standard GOST, in which the length of the foot in centimeters exactly corresponds to the number of shoes. Fur, socks, the shape of the model is not taken into account. By the same standards, shoes are made in all CIS countries. Simple and convenient. When buying warm shoes, you need to make a gap on the sock, fur, additional warm insoles, as needed. Attention! Many domestic manufacturers (Russia, CIS) use the European barometric system without taking into account the allowance for the decorative seam (without an insole), resulting in a discrete 10 mm., And in fact, 1 size. If we wear our "usual" 37.5 (female) size, then the real European will be 38.5. In our stores, these salespeople call "sellers". The table of the sizes of female footwear and the table of the sizes of footwear in centimeters serves as this proof. In real life, we often face this and can not understand why this is so.

For maximum accuracy, a special table of shoes sizes of different countries is used, in which the sizes are distributed according to parameters: gender, age, foot length, size system, country.

The table of sizes of footwear of the different countries can be presented in centimeters, inches, millimeters, strokes.

Of course, if you look carefully, the tablethe sizes of footwear of the different countries becomes your irreplaceable adviser in questions of shopping, but also she does not give 100% of guarantees that the footwear bought without fitting, will be convenient and well will sit down on a leg. So, how this is affected by the completeness, model, shape and shape of the foot, which is individual.

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