Rapper caps are a distinctive sign of rappers

In clothing, rapper style created the youth,fond of rhythmic music. It is known that rapper subculture as a social phenomenon has become very common, and wide pants, rappers' caps, rapper t-shirts and jackets have turned into a kind of symbol that reflects the real "spirit of the streets". It is noteworthy that the garments preferred by rappers - the same wide pants, sports shoes, rappers' caps began to wear even those who completely remotely understands the other values ​​associated with rap as a subculture.

Rap - this is known to be a rhythmic recitative,readable to music, accompanied by a heavy beat. The rapper movement is a separate part of a diverse and multi-layer hip-hop culture, which includes such subsections as graffiti, streetball, breakdance, and extreme sports. Rappers in the minds of many firmly entrenched in the quality of "guys in broad trousers", and this is the most vivid characteristic of rapper's clothing. Wide in rappers are not only pants - almost every element of clothing looks very voluminous, its dimensions are much larger than necessary. Except it is possible to consider unless rapper caps - here excess of the size would be inappropriate.

Now about the clothes of rappers a little more

Wide pants

The greatest popularity among rappersjeans - "pipes", as well as wide sports pants, equipped with stripes on the sides. In view of the fact that this branch of fashion originated in the poorest areas of America, it has inherited the relevant signs. Large families and low-income Negro families were forced to save on everything, so children had to wear clothes for older brothers and sisters. In addition, buying clothes that are considered universal based on the principle of "one for all" allowed to save even more.

T-shirts and jackets

Perfect, in the opinion of rappers, an addition towide trousers are jacket-jackets worn over large t-shirts. Jackets-hoodies impress with their vast sleeves, which are assembled on an elastic band at the cuffs, and the jackets also have hoods. T-shirts are often a few, and they are dressed in accordance with the length of the sleeves - first with a long, then with a short.

Maybe it all looks ridiculous, but it's not worth itforget that clothing for representatives of rapper subculture is primarily a factor that distinguishes a person from the crowd. Huge shirts, several sizes larger than necessary shirts, hoodies, although they sit on the figure comically and ridiculously, but will accurately draw the attention of others to their owners.

Shoes and accessories

The rapper's head is most often decorated with rapperscaps. These cap-baseball caps with a straight visor are also unusual - the visor is deployed back or to the side. Many people are interested in how to wear a rapper cap correctly? There is no unequivocal answer to this question - you can wear this headdress, since you like the owner. By the way, there are rapper female caps that can be a wonderful addition not only to the rapper side, but also to emphasize a different style.

Footwear rapper is often represented by sneakers andsneakers. A special delight in the representatives of the subculture is sports shoes in white. At the same shoelaces on shoes can have any color and shade, even the most unexpected.

A compulsory addition to rapper's clothingthere are various accessories. This is most often chains with massive medallions, metal earrings in the ears and a large number of badges. At some rappers on a breast it is difficult to not notice a huge medallion - a chesspiece - the attribute borrowed from east philosophy.

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