Secrets of the Egyptian pyramids - the mystery of ancient civilization

Egyptian pyramids - this is the only miraclelight, which has survived to the present day. They are made up of legends and myths, and the best minds are trying to unravel their secrets. But these witnesses of great events have been proudly keeping silence for thousands of years, carefully concealing their origins. Will ever find out the truth, only time will show.

The secrets of the Egyptian pyramids divided allresearchers into two categories: some argue that they were built by the Egyptians, while others believe in the existence of a pre-Egyptian civilization controlled by aliens. There are very many non-sets, and it is believed that such huge and perfect structures could be built using primitive tools.

secrets of the Egyptian pyramids
In scientific works all the time it was said thatThe pyramids are the tombs of the pharaohs. The richer and more powerful the ruler, the higher the pyramid was built for him. The mystery of the buildings is that many researchers have discovered the real age of these giants, completely out of line with the time frame of the Pharaohs' rule, for which they allegedly were being built.

The secrets of the Egyptian pyramids do not give restbecause a lot of pyramids are built on different principles. The discrepancy between the technique of construction of the lower and upper floors was revealed. It would be logical if the laying of stones would improve over time. But the lower layers are built flawlessly: the stones in them are well adjoined to each other and hold even without a solution. The upper layers are much worse: the stones are rough, they are kept on clay mortar. The conclusion is that the ancient Egyptians were building the pyramids, using already finished structures. Maybe they just restored them?

the Egyptian pyramids of secrecy
The mystery of the Egyptian pyramids extends toThe Sphinx. The fact that it clearly traces the water erosion, but where could it come from, if in the hollow where it is, you can contemplate only the sand? Modern Sahara became a desert only after the glacial period, but 12,000 years ago there was a huge amount of precipitation in this place. This fact directly indicates that the Sphinx was erected long before the reign of the first pharaohs.

Historians consider the first pharaoh of Egypt Menos,but in fact the works in which the previously existing rulers can be described are preserved. It is with them that the secrets of the Egyptian pyramids are connected. Priest Manetho made a list of seven gods who once ruled the country. It was in their time, as some researchers suggest, that the pyramids were built. Scientists do not want to take into account of the list with the gods, because the rules are very long by today's standards (the first ruler held the throne as much as 9000 years, and it says only that it could be representative vnenezemnyh civilizations).

the mystery of the Egyptian pyramids
The mysteries of the Egyptian pyramids still excite the mindshumanity. There are many artifacts found that indicate that in the 11th century BC in the territory of modern Egypt lived very intelligent beings. Even a fragment of a peculiar catalog with technical means was found: helicopters, laser installations, aircraft, etc. Needless to say, ordinary people could not have such colossal knowledge. Maybe someday the pyramids will reveal all secrets to mankind, but it will not be soon.

So, while we can only admire this monument of architecture. And the Egyptian pyramids, the secrets of which store time, is quite an object worthy of attention!

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