Museums of Izhevsk - keepers of Udmurt history, natural history and culture

Izhevsk is the capital of Udmurtia and a large industrial,cultural, educational center. There are several dozens of educational institutions, museums and centers of cultural development in the city. Museums of Izhevsk are known far beyond the borders of the republic, there are scientific-cognitive, historical and art galleries here.

museums of Izhevsk

Entertaining physics

One of the most interesting museums in Udmurtia is the Museumentertaining science, created in Udmurt State University on the basis of the physical faculty. Here, devices, instruments, instruments and apparatus are demonstrated, through which various physical phenomena can be observed. All exhibits are valid. Each visitor can become a participant in interesting physical experiments and independently conduct experiments.

The museum was created in order to awakeninterest in science, in the study of the surrounding world and in the acquisition of new knowledge. The museum will be interesting not only to schoolchildren, but also to adults. The excursion is being conducted by university teachers, they tell us about interesting physical and chemical phenomena and show unusual experiments.

museum of entertaining science

Museum of entertaining science is in the body of the Udmurt State Museum at ul. University, 1. Working hours - daily, 10: 00-19: 00.

The Armory Capital

The museum of the Izhmash plant is one of the oldest in the republic. The first school of arsenal pupils was opened here in 1827.

museum and Izhevsk in Izhevsk

At the school there was an exhibition of tools and weapons. In 1847, as a result of a long correspondence with Nicholas I, the factory management opened a real exposition where the best examples of weapons of that time were demonstrated.

museum and Izhevsk in Izhevsk

In 1887 the museum moved to the main factorybody, by this time the exposition grew more than twice and became so interesting that it was honored by the presence of the Grand Duke Mikhail Nikolayevich. Historical events of the early 20th century had a strong influence on the museums of Izhevsk. During the Civil War, the most valuable exhibits were looted, and after the Great Patriotic War the museum was closed for public visits for almost thirty years. Only in 1975 the expositions were once again open to visitors.

Museum of Fine Arts Izhevsk

Weapon Collection

In the first hall of the Izhmash MuseumHistorical exhibits, including the cold steel of the XIX century. Armory production of the war years is located in the second hall. The famous "Maxim" machine gun, quick-firing aircraft guns, anti-tank rifles - here are collected all the best examples of weapons produced since 1947. The collection, located in the third hall, is dedicated to Mikhail Kalashnikov - the famous designer, the inventor of the world-famous automaton. Recently, the fourth hall dedicated to mototechnics was opened in the museum.

There are themed evenings, attracting guests with interactive classes, lecturing.

museums of Izhevsk

Izhmash Museum in Izhevsk can be found easily. It is located on the Armsmen Square, the public transport stop "Alexander Nevsky Cathedral". The cost of the visit is 60 rubles.

Visual arts

One of the youngest, but already widely knownmuseums of Udmurtia - Museum of Fine Arts. Izhevsk, like any industrial city, acutely felt the lack of cultural and art centers. The Republican Museum of Fine Arts was opened by the forces of the creative intelligentsia of the city in 1980.

The first collection consisted of only 565exhibits, and now in the museum's storerooms there are more than 11,000 items of storage. The basis of the exposition consists of paintings by great artists who wrote at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries: Vasnetsov, Shishkin, Serebryakova. The pearls of the collection are paintings by Italian artists of the early 19th century, representatives of the Flemish school of painting.

Museum of Fine Arts Izhevsk

Graphics Bryullov, Kiprensky and Klodt, watercolors Benoit and Arkhipov - museum funds are replenished with new, priceless canvases.

Another area of ​​the museum's work is thepopularization of creativity of artists of Udmurtia. Any exhibition held by the museum necessarily contains paintings from the collection of works by Kholmogorov, Elkin, Garipov and other eminent Udmurt masters.

The principle of the museum is built ontemporary exhibitions, exhibits which change every quarter. The permanent exhibition is one, it is devoted to the fine arts of Russian and West European artists of the XVIII-XX centuries.

At the museum there is a "Drawers' Club", on weekends classes are held on the basics of the restoration work, for children from 5 years, they hold master classes in drawing. Address of the Museum: st. Kirova, 128.

All the museum centers of Izhevsk

In the capital of Udmurtia there are more than twenty museums and exhibition halls in different directions. Many museums of Izhevsk are unique.

museums of Izhevsk

National Museum of the Udmurt Republic, Museumsports, the Museum of Aviation, the architectural and ethnographic reserve "Ludorvai" - for each guest of the city the museums of Izhevsk constantly prepare new expositions, hold thematic exhibitions and author's excursions.

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