Average salary in St. Petersburg and the North-West Federal District

Average wage as an indicator of the economyis considered by the people to be short-lived and illusory. Many people ironically describe the value as "the average temperature for the hospital." At the same time, it is the average salary in St. Petersburg, as well as in other subjects of the Russian Federation or the country as a whole, is not only an important statistical indicator: the value affects the establishment of the level of the minimum wage in the region and the determination of amounts that are allocated as support to certain segments of the population .

Average salary in St. Petersburg

At the present moment (November 2016) the levelThe average wage in the northern capital increased by 1,330 rubles compared to the previous month and fell by 5,650 rubles from the corresponding period of the previous year. The average salary in St. Petersburg in November 2016 is 30,397 rubles a month.

average salary in St. Petersburg

The number is not at all unreasonable. The value has been carefully calculated by Petrostat - the regional branch of Rosstat, which produces statistical information.

As for a more realistic picture,opinion of the population (not calculations, but real statistics), the average salary in St. Petersburg is 38,329 rubles a month. The information was obtained on the basis of a survey of the population on actual incomes, monthly entering the family budget. But you should realize that among such income can be not only earned, but also gifts, income from other activities or interest from investment.

Of course, the official average salary inSt. Petersburg - this is only a statistical average monthly figure. The real earnings depend on the field of activity and the specific profession, specialization, work experience of the employee, the availability of a system of material incentives in the company and many other factors.

Average monthly salary in the North-West Federal District

Compared with the average salary in otherssubjects of the federal district, St. Petersburg occupies the highest position, with the exception, perhaps, of Murmansk and the Nenets Autonomous District. According to statistics for February 2016, the average salary in St. Petersburg is almost 46,000 (45,900 rubles), while in the Murmansk region by 500 rubles more. The record indicator was fixed in the Nenets Autonomous District - 65,300 rubles per month.

average wage in the northwestern federal district

The lowest level of wages in the federaldistrict was 26 thousand rubles. (Novgorod region). In general, for the North-West Federal District, the average monthly wage is 38,800 rubles.

Rating of branches by number of vacancies in St. Petersburg

The most popular specialists inSt. Petersburg in 2016 were the employees of the sphere of trade, in second place - production, followed by programmers and PR-managers, marketing specialists and publishers, printing. A large share of the labor market is occupied by employees of the real estate and social sphere, teachers, doctors and nurses, pharmacists, representatives of working professions, drivers and many other specialists.

The rating is compiled on the basis of the analysis of the number of offers by industry on the job sites and information of employment centers.

average teacher's salary

The most highly paid industries

In addition to the most demanded areas,there is a separate list of the highest paid. High average salary in St. Petersburg in real estate. Its value is 54,900 rubles. A little behind highly professional employees of car-care centers and transport sphere - 50 750 rubles a month. The managers in the sphere of trade (49,500 rubles) and construction (48,500 rubles a month) earn well.

average salary of a doctor in St. Petersburg

Rating of the most popular professions

The most popular positions in theSt. Petersburg is a seller-cashier (almost three thousand open vacancies with an average salary of 25 thousand rubles), a driver (2,700 job offers), a cleaner (2,500) and a deputy director. Also in demand are doctors of various specializations and junior medical personnel (just over two thousand vacancies on popular job search sites and employees).

The average salary of a doctor in St. Petersburg,by the way, is 62 572, which is one and a half times more than in the Northwest Federal District (41540 rubles). For junior medical personnel, the indicator is at the level of 30,000.

average salary of a doctor in St. Petersburg

As for teachers, the most popularthere are only 300 open job offers for vacancies, which does not allow to call the profession in demand. The average salary of a teacher in St. Petersburg is 25 thousand rubles.

Teachers of Japanese and other languages, as well as employees of private schools can count on a greater salary. The average salary of a teacher in a secondary school is about 30,000 rubles.

The highest paid positions in St. Petersburg

The most prestigious professions and promisingon the level of wages are senior java developer (java programmer with a senior developer level, ie, high qualification), a welder with the certification of NACS and java developer. The directors of the companies, the leading developers and specialists, who ensure the quality of software development, do not lag too far behind the amount of earnings. Other professions, whose qualifications are evaluated in large sums of money, are presented on the chart.

statistics average salary in St. Petersburg

Thus, the average salary of a programmer inSt. Petersburg starts from 40,000 and very much depends on the skill level and specialization of the employee. Some programmers and software developers (senior java developer, java developer) receive and 140 000-165 000 rubles. In general, in the ranking of the highest paid positions, five out of ten positions are occupied by specialists in the field of computer technology.

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