Famous Russian athlete Alexander Sukhorukov

Russian titled athlete AlexanderSukhorukov became famous for his victories in swimming, defending the honor of Russia at international competitions. About how the future champion came to the "big" sport, his achievements and many other things we will tell in this article.

Childhood future champion

Russian swimmer Sukhorukov Alexander Leonidovichwas born on 22.02.1988 in the town of Ukhta of the Komi Republic. His first appearance in the pool, Alexander is obliged to my mother. Svetlana V. Sukhorukova, an experienced swimming instructor, trains children in the city pool "Youth". When Sasha was not yet a year, she took him into the pool and tempered in a small bath. There he learned to swim. The swimmer's talent appeared from an early age. Alexander Sukhorukov swam the distance much faster than their peers.

The first successes in swimming

The decision to switch from the usualgeneral educational institution, in which he studied, Alexander Ukhta in the Ukhta sports school independently. It happened in the seventh grade. The boy literally raved about wanting to become a champion, spending a lot of time in the pool. Since childhood, physically very strong, Alexander was determined to win. Having fallen into the hands of a wonderful coach Sergei Petrovich Fedorov and thanks largely to him, the future champion began to win his first awards.

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Step by step progressed to his dream, AlexanderSukhorukov. The swimmer, starting from the age of 11, repeatedly became the winner and the winner at the championships and championships of the Komi Republic among boys in his age group. He especially managed to swim for short distances thanks to a good sprint jerk.

Already in 2002, Alexander Sukhorukov received the title of candidate for the master of sports of Russia.

Performances for the national team

Alexander Sukhorukov - a swimmer who stood out amongtheir peer athletes. His success did not go unnoticed. In 2004, Alexander was invited to the Russian national team. The first competition in the Russian team, in which the athlete took part, was the European Swimming Championships in Palma de Mallorca in Spain in 2006.

alexander dry-handed swimming
Since this time, and start serious sportsvictory. Alexander Sukhorukov, whose voyage turned from a job for the soul into a real profession, worked hard to achieve the set goals.

Speaking as a member of the Russian national team, Alexanderbrought his team expected from him excellent results. For example, at the World Championships in Dubai as part of the Russian national team, Alexander Sukhorukov showed excellent time in the 4 to 200 m freestyle relay race and also set a new world record - 6 minutes 49.04 seconds.

Victory in big sport

In the piggy bank of an outstanding Russian swimmer a lotglorious victories. Alexander became a silver medalist at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing as part of the relay team: D. Izotov, N. Lobintsev, A. Sukhorukov, E. Lagunov. Sukhorukov is a world record holder in the relay 4 to 100 m in English Manchester.

dry-footed alexander leonidovich
Alexander became vice-champion in the ChampionshipEurope 2008 in the relay race 4 x 200 m freestyle. Twice gold for the country (in the men's relay at a distance of 4 x 100 m, and 4 x 200 m freestyle) in the Russian national team Sukhorukov won in Hungary, at the European Championships held in August 2010.

Among sports achievements of the sportsman - victoryat the 2010 World Championships in Dubai (United Arab Emirates) and in the same place - the world record holder in the relay race 4 to 200 m. Alexander Sukhorukov - a swimmer whose photo after this success appeared on the pages of many media - became the pride of the Russian national team at this championship.

In 2011, Sukhorukov became a silver medalist at the European Championships held in Polish Szczecin.

A similar Berlin tournament in 2014 on watersports became for the Russian team another victorious competition. Our men's team, composed by A. Grechin, A. Sukhorukov, N. Lobintsev and V. Morozov, won a silver medal in the royal relay 4 x 200 m, ahead of the Italian team by 0.11 sec. and losing to French swimmers. Alexander Sukhorukov showed his best result at the stage of the relay race.

Sukhorukov is a five-time champion of Russia, as well as a multiple record holder of the Russian Federation and Europe.

Working days of the sportsman

High performance in sports are given to A. Sukhorukov by reinforced training. Swimmer lives in St. Petersburg. Trains in the Olympic Training Center under the leadership of Sergei Yurievich Tarasov. With the coach, Alexander, as well as with his teammates, had good friendly relations. In many ways thanks to this Sukhorukov and achieves excellent results.

Alexander of the dry boots

The athlete spends a lot of time at the training camps, oftengoes abroad. In his native town of Ukhta is rare - during the year only about a month. Before responsible competitions in the swimmer's schedule, besides swimming, daily hours of training in the hall and in the fresh air (often on sand), running and many other things appear.

Working professionally swimming, an athleteIn parallel he studied at Ukhta State Technical University, since he believes that economic education can be useful in the future (after the end of a sports career).

Government awards and titles

Alexander Sukhorukov is a well-deserved masterSport of Russia. In 2011, the head of the Komi Republic, V. Gaizer, personally presented this breastplate to him. The world record holder has repeatedly held the top positions in the ranking of the best republican athletes.

alexander dry-handed swimmer
In 2009, the swimmer was awarded a medalhonorary order "For Services to the Fatherland" II degree. Thus, the state noted its contribution to the development of physical culture, sports, sports achievements at the XXIX Olympic Games in Beijing.

A. Sukhorukov - the owner of the medal "For military valor".

A worthy assessment of the talented athlete's success is an excellent incentive for him in the fight for new medals.

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