Reserve "Magadansky": flora and fauna

The Magadan Reserve was founded in 1982. It includes a large variety of natural complexes and landscapes of the Magadan Region. This object is located on the coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

Magadan Reserve Photo

The Magadansky Reserve consists of severalsites that are located at a sufficient distance from each other. They are inaccessible, there are no transport routes and settlements. The sites to which the Magadan Reserve is divided vary greatly in climatic conditions, terrain, flora and fauna. We will talk about the plant and animal life of this object today.


reserve of Magadan

More than half of the entire territory is covered with forests. Basically they are coniferous. Larch Kayandera - the main forest forming breed. Larch forests are the most common type on the territory of the reserve. They cover more than half of the forests. Here there are 7 types of larch forests. The most common are stellite-moss. They occupy waterlogged, insufficiently drained terraces, trails of slopes. The second breed, which is widely distributed here, is the cedar stlanik. This species in the reserve is found everywhere in the form of thickets, and under the canopy of larch forests. They covered about a third of the forest area. Kedrovo-stlanikovye also occur on the slopes of the mountains, towering over the border of larch woodlands. Mountain tundra and loaches are even higher. Along the creeks and rivers, where there is no permafrost, belt forests grow. Their strip is the more productive and wider, the more significant the watercourse. Only in the composition of them there are chozenia and poplar, alder and tree-like willows. In addition, there is the greatest wealth and diversity of plant associations.

Thanks to the pedestal taliks along the large riversrelict valley poplar-chozenia forests are formed. Their main breed is chozeniya krupnosheshchataya, as well as poplar fragrant. Birch flat-leaf and larch occur, which reach maximum productivity in these places. There are also tree-like willows. In the reserve, despite the developed hydrosystem, these forests are small in area. Stone-birch, alder, bilberries are widely distributed. The smallest areas are forests, in which grows aspen and Siberian spruce.


Magadan Reserve

As for undergrowth, the main components of itsare: an alder, a strawberry, a mountain ashberry, a bird-cherry tree, an edible honeysuckle, a spiral tree and Stevens, a duck-billed and needle-shaped leggings, and a birch of Middendorff. In the subordinate tiers of shrubs dominate the flying rosemary, lingonberry, siksha bisexual, blueberry.

Magadan nature reserve animals

In the moss-lichen layer, different types of green mosses predominate, sphinge mosses occur in poorly drained areas.

Features of the reserve sites

Characterizing the reserve Magadan from the point ofview of its sites, it should be noted that the vertical zonality of vegetation is common to them. It manifests itself particularly vividly in the Olsky area, where there are many mountains. It is the most southerly. This site is of particular interest. Mountainous terrain and the marine climate determine the uniqueness of the local vegetation. On the Olsky site (the reserve of Magadan) larch is absent, but the vast areas are covered with thickets of cedar elfin. In addition, the mountain tundra also occupies a large area. On the slopes of the mountains grow clean boulders. Topo-Chosenia forests occur in river valleys, small in length. In the upper reaches they are replaced by impenetrable thickets of cedar elfin and alder. In the floodplains, common and high-grass mixed-grass-grass meadows are common. Yamskoye lesnichestvo (mainland part of it) includes a place of distribution of Siberian spruce. These plants of the Magadan Reserve are a relic of the Magadan Region. Spruce does not form a pure plantation. It occurs as an integral part of floodplain larch forests, and sometimes poplar-Chosenia forests.

Let's turn to the characteristics of animals that inhabit the Magadan Reserve. Photos and places of their habitation are presented below.

Terrestrial mammals

plants of the Magadan Reserve

Of the most common mammals, you cannote chipmunk, red voles, hare rabbit, pika, fox, brown bear, ermine, sable, American mink. Los in these places are also numerous. To species that live in all areas, but whose density of settlement is somewhat lower, include a flying squirrel, an ordinary squirrel, a weasel, a vole-housekeeper, a wolverine. At all sites, in addition, lynxes were observed at the Magadan Reserve. These animals belong to one of the rarest species in the reserve. Lynx (pictured above) is found on forest plots. Because of the expensive and original fur, this animal was persecuted before the creation of the reserve.

For a number of species necessary forThe conditions exist only in certain areas. For example, the coastal slopes of Yamsky and Olsky are the only places in the reserve where the black-capped marmot lives. Such animals as the wolf, forest lemmings, reindeer and muskrat occur only in Seimchan and Kava-Chelomjinsky areas. Only the last recorded Asian mouse and Far Eastern shrew.

Red-gray and red voles, chipmunk,vole-housekeeper and forest lemming - inhabitants of taiga fauna, which are typical for the whole Magadan region. One of the rodents most rare on Earth is the Amur Lemming. It can be found only in eastern Siberia.

Marine mammals

reserves of the Magadan region

As for marine mammals, the species thatmost widely distributed in the Magadan Reserve, is the seal of the lagga (pictured above). This animal prefers to stay near the coastline for the entire ice-free period. It arranges deposits at low tide, resting on stony scythes or on a bare shore. Akiba, or ringed seal, occurs mainly along the coast of the Koni Peninsula. Lahtak, or sea hare is quite common in the waters of the reserve. It is most often found singly, near the shore. On the island Matykil (refers to the Yamsky Islands), there is its only large settlement, which includes about 60 individuals. There is also the only rookery of the sea lions in the Magadan Reserve. They leave this rookery in the fall, going to places south of it. Then, in the spring, they reappear here for the product of offspring.


The most common whale that lives inthe waters of the reserve, is the killer whale. It is most numerous near the Koni peninsula. In the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, along its entire northern part, there is a sharply pointed, or small, minke. He often visits coastal shallow areas. In summer, a small minke whale usually comes across the Koni peninsula.

Extremely rare in the reserve gray whale. It is known only about several meetings with him during the entire existence of the reserve we are interested in. Occasionally, in coastal waters, sea pigs, beluga whales, and lionfish come by chance.


state natural reserve of Magadan

We continue to talk about the fauna of such an object,as a reserve of Magadan. The description of amphibians living here does not take much time. They include only two kinds. A representative of tailed amphibians is the Siberian fart, and the Siberian frog is tailless. The Siberian angler (pictured above) lives on all sites of the Magadan Reserve. The Siberian frog is found in disconnected populations. It can be found on the territory of the reserve only in the basins of the Taui, Kolyma, Yama, and Kava rivers.


Among the migratory fish, the most common species -chum, pink salmon, coho salmon. Separately there are sockeye salmon and chinook salmon. On the rivers Chelomja and Yama there are natural spawning grounds for salmon, the territory of which is considered the largest in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk. In the largest rivers on the territory of this reserve (Kava, Yama, Chelomja) numerous kunja, char, grayling are numerous. The latter is the most common inhabitant of the rivers of the Magadan Reserve. Malma is also one of the most numerous.


As for the avifauna, it is no differentfrom the characteristic Okhotsk-Kolyma region. On the territory of the reserve you can find representatives of 13 detachments that live in the northeast of Russia. In the Taui lowland, where the Kava-Chembuljan area is located with many old and thermokarst lakes, one of the main reserves of waterfowl is located. Here nestle taiga bean, swan-screamer, teals (cod and whistle), pintail, wig, mallard, broad-eared, large and medium-sized crumbs. Typical for Eastern Siberia species (killer whale, Teal-kloktun, Kamenushka and American sung) give the Far Eastern fishes a waterfowl fauna. In valleys of rivers, there are often stone grouse, white grouse, hazel grouse.

Protection of anseriformes

Reserves of the Magadan Region are very important forprotection of natural diversity. In particular, Magadansky plays a very important role in protecting the flocks of anseriformes that fly through its territory. The fact is that all areas are located on the main avenues of bird migration. Before the reserve was established, intensive hunting was conducted in the feeding areas of the schools and on the passes. Through the territory occupied by the State Natural Reserve "Magadansky", a significant part of swans, geese, and some species of ducks migrate in the extreme north-east of our country.

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