Biography of Denis Matrosov. The career of an actor, personal life and interesting facts

Our hero today is a well-known TV presenter andprofessional actor Denis Matrosov. Biography, the personal life of a young man is interested in thousands of Russian viewers. Especially for them we have prepared an article containing comprehensive information about his life and work.

Biography of the sailor's demis

Denis Matrosov (biography): family and childhood

The actor was born in Moscow in 1972 10December. On a horoscope - Sagittarius. His parents are not related to television and acting profession. Denis's father and mother received higher technical education.

When our hero was 11 years old, he lost his father. The sailor elder died because of a medical error. Education of two children (Denis and his sister Olesya) was engaged in the mother. She no longer married.

Denis grew up active and not for years a clever child. He liked moving games and adventure films. He pictured himself as a fearless pirate or valiant knight.

The creative biography of actor Matrosov Denisbegan at the age of 17. In 1989, he was entrusted with the telecast for children "Visiting a fairy tale". In the shot the young man was confident. Producers immediately appreciated his competent speech and an interesting manner of presenting the material. Transmission was a great success for small viewers.

Education and work

Where after receiving the certificate of maturity enteredour hero? The biography of Denis Matrosov indicates that he became a student at the Moscow Art Theater School. In 1991, the young man graduated from high school. At this young Muscovite did not stop. From 1991 to 1994 he studied at the VTU them. Shchepkina. He was enrolled on the course to N. Vereshchenko.

In 1994-1995 years. Denis served in the Moscow Theater of the Russian Army. The sailors quickly joined the team. At the end of the service, the guy stayed to work in the institution on an ongoing basis.

In 2002, Denis moved to the theater branch. Mayakovsky. There he was able to fully demonstrate his creative abilities.

Television and radio - these areas of activity toomastered Denis. From 1992 to 2003 he collaborated with such channels as "Mood", TVC, NTV and "Russia-1". Also, the actor conducted programs on radio stations "Sport-RM" and "Troika".

Movies and TV shows with his participation

Film debuts of Denis Matrosov took place in 1990. A student at the Moscow Art Theater School played a photographer, Lehu, in a drama "Made in the USSR."

The second picture with his participation was published in 1996. It's about the short film Love on the Raft. The actor successfully got used to the image of his screen character Mitya.

Gradually the Sailors got more prominent roles. He was remembered by many of us for the melodrama "Two Fates", where he played Vadim. Then followed the shooting in the series "People and Shadows" (season number 2) and "Give me life."

Denis sailors biography personal life

All-Russian fame and spectator love came to Matrosov in 2005. Then the premiere of the series "Carmelita" was held. Denis's character is Anton Astakhov.

Let us list his most striking and interesting film works for 2006-2016:

  • "Detectives-5" (2006) - Tochilcev Fedor;
  • melodrama "Delusion" (2008) - Dmitry Kolesnikov;
  • series "Snowstorm" (2010) - Pavel Petrovich;
  • criminal tape "Profile of the murderer" (2011) - Colonel Udaltsov (main character);
  • Russian-Ukrainian melodrama "Happy Ticket" (2012) - Tolik Teterin;
  • family saga "House with Lilies" (2014) - Rodion Kamyshev;
  • 10-serial melodrama "I'm not afraid anymore" (2014) - Zemtsov Sergey;
  • "Woman with Lilies" (2016) - Victor, Maya's spouse.

Today the biography of Denis Matrosov, personal lifeactor cause genuine interest among numerous fans. The filmography of our hero is constantly replenished with new roles in the cinema. For example, in 2017, the Russian-Ukrainian TV series Domhozyayin is scheduled to be released. Denis got the role of William. In this project, Elena Zakharova, Nils Lyudmila, Kolganov Vladimir and other eminent artists are also involved.

Denis Matrosov: biography, personal life

In his youth, the actor often had novels withattractive girls. And Denis built the first serious relationship with the actress of the Moscow theater - Tatarova Lyudmila. After 2-3 months from the date of acquaintance, the couple began to live under one roof. Luda and Denis were not officially married, they have common children - twins Yura and Vova (born in 1999).

It would seem that the appearance of sons should have beento strengthen relations in pairs. However, in the case of Denis and Lyudmila everything happened exactly the opposite. To begin with, in the certificate of the birth of children in the column "father" Tatarova asked to put a dash, and it did not suit the level of income of a civil husband.

Denis sailors biography family children

One day the actor packed his things and leftLyudmila. For more than 10 years Denis Matrosov has not seen his sons. Biography, family, children of the actor are always interested in fans who are interested in his life.

In February 2012, Lyudmila appeared in the studioprogram "Let them talk". Tatarova was tired of being silent and concealing the reason for the divorce from Matrosov. He did not recognize his sons, although now the boys are apparently a copy of their famous father.

Despite the absence of his own father, Yura and Vova grew up in a full family. Their upbringing was done by his stepfather - Sergey Dzhigurdra (the elder brother of Nikita Dzhigurdy).

Official marriage and divorce

When did a new love appear in the life of our hero? The biography of Denis Matrosov says that this happened on the set of the series "Two Fates".

Biography of Denis sailors personal life

Slim and feminine beauty Maria Kulikovaconquered his heart. And he did everything to get her reciprocated feelings. Soon the couple played a wedding. In August 2011, Masha gave her husband a tiny little son, who was named Ivan. Unfortunately, a happy family life soon ended. In January 2015, the actor's couple officially divorced.

New family

How after the break-up with Maria Kulikova was the biography of Denis Matrosov formed? Personal life quickly settled, and the actor said goodbye to the status of a free man.

After one of the performances Denis got involvedan affair with a young actress Olga Golovina. At the end of 2015, Russian media reported that the pair expects to replenish, and this information turned out to be true.

The chosen one made Matrosov wonderfula gift for Easter - gave birth to a charming and healthy little son. The boy was named a native Russian name - Fedor. The artist shared his joy with his subscribers in Instagram. He even posted several photos from the delivery room.

Denis sailors biography family

August 6, 2016 biography of Denis Matrosovwas added one more joyful event. On this day, the christenings of the youngest actor's son were held. Then Denis and his cousin Olga went to celebrate such an important event in the circle of close friends and relatives.

At this point, happy parents have not formalized relations in the registry office. But Denis Matrosov promises that the wedding with Olga will take place. This will happen when the son grows up a little.

Interesting Facts

  • Biography of Denis Matrosov indicates that we have a multifacetedpersonality. He showed himself not only as a TV host and an artist. In 2016, our hero took up the post of producer at the Matrosov Theater. Under his sensitive supervision and guidance came the play "Two in the elevator, not counting tequila."
    Biography of the actor sailor's denis
  • Denis Vladimirovich is engaged incharity. In 2011, he was one of the participants in the TV project "Give yourself a life", organized by the leadership of the channel "Russia-1". Together with other actors and representatives of show business, Matrosov launched a charity event "Be the first." The event took place on the summer stage of the House of Pioneers, located on the Sparrow Hills.
  • Our hero does not forget about sports. In the summer Denis is engaged in horse riding and jogging, and in the winter skiing and skating. And at any time of the year he visits the pool (1-2 times a week).


Now you know, when was born and which high schoolgraduated from Denis Matrosov. Biography, family, children - the issues that we examined in this article. Of course, he made many mistakes in the past, and only him to cope. We wish the artist successful roles, peace of mind and prosperity in the family!

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