Do you know what the boars eat?

Wild pigs (boars) the main part of the foodmined in the ground. In this case, a powerful tool is a long snout, at the end of which there is a very mobile piglet. We did not in vain use the word "powerful": in search of food, the animal plows not only the litter of fallen leaves, but also the upper layers of the soil, and, if necessary, digs deep enough holes. And what do boars eat, what is the best choice for them? Let's consider this issue in more detail.

than feed boars

Plant food

First, let's talk about what they eat"Boars are vegetarians". The diet of wild pigs is very wide and depends primarily on the habitat of animals. In the forest zone, the basis of the ration is fruits and seeds of plants, mosses, lichens, mushrooms, nuts. Do not disdain pigs and forest berries, but the favorite delicacy of wild boars are acorns. In the river areas and floodplains, wild pigs eagerly eat sweet, starchy rhizomes, dig barkhans in search of ephemeral bulbs, and at the end of summer with great pleasure absorb the pleasant berries of nitrate.

In the forest-steppe zone, the boar is very fond of visiting fields with crops of cereals, vegetables or melons. If the farmer does not take timely measures, the animals can completely destroy his crop.

than feed boars

Meat eaters

Despite the richness of plant foods, amongthere are no pigs of pure vegetarians. They eat with great pleasure various kinds of animal food. Let's figure out what the wild wild boar predators eat. Often one can observe how these animals tear apart the settlements of gerbils and other rodents. However, this boar is not limited and can act as a real predator. So, in the winter, he does not miss the opportunity and pursues the gaping muskrat who came out on the ice. In addition, the boar does not disdain the hare caught in the trap or hawk loop. For pigs, pigs are hunted especially gambling, here they can be compared even with hunting dogs. For example, after discovering the trail of a wounded pheasant, a wild boar quickly overtakes and eats a bird. There are cases when pigs attacked even young roe deer and rams, not yielding to the greed of the forest orderlies - wolves. This hoofed predator is perfectly aware of the places where you can profit from meat. Thus, during the breeding season of colonial birds, wild pigs select the herons of herons, rooks, cormorants that have fallen out from the nest. A special delicacy is locust. At the end of July, when the foot locust moves with huge swarms occupying a strip up to several hundred meters in width and up to 10 cm in thickness, wild pigs gather to a place of concentration of insects and in entire herds chase them, eating pests in huge quantities. At the same time the chowing of the pigs is spread over huge distances.

than feed on wild boars

The plunderers of foreign stocks

Now consider what they eatboars are "destroyers". Yes, it turns out, there are such. The fact is that wild pigs are famous for the destruction of the huts of muskrats. This is very easy to explain, because in the mink of this animal accumulates a heap of food remnants. The muskrats build special "hut-storerooms", in which the reed sprouts and rhizomes harvested for the winter are stored. By the way, in one pantry can be several tens of kilograms of food. Why not look at the boar and visit the resourceful animal?

boar feeding

Professional Fisherman

Boar feeding is not limited to plant andanimal food. A considerable part of his diet is fish. In addition to the fact that wild pigs eat dead fish, they seek a variety of ways to eat a bream or sazan, spawned. In winter, animals are trapped on thawed patches in small places of okunkov.

Thanks to the developed fishery, wild boarsnot only waste, but also "help" the fishermen to inspect the installed gear. So, the old experienced shovel is able to find out the places of installation of the vents, kottsov, networks, therefore often takes the catch before the owner of the gear. These huge animals are able to get to the veneer with great skill by swimming, tearing the net with their fangs, and letting in their long snout, with great pleasure and loud champing, gobble up its contents. Having been full of fresh fish, the wild boar leaves for rest. He will collect the "harvest" daily and it is impossible to wean him. Often fishermen have to leave a beast to the beast: on the way to follow it, leave a lure, which the animal can be satisfied with and will not touch the tackle.

What does the wild boar eat in winter?

Cold season for wild pigs is the mosta difficult time, because under the ice and snow it is very difficult to look for food, and even harder to get it. In especially snowy winters, it is difficult even for the wild boars to move about. The most frightening for them is the ice sheet. On the frozen crust animals in the blood rip off their legs, and most importantly - they can not get food from under it. In addition to the methods described above for the production of food (hunting for muskrat and fishing in thawed patches), wild boars in winter often make outings to vegetable gardens and fields, climb into haystacks left on hayfields.

than feeds in winter wild boar


We learned what boars eat, and now let'slook at this predator (the dream of any hunter) on the other hand. These are very interesting animals. The life of a wild boar is very interesting, especially this refers to the main period of this population - gon. So, at the end of the summer, the male scammers begin to arm themselves with armor. On their sides - from the scapula to the last rib - a very strong cartilaginous tissue appears. This kind of shield (kalkan) serves to protect the animal's chest from the opponent's fangs.

boar life

Females do not possess such armor. The intolerance of the sweepers to each other lasts for several months - until the beginning of winter. All their meetings, if none of the opponents are inferior, end in bloody showdowns, accompanied by a loud peculiar grunting, roaring, clicking teeth. The fighting wild boars first collide with their snouts, and examine each other with bloodshot eyes. Seizing the moment, one of the opponents pierces his fangs into the side of his opponent. Such battles can last quite a long time. The sekach does not eat anything, but drinks a lot. At this time, boars are especially dangerous, they attack not only other sow-dogs, but also dogs, wolves and people.

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