Actress Natalya Krivozub: biography, filmography, personal life

Natalia Krivozub (Bardo) is a talented actress, othe existence of which the audience learned thanks to the TV project "Golden: Barvikha-2". By the age of 28, this charming girl managed not only to appear in many films and serials, but also to attend a famous scandalous show "Dom-2". In addition, Natalia is actively engaged in charity, is the owner of the Order of Woman of the World. What else is known about it?

Natalia Krivozub: childhood

The future star of Russian cinema appeared onlight in Moscow, it happened in April 1988. The girl's parents broke up when she barely left the infancy. However, Natalia Krivozub is very fond of her father, who always found time to communicate with her daughter. By the way, Sergei Krivozub is a famous athlete-athlete, even awarded the title of champion of Europe.

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In her school days, Natasha was not onlylessons. The girl, infected with her father's interest in sports, also played basketball, practiced artistic gymnastics. In high school, she became interested in ballroom dances, for some time she went to a dance school. In addition, Krivozub plays the piano remarkably.

Choice of life path

The decision to become an actress Natalia Krivozub adoptedstill at school. She attended the drama circle, was the permanent star of amateur productions. However, her daughter's dream was not supported by her parents, who wanted her to get a serious profession. Charter to argue with his mother and father, Natasha agreed to become a student of an economic college.

наталья кривозуб дом 2

Being a third-year student, Natalia Krivozubjoined the number of participants in the popular show "Dom-2". In total, her participation in the project lasted 177 days. Anton Borodin became the chosen girl during her filming in "Dom-2", but the couple's relationship did not develop due to various reasons. Becoming a graduate of the college, Natalia did not want to look for an economist's job. She entered the "Pike", successfully graduated from the famous institute in 2012.

Shooting at the cinema

Natalia's debut in the movie took place when the novicethe actress barely turned 14. She played a minor role in the television project "Pushkin: The Last Duel". After that, she was entrusted with episodic roles in several TV series, the most famous being "Damned Paradise". The film "For you" was the first full-length film, in which Natalia Krivozub took part. "Dom-2" - a teleproject, which attracted the attention of the public to the girl, she entrusted small roles to the directors with pleasure.

actress natalya krivozub

The first serious achievement of the young actressbecame the role of Christina Meder, who she played in the series "Golden: Barvikha-2." Her character is the daughter of a rich businessman from the province who recently moved with her family to the capital. Of course, Christina is spoiled, waiting to indulge her whims from all around her.

A vivid image managed to create a girl inadventure film "Mountaineer". The plot of the action-picture revolves around precious stones buried far away in the mountains. The search for treasure is handled by a criminal group led by a brutal criminal authority. Also actress Natalia Krivozub liked viewers in the image of Ulyana, which she played in the television project "Angelica. The girl of your dreams. " Her character is a rival, poisoning the life of the main character.

Life Behind the Scenes

What else is known about such a talented and beautifulgirl, like Natalya Krivozub? The filmography of the actress, of course, interests fans, but even more curiosity is the personal life of the young star. It is known that she met her first love while still a freshman. The chosen girl was businessman Sergey Rusakov, the difference in the age of lovers was not embarrassing.

natalya krivozub filmography

The wedding took place in 2009, but already threeA year later the family disintegrated. It is known that the reason for the divorce was Sergei's discontent with the constant absence of the wife at home. Natalia, engaged primarily in her career, constantly disappeared on the set. At the moment, the heart of the actress is free, she refuses to discuss her personal life with the press. Of course, she is constantly attributed to novels with colleagues on the set, but Krivozub does not pay attention to gossip. Natalia does not have any children yet, but she insists that she will certainly give birth in the future.

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