Water scorpion: reproduction, nutrition

A water scorpion is a kind of bedbug,Living in water bodies where there is no current or it is insignificant. The favorite place is the water environment with abundant vegetation. Plants for water scorpions are a kind of islets, on which these insects and their larvae are. Moreover, adults have tenacious paws for reliable retention on plants.


Insects of Invisibility

These insects do not differ sufficientlymobility, do not hurry too much, moving from place to place. In addition, compared to other beetles that inhabit the pond, the bugs swim very badly. Consequently, to satisfy the need for food, the water scorpion is nothing else than sitting on a plant and waiting for the moment when the production itself will approach. The water scorpion has wings that are not fully used, because they are very weakly developed.

Because of the characteristic hiding color of waterScorpion is almost impossible to notice at once among plants - it differs little from a leaf floating on the water. Masking is only beneficial to the water scorpion. While spending most of the time in a stationary state, it, on the one hand, remains unnoticed by enemies, and on the other hand it helps to easily hunt.


Remaining motionless, the water scorpion instantlyIt comes to life as soon as an unsuspecting victim approaches it. A sharp movement - and the victim is in the front paws of the hunter, which are more like jaws than on limbs: the knees are saber-like, squeezing to the hips with a force felt for the victim, are embedded in the longitudinal groove. A complete analogy with a folding knife, the blade of which, turning, hides in a special slot of the handle.

water scorpion pictures

Like a powerful gripe unfortunate victimIt is compressed by the sharp jaws of the water scorpion, leaving no chance for it. The pre-death pangs of prey cease after the sharp, segmented proboscis is inserted into it. The strength of this tool can be judged from the fact that a person touching an insect with a finger, receives an injection that causes painful sensations. Not everyone can imagine what a water scorpion looks like. Photos will help to see its true shape.

Method of breathing water scorpion

The insect inhales atmospheric air. The respiratory process is due to a long process. In an adult insect, such an organ can be found in the back of its calf. It has the shape of a tube, which consists of two facing grooves facing each other. Air enters the procession after its end emerges from under the water. Moving along the respiratory tube, the air initially accumulates in a closed space under the wings, and then it goes to the abdominal spiracles.

Unlike adult individuals, larvae instead ofrespiratory siphon, which they do not have, small breaths are used for breathing. This process, located at the end of the body of the larva, allows you to spend the necessary time, submerged in water. Not at all dangerous for a human water scorpion, the bite causes only a slight discomfort.

water scorpion bite

Reproduction of water scorpions

The insect reproduces by laying eggs in the internal cavity of the stalk of the plant. Usually this happens in early June.

The name "water scorpion" does not mean at all that this insect is always on the water. Sometimes he wants to crawl ashore and soak up the sun.

Eggs with future offspring of relatively largesizes and oblong-oval shape. One of its poles has a corolla, which consists on the average of 7 (ie from 6 to 8) appendages in the form of strands. The egg is immersed in the internal tissues of the aquatic plant not completely - the appendages that look out from the outside are opened, forming a rosette. Obviously, the appendages are necessary for air to enter the egg. Under favorable conditions, the water scorpion is reproduced perfectly.

water scorpion ordinary

Just appeared in the light, the larvae on the firstlook little different from their parents. A distinctive feature is the absence of a respiratory tube, which will appear after the larva has the last molt.

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