Sandy river: description, sights

Altai region amazes tourists with its beauty -unforgettable landscapes, green meadows, clear water. The sandy river is one of the main attractions of this area. It got its name for a reason. River waters are washed by huge stones, so very often here you can find sandbanks.


The sandy river originates in twentykilometers from the Republic of Altai - near the village of Besh-Ozek. It is the right tributary of the Ob. The river flows near the Seminsky pass at an altitude of 1700 meters. After the settlement of Kuyagan, the reservoir enters the gorge with a large number of rapids. The sandy beaches of the river can be observed only after it leaves the mountains. 15 kilometers from the confluence of Biya and Katun, the Peschanaya River flows into the Ob. On its way it crosses various regions of Altai. Sandy flows through the territories of Solononshensky, Ondugay, Smolensk and Shebalinsky districts.

The Peschanaya River (Altai) has the following boundaries:

  • in the east - Cherginsky Range;
  • in the south - Seminsky and Tenektinsky ridges;
  • in the west - Anaisky ridge.

sandy river


The sandy river was very popular with touristsin the middle of the 20th century, then enthusiasts of extreme sports actively competed on it. Sites with a rapid current and rapids tourists were not always successful. This route was considered very difficult, if not to say, a watershed for the athletes. But this is what the Sand River is known for. Tactics of alloys in athletes were different: someone was lucky, but someone - no.

Today it is a popular place forrafting competitions. For more than 10 years, athletes from all over Russia and abroad have come here to compete for prizes and medals. Together with fans of alloys comes a large audience of spectators and fans. During the competition, the desert territory of Altai turns into a crowded complex. A favorite place for tourists is the canyon with a cascade of obstacles. The most famous rapids of the river are "Jaws", "Mane", "Pink Boom". The area of ​​the Peschanaya basin is 5660 sq. M. The length of the river is 276 kilometers.

In addition to athletes, fishing enthusiasts come to the Altai Territory. Here are the following types of fish:

  • pike;
  • gudgeon;
  • bream;
  • grayling;
  • Chebak;
  • burbot;
  • perch;
  • taimen;
  • crucian carp.

sandy river tactics

Flora and fauna

The banks of the river are covered with forests. In the flat terrain, birch and aspen are more common, in the mountain areas - larch and cedar forests. Historically, there were a lot of villages and villages near the coast. Now populated places there are Solonovka, Ilyinka, Peschanoye, Krasny Gorodok, Sychevka, Linevsky, Kuyagan, Tourak, Baragash, Aleksandrovskoe, Tochilnoye, Shargayt, Novotyryshkino and Smolenskoye.

Near the river basin grows largethe number of herbs and plants. On the fringes, you can find oregano, wild onion, badan, turnip, rhubarb. On the forest plots berries grow: currants, strawberries, hawthorn, raspberries, blackberries, mountain ash and sour cabbage. In spring, the banks of the river are covered with flower carpets and white bird cherry. Also near Peschanaya there is a large number of mushrooms, collectors always leave with full oily mushrooms, boletus, raw and white mushrooms, freckles, pimples.

The fauna of the Altai Territory near the river is veryvarious. Here live wolves, hares, badgers, foxes. The closer to the mountains, the more elks, marals, goats and sheep are found. Representatives of the winged here are not so many - a snipe, a snake, a lark, a waterfowl, a steppe eagle.

sandy river

River tributaries

The Peschanaya River (Altai Territory) has many tributaries:

  1. Adatken.
  2. Kazandu.
  3. Upper and Lower Kudat.
  4. It's an eye.
  5. Baragash.
  6. The baranch.
  8. Fast.
  9. Transversal.
  10. Belokurikha.
  11. Kujanca.
  12. The Kurzun.
  13. Great Silent.
  14. Cuckoo.
  15. Tishka.

sandy Altai river


The most picturesque places of the river areCheeks and estuary. When the pond comes out of the canyon, tourists can admire the incredible scenery. The length of the tract is more than 2 kilometers. Throughout the territory you can see grottoes, crevices and rocks. You can get here on mountain roads. However, to travel on this terrain you need a car with a high ground clearance, since some areas are strewn with large stones. This place is popular among Russian tourists, often there are children's festivals and concerts.

To get to the mouth of the river is even more difficult. Here the machine does not help, because there is not a single road. To admire the picturesque places of the Peschanaya estuary you can only sit on a horse. You can also swim there by boat. This area has an amazing landscape with a lot of floodplain lakes, where nesting waterfowl.

The area where the Sand River flows is veryis diverse. The rapid running of water changes slowly. The river is washed by huge rocks and piles of rocks, forms sandy shallows and flows past steep bumps. It is very difficult to describe this beauty, it is better to see it with your own eyes.

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