Russian Geographical Society. How to enter into it?

More recently, the Russian Geographical Society(RGO) celebrated its 170th anniversary. Founded in the first half of the century before last, it is a unique phenomenon, since it has never ceased to function for all this time. Thus, it is a kind of connecting link between tsarist Russia, the Soviet Union and modern Russia.

Russian Geographical Society how to join

The task of the Society

Since its foundation in 1845, the Russiana geographic society, which, by the way, anyone can enter into, has the task "to collect and direct the best young forces of the country to a comprehensive study of the native land." Therefore, any adult person who has such an aspiration for his life can fill the ranks of this worthy organization. On the terms of entry and talk in the article, but a little later.


And first, let's look at the historical perspective,which led the Society to a solid jubilee. Immediately on the basis of it, it launched a stormy research activity throughout the territory of our vast country. This was accompanied by numerous expeditions to the most remote corners of the Russian Empire, extensive educational activities, since its members were the most famous travelers of the time. Among them are such pillars as Przhevalsky, Semenov-Tien-Shansky, Obruchev, Miklukho-Maklai, Berg and many others.

Russian Geographical Society Festival

Another important part of the Company's activitiesthere was cooperation with the Russian navy. By the way, it included many famous admirals of that time. Not to mention such creators as Aivazovsky and Vereshchagin. As a result, the Company began to appear units in many remote areas, for example, the Caucasian department, the Siberian, the Amur, the North-Western and many others were formed. Each of them conducted active work in the fixed regions. So steadily developed and grew the Russian Geographical Society.

the Russian Geographical Society


We can not say a few words about the interestingphenomenon associated with the development of the Company. The matter is that in 2014 in Moscow the RGO festival was held. Its main task was to show all facets of the Company's activity. Taking into account that RGO offices exist in eighty-five subjects of the Russian Federation, and each of them is engaged in various projects dedicated to preserving the cultural and natural heritage of the regions in which it is represented, it should be said that there was plenty of information at the festival. Modern technologies made it possible to show the public such interesting aspects of work as a trip to the North Pole, diving to the bottom of the famous Baikal, studying the remains of mammoths and many other activities for which the Russian Geographical Society is responsible. The festival as a result was a success.

Finally, we return to the question raisedtitle of the article. Obviously, it is not necessary to be a professional traveler or geographer if someone thinks about how to join the Russian Geographical Society.

How to join

In fact, as already mentioned, for thisyou need to be something out of the ordinary. A member of the Society must be 18 years old, he can be a citizen of any country, regardless of nationality or religion. The most important thing is to study and recognize its charter, and also to promote the implementation of tasks. This, in fact, everything that is required by the Russian Geographical Society. How to enter, by the way, is described in detail in the relevant section of the RGO website.

Russian Geographical Society

The order of entry

Consider the order of the introduction in general terms. After acquaintance with the charter and the Company's regulations, it is necessary to select a regional office, contact its chairman or a person representing the Russian Geographical Society. How to enter into it? To get answers to questions related to this, you can also by the all-Russian number 8-800-700-1845.

Further it is necessary to fill in the statement to whichYou must attach a color photo 3 to 4 centimeters. It is served in the selected regional office. After that the future member of the Society becomes a candidate. Now you need to wait half a year to receive confirmation of the admission. Finally, when a person is admitted to the Society, he must pay a membership fee of one thousand rubles, for which he is issued a ticket of the established pattern.

Subsequently, it must be renewed, payingthree hundred rubles a year. This order is proposed by the Russian Geographical Society. How to enter, we figured out. At this meeting with the RGO can be considered complete. Further, in all likelihood, you should think about how you can prove yourself, being a member of this unusual and so long-existing community. We wish successes to this distinguished reader!

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