Popova: the origin of the name and interesting facts

Popov - the name is very common. According to various sources, she is on the fourth or fifth place in the popularity rating (she shares her place with Sokolov). It is only ahead of Smirnov, Ivanov and Kuznetsov. And only after it followed Lebedev, Kozlov, Novikov, Morozov and Petrov. It is interesting to know what the history of the origin of Popov's name is. Now we will get acquainted with this.

The distant past

Popov is a real ancient Slavic surname. It can occur in several ways.

In addition to the baptismal name usedto avoid the evil eye infrequently, the child received a nickname, which was also called a mundane name. It was common and popular. Therefore, there is nothing strange that when the formation of the names went on, they wrote down from the mundane name, which everyone had heard: Okonka Larionov's son, a peasant named Yuriev, nicknamed Pop; Don stanovichnik, Mihailo Pop.

Mir's personal name Pop was verywidespread. In old records there are Senka Pop, a peasant, Pop Mikhailo, a Don Cossack. To create a surname, we add the suffix "-o" and get "Popov" - a familiar surname. From it turns out a female version - Popova. The origin of the name is consistent with the rules of the Russian language.

The second way of forming a surname

The descendants of the priests also bore the surname of Popov. Or if it was a daughter or a wife, it turned out Popova. The origin of the name in this case came from the kind of activity of a relative.

popova the origin of the surname

By the way, in the Russian North, especially inArkhangelsk province, 20% of the population had the name Popov. The historians attribute this frequency to the fact that the post was an elective one-the priests were not sent from the seminaries and were not appointed, and the residents chose them from their own environment.

Another way of appearance of the surname

People working for the clergy received the nickname of "priest-worker", which was then reduced to the simple name Popov.

name of the popes origin and meaning

A female person who had family ties with him was called Popova. The origin of the name in this case, as you can see, does not bring any particular difficulty.

Next version

According to another version, this surname goes back tothe Latin baptized Publius or Poply ("folk"), shortened to Pop. Naturally, the name later turned out Popov, and in the female version - Popova. The origin of the name in this way to researchers seems less likely, but it is not completely excluded.

What is the meaning of the surname

In general, we found out how the surname could have appearedPopov, the origin and significance of which we consider in our article. At the same time, one can not help but dwell on the issue of lowering the social status of surnames. How does this happen in modern language?

It's no secret that schoolchildren often make surnamesin the nickname. Coming to school, Sokolov becomes "Sukol", Kiselev - "Kiselem", well, Popov - "Pop". This indicates the transition from an official name to a more intimate name, and often without offensive coloring.

This process is exactly the exact oppositeeducation of surnames. A simple conclusion is made. The Russian language is a self-organizing system that stores all the processes that have taken place in it, and, if desired, can reverse them.

People who have made their name famous

history of the origin of the names of priests

Let's remember the famous people who carried the described name:

  • Alexander Stepanovich Popov is the inventor of radio. His hearing instruments were equipped in 1901 with Russian ships.
  • Oleg Popov is a "sunny clown" whoapplauded all the circus arenas of the world. His actions did not have to be translated. He brought joy to all people and as a great artist added to her a share of mild sadness. Therefore, the image created by him is not forgotten. This master "treated" people with laughter.
  • Vladimir Popov is vice-president of the Union of Architects of the Russian Federation. In the 1960s and 1970s, mass housing projects were built on his projects.
  • Sergei Popov - a scientist who conducts research in the field of diseases of the nervous system.
  • The singer Ekaterina Popova (soprano) - made her debut in France, since 2003 she has been working at the Mariinsky Theater.
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