President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov: biography, family and photos

To report that Rustam Minnikhanov is a person inTatarstan is a respected one, this is not to say anything. In the last presidential election in September 2015, more than 90 percent of voters voted for him. Such a serious level of popular trust must be able to win ...

rustam minnikhanov

The President of the Republic of Tatarstan is an outstanding personality and not ordinary. In early October 2015, Instagram conducted a survey, which resulted in Minnikhanov being named the third Russian politician by popularity among the population. Only Vladimir Putin and the leader of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov espoused him. Our article is devoted to the biography of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Early Childhood of the President

President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov was born on the first day of the spring of 1957. His small homeland was the village of New Arysh, in the Rybno-Slobodsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan (at that time - the Tatar ASSR).

The father of the future president Minnikhanov Nurgali Midkhadovich and his mother Vasiga Mubarakovna created a strong alliance, giving life to three boys: Rustam, his elder brother Rifkat and the younger - Raisa.

In the early sixties the family of Minnikhanovsmoved to the Sabinsky district (not far from Kazan), where its head, since 1962, for almost 30 years worked as a director of local forestry. And the keeper of the hearth worked as a teacher in a kindergarten.

president of Tatarstan rustam minnikhanov

Despite the fact that his father held enoughhigh post, children were brought up in rigor and modesty. Rustam Minnikhanov and his brothers did not receive any special privileges, and familiar families were surprised how parents managed to raise such obedient, responsive and hard-working sons.

In the timber enterprise, which was supervised byMinnikhanov, a senior, was often visited by the then Minister of Water Resources and Reclamation Mintimer Shaimiev. He was friends with Nurgali Midgadovich and played a big role in the life of his middle son.

School years

His first school call Minnikhanov RustamNurgaliyevich heard on the threshold of the eight-year forestry. The boy studied well, although he was never an upstart. Teachers still remember his calm, thoughtful character. It is said that the arm never pulled especially, but if you ask, I always answered correctly. He was a year younger than his classmates, but this did not stop him from studying. He was notorious and serious.

After the end of the eight-year period he transferred to the SabinskyHigh school, which was 15 kilometers from the house. And although Rustam Minnikhanov was the son of an influential person in the district, but his father's official position never to be used. He could have been taken to school by private car, but on Mondays and Fridays he traveled back and forth in a covered truck along with his companions. And on weekdays he lived in a boarding school.

rustam minnikhanov biography

And it was a very friendly and cheerful life. With songs, dances, trips to the movies and other simple Soviet times. The favorite subject of the future President of Tatarstan was labor training. Especially the section that dealt with agricultural machinery. The guy understood this technique like no other in the class.

Rustam Minnikhanov's hobbies

Rustam Minnikhanov, whose biography began ina rather deaf, far from the "advanced capital" area, could not in the childhood count on any special delights. And the time was such - difficult and simple.

But the guys found what to do with themselves. From the earliest years Minnikhanov was fond of skiing and "put" all his friends on them. They went skiing to school, they constantly arranged competitions ...

Speed ​​has always remained in the life of RustamNurgalievich, only the skies were somewhat "transformed". Today the president of Tatarstan is seriously fond of motor racing and even has an international rank of master of sports. Already occupying high positions, more than once participated in the championships and won victories.

Another hobby of Minnikhanov is photography. And it too - comes from childhood. His first ever camera, the boy received as a gift from his parents when he was 10 years old. With this "Seagull" Rustam did not part neither day nor night.

Higher education

After receiving the certificate, Rustam Minnikhanov wentconquer Kazan. His goal was the Kazan Agricultural Institute, where a capable young man acted with ease. Lived like everyone else in the hostel, enjoyed the students ...

minnikhanov rustam nurgaliyevich

In 1978, the future president of Tatarstan receiveddiploma specialist in mechanization of agriculture and returned to his native village to apply in practice the knowledge gained. But on this his studies did not end. Soon the young man becomes a student of the Moscow Correspondence Institute of Soviet Trade, which graduates in 1986 with a diploma of a commodity expert in his pocket.

Start of work

The future head of Tatarstan, Rustam Minnikhanov, began his career in 1978 in the Selkhoztekhnika association of the Sabinsky district from the position of a diagnostic engineer.

Two years later he goes to his father in SabinskyLeshoz, where he works as a senior power engineer. And in 1983 he replaced the chairman of the board of the Sabinsky District Consumer Society. A little later - exactly the same district, only in the city of Arsk, falls into its complete submission.

At the dawn of a political career

It's unlikely that the parents and teachers of a young skierthey guessed that they were educating the president ... But the serious character of the boy, his persistence in studies and authority among his comrades hinted at the possibility of a political career. And how much it has become successful - shows today.

So it happened

In 1990, Minnikhanov Rustam Nurgaliyevich waswas appointed chairman of the Arsky Regional Executive Committee and held this post until 1992. The following year, he replaced the head of the administration of the Arsky region, and from 1993 to 1996 Minnikhanov led the Vysokogorsky district.

Rustam Minnikhanov's wife

In this post, he managed to do a lot. For example, to build an autodrome and to conduct a lot of competitions on high-level racing - including the President's Cup of RT.

At the helm of the republic

Head of the district administration Rustam NurgaliyevichI did not stay long - only three years. And after that, his rapid career growth began. Minnikhanov moved to the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan Kazan and in 1996 became Minister of Finance of the Republic of Tatarstan. Mintimer Shaimiev, who at that time was the president of the republic, appointed him to this post.

Many detractors associated thisappointment with the long friendship of Shaimiev and the Minnikhanov family. Evil tongues even rumored that Shaimiev was pulling Minnikhanov's ears, while in itself the latter was a complete zero in politics. But further - more. Two years later, Minnikhanov is already taking up the post of prime minister of Tatarstan and occupying it for the next 12 years.

At first, this turn of events caused a sharp protest from the local elite. She even organized a putsch, however, easily suppressed Shaimiev.

And Rustam Minnikhanov rendered the trust justified. During his reign in the Cabinet of Ministers of Tatarstan, he did a lot for the republic. For example, he made a technological revolution, as a result of which all management documentation was transferred to the electronic form; made the work of officials transparent; achieved the victory of Tatarstan in the race for the right to host the Universiade in 2013, and so on.

President of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov: new heights

January 22, 2010, on the eve of the expiration of itspresidential term, Mr. Shaimiev announced to the then head of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev a request not to nominate him more for this post. Minnikhanov suggested instead.

head of Tatarstan rustam minnikhanov

And Medvedev liked the candidacy. After approval by the State Council of the republic, Rustam Nurgalievich became the president of Tatarstan. On March 25, 2010, he officially entered a new position. He held this important post until March 2015.

Almost half a year - from March 24, 2015 to September 182015 Minnikhanov ran the republic as acting president of the Republic of Tatarstan. And on September 18 he was elected to the main post of Tatarstan by a popular vote. 94.41% of voters had confidence in the acting and. about.

Other areas of Minnikhanov's activities

In addition to the success of the racing driver, who are proud ofTatarstan, Kazan and the whole of Russia, Rustam Minnikhanov also distinguished himself by his activity in the economic sphere. So, for example, in 1997 he was on the supervisory board of Ak Bars bank, and at the very end of the nineties presided in the board of directors of Tatneft. The current president of Tatarstan has a doctorate in economics. He defended his thesis in 2003.

Personal life

Minnikhanov never pleased with the details of his personal life, the hunters who were eager for gossip. Neither he nor his spouse want to be in the center of the press's attention and show maximum modesty.

By the way, Rustam Minnikhanov's first wife, shethe only one younger than him for 12 years. Her name is Gulsina Akhatovna. The future spouses met in Arsk almost 30 years ago. And ever since they have not parted. Rumor has it that Rustam Nurgalievich had to seek the hand and heart of Gulsina for a year. But the marriage was lasting.

The president of Tatarstan in general is an active opponent of divorce and even somewhat toughened the legislation of the republic in this respect. His position proves a personal example.

Rustam Minnikhanov's first wife

Rustam Minnikhanov's wife is engaged in business. She owns one of the elite beauty salons of Kazan. Before the tragedy of 2013, the family had two sons. Now there is only one left - Iskander Minnikhanov, born in 2008.

Catastrophe 17.11.13

On November 17, 2013 the passenger Boeing-737-500crashed when landing at the airport in Kazan. The plane was returning from Moscow. All the passengers died, including the oldest son of Rustam Minnikhanov Irek.

He remained pregnant wife Antonia (French citizen), which exactly one month later gave birth to a girl. The first granddaughter of the president was called Andrian. The victim was incomplete 24 years.

Rustam Minnikhanov, whose biography is inextricably linkedis connected with Tatarstan, received condolences from all corners of the republic. People genuinely mourned with him and his orphaned family. The eldest son of Rustam Nurgalievich was a modest and "not a major" boy. Avoided public events, did not boast of his position in society. However, this he completely and completely inherited his father ...

In conclusion, we wish Rustam Minnikhanov success in his political career and prosperity in his family life.

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