Types of mantis: description, names, features and interesting facts

Mantis - predatory insects, received suchan interesting name for a special "prayerful" posture, which is taken in the process of tracking down prey. Long enough they were ranked among the cockroaches because of the similarity of the signs, but eventually they were assigned to a separate troop of Bogomolovs.

External characteristics of mantis

On the planet there are more than 2 thousand speciesmantises, and all of them radically differ among themselves in color and way of life. How to determine the type of mantis? By external signs, representatives of the order of the Bogomolovs have many similar characteristics: a small triangular head, very mobile, with well-developed eyes, a narrow body, articulate limbs.

types of praying mantises
Available front fenders equippedan intricate pattern, insects are often used for protection; in the event of an approaching danger, they are widely plowed up, rather than frightened off by the enemy. Transparent rear wings are required for flying. Sometimes there are completely wingless or short-winged specimens. How to determine the type of mantis?

Specificity of insect

The most specific feature of such a uniquean insect is its color, which coincides with the coloration of the individual elements of its habitat: stones, grass, flowers, leaves of trees. Mantises of yellow and brown and green color are most common, accounting for 80% of their total number. Immobile mantis in the natural environment is almost impossible to see. The insect can give out its presence only by movement.

Moving mantis slowly, but in the casedanger can very quickly move to a safe distance and again stay in place. Because the beloved pose of such a unique insect is wait and see. Like spiders, mantises are a horseman, ready to wait patiently for a day, unwillingly waiting for a careless gag.

Mantis lead a solitary life. Activity manifests more in the afternoon, as the potential victim is tracked visually. It is because of prolonged waiting that the overwhelming number of insects has a patronizing coloring, and some specimens are a special form of the body. For example, the mantis species that live in the grass are green and resemble a blade of grass, brown-mottled insects look like dry twigs. In the mantis Choerododis stalii, the native tiny specks simulate damage to the leaf plate of the plant. Tropical species of mantises, waiting for their prey in flowers, have a curved abdomen shape and flat lobes on their paws, reminiscent of flower petals.

types of praying mantises
Especially striking is the adaptability to natural colors. Orchid mantis, which at a young age has a white color, grows pink as it grows up, completely indistinguishable from the flower.

Mantis: the most common species

The most common are mantis.

praying mantis in russia species
In Russia, the species of such insectsmost in the steppe regions, as well as in the south of Siberia, the North Caucasus, the Far East, South Africa, Central Asia and Kazakhstan. There also lives a wood mantis from the genus Hierodula and the spotted wing mantis (Iris polystictica).
how to determine the type of mantis
In the southern regions of Europe, Central Asia and the CaucasusThe mantis of Empuza was adapted, characterized by its large dimensions (about 6.5 cm in length), a pointed triangular head and a protruding long growth in front.
types of mantis titles
Preferred open shrubbyspace, the most active in the dark. Larvae appear in the summer and immediately switch to feeding butterflies and filly. In the southern regions of Russia, a mantis of the genus Bolivaria is often found.
what kind of mantis
By the way, Bolivarians, spotted-wing mantises and empuzi in some places become rare representatives of the animal world due to the destruction of dense herbage in the plowing of steppe lands.

Desert types of mantises, whose namesdifficult to remember for an ordinary man in the street, characterized by small size and similarity with ants in the process of movement. Bright representatives are Rivetina (Rivetina and Armena).


Mantis can live as on the upper tierstrees and shrubs, and at the very surface of the earth, in the grass. Thanks to well-developed wings, the insect can fly, moreover, in flight only males are rushing. If there is enough food, the mantis can live on the tree for the rest of his days.

Being heat-loving by nature, the mostcomfortably mantises themselves feel in the tropical and subtropical zone. It is there, in stony deserts and wet forests, that the greatest number of varieties of such an insect occurs. In a cold climate, predators tend to live in the warmest regions: the meadows and steppes.

Features of nutrition

Virtually all types of mantis feedinsects, representatives of the tropics prefer lizards and frogs. For a day the mantis is able to eat 7 small cockroaches, spending on chewing each about half an hour. In the process of eating, it is consistent: first chews soft parts, and then shifts to harder parts. The norm of life for them is cannibalism, which sometimes manifests itself at the most inopportune moment.

what kind of mantis
It is noticed that the female mantis after matingoften eats his chosen one. In order not to appear in the stomach of her lady, the partner performs a ritual dance before the act of copulation, adjusting the female to a peace-loving mood.

Mating of tropical mantises is madeyear-round, the types of mantis of the temperate belt unite in a single impulse in the autumn period. The female can postpone up to four hundred eggs several times. The site of the masonry chooses any suitable surface: the stalk of grass, twigs of trees, sand. Each mound is dipped into a foamy mass, when frozen, forming a capsule of gray, brown or sand color. Maturation of eggs lasts from 3 weeks to six months. In temperate climates, eggs experience hibernation. Mantis nymphs differ from adult insects only by the absence of wings; the shape of the body is exactly the same, as is the gluttony. Adult individuals develop very quickly and in the process of growing up they can survive about fifty worms.

Intimidate the enemy

Mantis - peace-loving insects, but beforeapproaching danger become an unfriendly "hunting" pose. For greater intimidation, sounds can emanate: rustle the wings, snap your feet. If this does not have any effect on the enemy, fly away or rush at the enemy and bite him. And in the attack on the enemy, in an attempt to prick him forward, he puts forward his grasping legs. Enemies of mantises are chameleons, snakes, birds. Today, praying mantises are becoming more popular and in demand animals in domestic insectaria.

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