"Immortal Regiment." Altai region. How is this movement supported in the province?

In 2012 in Tomsk the action began"Immortal Regiment", the founder of which was journalist Sergei Kolotovkin. The meaning of this movement was to go through a parade with portraits of their relatives who participated in the Great Patriotic War as if they were now among the living. A year later, 120 cities of Russia participated in it. In 2015, the project "Immortal Regiment" in our country has become ubiquitous. In each village there are rallies and parades using banners with photos and names of participants in the Great Patriotic War.

"Immortal regiment." Altai region

Do not forget about their veterans and those who died inthe time of the Great Patriotic War and in the Altai. The action "Immortal Regiment" was supported by the Altai Territory with the greatest enthusiasm. Citizens who responded to the call to talk about their relatives, participants in the Second World War, there were a lot in the province. Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Tomsk and Barnaul - these are the cities in which the largest number of stories about the war veterans are written.

So many people ready to support the action"Immortal Regiment" (Altai Territory), is due to the fact that during the war years more people were called to the front from the province than from any other subjects of the Soviet Union.

Immortal Regiment Altai Territory

How can I write down my relatives in the Immortal Regiment?

For each war participant to be recordedin "Immortal Regiment", you need to go to the all-Russian site After the authorization you need to find the heading "Dislocation of the regiment" and choose "Altai Territory". After selecting an area or city, click the button "Write a grandfather in the regiment." In the opened form you should enter the data about the soldier (years of life, front line, awards, memories). The free format of the form allows you to tell in your own words about the participant in the war, write stories from the military biography of veterans, memories of veterans.

This project is planned to continue until,until all who fought for the victory over fascism in 1941-1945 will be recorded on the website and in books devoted to the "Immortal Regiment" both in Altai and in all other regions of Russia.

Where to get a banner?

The one who wants to take part in the action mustbe a banner with the data of his soldier. You can order it in a special workshop, or you can make it yourself. The pattern is one for all. The outer part with the size of 290 by 435 mm contains information about the war participant (surname, name, patronymic, rank). It can be made from any suitable material (plastic, plywood). It is glued to a photo of 245 by 335 mm, which can be printed on the printer. If there is no photo, you can use the logo of the Immortal Regiment. This whole structure is attached to a handle 400 mm long.

To take part in the parade in Barnaul, it is possible, if you come on May 9 to 11 o'clock at Lenin Ave., 71 (a playground near the shopping center "Russia") or Lenin Avenue, 61/13 (a playground near Zernobank).

Action "Immortal Regiment"

Action "Immortal Regiment" in books

In 2014, the Altai published the book "Immortalregiment. People's march of memory. Altai Territory ", which tells about the birth of the initiative" Immortal Regiment "in the Altai, collected memories of relatives and stories of the veterans themselves. The book contains many photographs sent from all over the region by native WWII veterans. On the attached DVD-disk there is photo and audio information about the Altai front-line soldiers, collected by April 10, 2014. The second volume of the book was issued for the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Victory.

Project "Immortal Regiment"

About the song "Immortal Regiment"

Movement "Immortal Regiment" Altai Territorysupported even the hymn written by the poet and composer Anna Dobrosmyslova. This idea came to her in January 2014, when Anna learned about her relatives who died in the war.

Currently prepared studio recordinga hymn that will sound during parades and rallies about all the settlements in the Altai. The song is performed by Anna Dobrosmyslova herself, the arranger is Vladimir Polyantsev.

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