Cherry Chocolate Girl and everything about her

With the onset of spring, everything begins to blossomtrees. For lovers of summer cottages and vegetable gardens, with their own planted fruit-berry trees, the spring-summer season begins. The amateurs and professionals who are in the garden business will certainly plant trees. Among many fruit trees, Cherry Chocolate will not be left without attention.

cherry chocolate

It appeared after crossing two differentvarieties, namely, Shirpotreb and Lubskoy, in 1996. If all the favorable conditions are created, the Chocolate Sugar Cherry can reach from two to two and a half meters in height. The crown of this tree is not very dense (medium), in the form of a reverse pyramid, while slightly elevated and compact.

The buds of this type of cherry are conical, longfour millimeters, grow tightly pressed to shoots. The leaves are green in egg-shaped form, with a sharp base and blunt-pointed apex, the flat plate has a matte surface. Cherry Chocolate has an inflorescence of three flowers, an open corolla size of 17.5 mm, as well as freely located white petals.

Fruits weighing 3.5 grams, wide and round, with nota very pronounced funnel, almost black, sweet and sour with light bitterness. These fruits are somewhat like cherries. The pulp and the juice are dark red. Bone round, small (almost invisible), yellow, separates from the pulp very easily.

cherry planting

Cherry begins its flowering chocolatemid-May. Berries ripen in about the middle of July. The tree begins to bear fruit only for the fourth year after planting. Wood and cherry buds are resistant to frost. This variety has a unique quality - self-fertilization, so in case of bad weather, pollination occurs at the expense of its own pollen.

Cherry Shokoladnitsa brings a good harvest, which is notmay not please its owners. The variety is resistant to drought, but it needs direct sunlight - in this respect, the tree is very fastidious. In shaded places, it does not bear much fruit. For planting this variety of cherries do not fit sandy land, a tree on such soil lacks food and water. However, too much moisturizing for this variety is also not recommended. You should know that Chocolate Fruit is susceptible to some fungal diseases.

To plant a cherry went by all the rules,It is necessary to check the rhizome of the seedling beforehand. In the event that the roots are dry, it is better to put them in water for a couple of hours. Then you need to make a small hill in the pit with a cone around which the roots are laid out, and then sprinkle with the earth. Approximately at a distance of thirty centimeters, a hole is made along which water will flow to the tree during watering. This is the type of watering required by Chocolate Girl. Despite the laboriousness, it gives the best result.


Pruning cherries also requires some knowledge offlowering and growth of this variety. You need to spend it in the spring before the appearance of the kidneys. If you do not have time to prun till this point, then it will be best to do it next year. Otherwise, it is possible that the tree will be severely damaged, and its branches will shrink, which is quite a serious problem.

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