Igor Vdovin - husband Volochkova: biography, personal life. Igor Vdovin married the singer Varvara

This person became known throughout the country after hisromance with ballerina Anastasia Volochkova, who took him away from his wife and three children. Then, 12 years ago, this relationship seemed like a beautiful fairy tale, which, as is often the case, suddenly ended. And even now, when he already has another family, the ballerina has not calmed down, starting up new quarrels. So, the hero of our article will be Igor Vdovin, Volochkova's husband, whose biography is not as well known as his ex-wife.

And again the battle continues ...

Life goes on. Everyone knows this. But... Three years ago Anastasia Volochkova gave a very incomprehensible interview to Komsomolskaya Pravda in which she in each sentence lamented that her ex-husband had a new passion. She reproached him for the fact that Igor now rarely appears in their house, and earlier no ballerina concert was held without a huge bouquet of white roses. She assured me that Igor Vdovin (Volochkova's husband), whose biography is now thicker on one page, is trying to show to her new lady that Nastya is no longer in his life. An is not so true: Vdovin always supports Nastya's family and her whole team.

Respect for the present to the former ...

Anastasia Volochkova assured the journalists that inThis is the human duty, the continuing duty of Vdovin. And if there is a woman next to him who will forbid him to come to her and their daughters, she will never understand this. But if this woman is normal, respectable, she will accept Volochkov.

Igor the widow, the man of the wagging biography

The ballerina is confident that any newthe chosen one should be honored with respect for his previous wife, because she is not some kind of Varya or Masha, namely Anastasia Volochkova. She publicly declared that she deserved an armful of white roses from her former wife to her feet every day.

Who flowers from her ex-husband?

As it turned out, Igor Vdovin (Volochkova's husband),whose biography in recent years has become the subject of curiosity of many Russians, at the time of the interview, Volochkova has already created a new family with a singer named Varya Demidova. Indeed, not for nothing did the ballerina mention her name in her statements. At that time Varvara Demidova had already reached her 30th birthday, she was even "a little over thirty". Just a great opportunity to find your prince, which she did very, very successfully.

Anastasia Volochkova

The girl came to Moscow from Perm by invitationOleg Nesterov - musician and producer. She somehow sent her demo record to the studio, which Nesterov considered rather good. An album was recorded, and a little later Varvara Demidova began to write songs in the style of pop. Since the producer did not work with this genre, they terminated the contract. But later she was lucky: it was Oleg who introduced Varvara to the guys from the group "Bi-2", in tandem with whom she recorded five of her songs. They went together to concerts, touring. And at one of such large-scale concerts, it was noticed by businessman and lawyer Igor Vdovin.

The story of the life of a tough businessman

Igor Vdovin (Volochkova's husband), whose biography became interested in many after his romance with a ballerina, was born in Kazakhstan, in the city of Alma-Ata, on February 22, 1964.

Little is known about his childhood. They write that at school he studied quite diligently and was very hardworking.

barbarian demidov

In 1995 he became a graduate of the Kubanlaw university, receiving a diploma in the specialization of "jurisprudence." A little later, Vdovin Igor Aleksandrovich became a graduate student of the Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (St. Petersburg). Only four years after graduation, he became a candidate of science. Vdovin succeeded very successfully in defending his dissertational work. Three years later, in 2002, he received his doctorate.

His career growth

Work Vdovin Igor Alexandrovich began in 1992. And only six years later he became chairman of the Board of Direct Investments, which was at that time a very prestigious post. This was a non-commercial partnership in the Center for Legal and Investment Programs.

widow igory alexandrovich

Since 2001 Igor Vdovin has become chairmanboard of investment agency. And other, not less interesting positions occupied by it was enough. But along with this he did not refuse to teach, even bears the honorary title of professor of the Higher School of Economics.

A famous woman in the life of a businessman

When in his life the ballerina of the Bolshoi appearedtheater, he thought that this relationship will last a long time. He even left the family for her, leaving his wife and three children (two boys and a girl). In 2005, he had a daughter from Volochkova - Ariadne. Two years later, a gorgeous wedding was played, on which the bride kept changing her outfits. But such a beautiful ceremony did not save their relationship: after another year they broke up.

 igor of the widows married to the barbarian

After that, they began to talk in interviews with print media that the wedding was fictitious and they did not put their signatures on the document. Everything was done out of love for art.

So far, Volochkova can not forget about 3 milliondollars, which she allegedly took on credit at the request of Igor. Then she agreed to fulfill his request, not forgetting to mention that 1 million will go to a smart wedding. According to the ballerina, Vdovin never returned the money. And Igor Vdovin, a businessman, motivates it by the fact that they are one family, so there can not be a debt a priori.

Finally, under the wreath

Just over a year ago, all the country's mass media flew aroundnews: Igor Vdovin got married. This time officially. His wife was the singer Varvara Demidova, who is younger than him for 17 years. Igor Vdovin married Varvara on April 21, 2015.

The celebration took place in one of the registry offices of the Moscow region. The bride chose not to wear a fluffy wedding dress, but she did not refuse to decorate her head. It was a wreath of fresh flowers.

Before the marriage, the couple met almost twoyear, but never exhibited relations on public display. Therefore, they managed to keep everything a secret. Well, except for family and closest friends.

widow ihor alexandrovich wife

And now, more than a year after the wedding, they enjoy each other's company, as in the first days.

Vdovin Igor, wife which recalls a touching, ephemeral creature, loves to give her, like a queen, diadems and fulfill all her desires, even the most-most ...

In the midst of winter, he brings her bouquets of daisies, not forgetting about the beautiful white roses. And one morning, waking up, Varvara discovered in the garden near her house a real living deer.

Igor's children from his first wife are happy for Dad. They are in a very warm relationship with Barbara. Demidova adds that everything is good in their life, while Volochkova does not poison his life with Igor.

As for Igor, and for Barbara, this marriage is the first official, although they have experience of civil relations in the past.

Life truth...

The journalists who were not sitting around managed to find out thatThe real name of the young wife is Timchenko, she was born on January 23, 1980. She studied at the University of Damascus, studied English literature. At the age of 19 Varvara gave birth to her daughter Maria, with whom they are more friends, weeks mother and daughter.

igor widow businessman

When Volochkova was asked about her attitude toto such a grandiose change in the personal life of her ex-husband, she said she heard about it for the first time. And his personal life, she has long been not interested. And she ostensibly did not ask to return the debt, because she considers it humiliating. True, the ballerina invited Vdovinu to "work off" this debt, helping to create demonstrative photoshoots that speak of Ariadne's loving parents and that Igor has returned to Anastasia. By the way, she could not let go of Igor. Even after she was robbed, she said that he did it. The businessman, reading about this in print, was only amazed at her invention, because he does not need money.

By the way, some evil languages ​​claim that in addition tothree children from his first wife and daughter from the ballerina, Vdovin has another daughter from a completely different woman. Whether it's true or not, is not known for certain, but the same evil tongues repeat that in the personal life of a businessman there is one interesting regularity: he changes his wives every four years.

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