Who is Saint Valentine? Origin and history of the feast of St. Valentine

Almost all over the world on February 14 peopleCelebrate Valentine's Day for many years now. They give their second half hearts, most often in the form of postcards, pleasing with various romantic surprises. However, who is St. Valentine, where all these traditions originated and why they are so venerated in our time, very few people know. Well, let's try to understand the history of this celebration, plunging into the depths of religion and mythology, and also focusing on the traditions of various countries and peoples.

who is a holy valentine

Retrospective of legends about the origin of this saint

About who Saint Valentine is, there are threeof the legend. To be more precise, under the given name, three people are known in the Catholic Church. The first one is Valentin Rimsky, who worked in Rome as a clergyman. He died in the third century of our era as a result of the persecutions that took place during the collapse of the Roman Empire. The second character is Valentine, who also worked in Italy as a church bishop. He was executed in 270 and buried in the environs of Rome. The third one is a person completely unknown to people of our time. Some, however, believe that he was a warrior and died during the campaign of the Roman army on Carthage. With the onset of the Middle Ages, when all sorts of romanticism, art and other manifestations of the beautiful were under strict prohibition, Valentine people painted as an associate who propagated the Catholic (Catholic) idea throughout the world.

history of the celebration of the holy Valentine's Day

A beautiful fairy tale that could be true

Today there is a so-called "Goldenlegend ", which tells about who is St. Valentine, where he lived and why he became the patron of all lovers. So, once ruling in the Roman Empire Claudius II considered that young men were reluctantly entering his army. It seemed to him that it was the wives who did not let them go to war, so the emperor signed a decree banning weddings for every unmarried member of the stronger sex. Valentine was a local healer, a preacher of Christianity. Along with this, he secretly married lovers. Once a man turned to him, whose daughter Julia was blind, and he appointed her ointment. Later, Claudia heard rumors of secret weddings, and Valentine was locked in prison. Knowing that he was being executed, he sent Julia an envelope, where, along with the healing saffron, left a message with the text "Your Valentine". The former physician was executed on February 14, and the girl opened her envelope and gained sight. Officially, this holiday was included in the church canons in 496 year.

the origin of St. Valentine's Day

Inconsistencies in the beautiful legend

The history of the celebration of Valentine's Day,which was outlined in the previous paragraph, can not be true for several reasons. Firstly, the Holy Martyr himself lived in Rome in the third century of our era, when the wedding ceremonies as such did not yet exist. This is due primarily to the fact that at the moment in the Roman Empire, Christianity has not yet prevailed, and all citizens, including the ruler, remained pagans. The brothers could do this secretly and publicly, therefore, such rumors could hardly reach the emperor. Although it is not true to say that every word in this legend is fiction, it is not worth it, since a saint with a similar name is fully recognized by the Catholic Church, and most often he is identified with a doctor who prayed for every sick person in the world and helped every person who asked its about healing.

the history of the appearance of St. Valentine's Day

The Origin of Valentine's Day by Pagan Theory

Some historians believe that this celebrationwas invented, like St. Valentine himself, in order to oust from the Roman traditions a very cruel pagan holiday. By a long tradition, the city of Rome was founded by the brothers - Romulus and Remus, who were fed by their milk wolf. That is why every year the inhabitants of the empire sacrificed one sheep (food of wolves), as well as a dog (an animal that wolves hate). The skin of dead animals was divided into narrow thin belts, after which completely naked young guys lashed them all who were caught on the way. It is noteworthy that young girls tried to hit these blows, because it was believed that the scars allow to successfully marry, endure and give birth to a child. In its turn, the history of the appearance of Valentine's Day is due to the fact that these belts were called "februa", and the ritual itself was performed in the middle of this February, which in Romano-Germanic languages ​​sounds like "februaire" and its other derivatives.

the origin of the feast of St. Valentine's Day

Love rituals associated with this triumph

In the familiar form for us, the holiday of alllovers began to celebrate only in the 19th century in the UK. Of course, no one knew who St. Valentine was, and also the history of the origin of this whole ritual. For people, this has already become a mere entertainment, which appeared either at the behest of the Pope or at some local government decree. However, every year on February 14, the young men pulled out of the drum notes, which indicated the names of the girls they knew. So there were "couples" who during the year had to take courtship of each other, after which they could part ways or get married. Later this tradition migrated to the United States, where it gained great popularity and new rules, many of which are familiar to us today.

History of the Valentine's Day in the 20th Century

At the dawn of the new century for such entertainmenttook their newly minted businessmen. On sale, thanks to them, there were cards in the form of hearts, specialized gift bouquets, candy and other trifles. Also, the owners of restaurants and cafes began to organize certain programs, which could only be attended by couples in love. Gradually, this celebration became an excellent opportunity to earn on the sale of postcards, "valentines", flowers, good wine and other presents, which today, as a rule, men give their beloved ladies. In the 21st century, in honor of such a holiday, they just do not like it. And DJ specialized sets, and movies, and concerts, and many other activities.

history of the feast of the holy valentine

Traditions that depend on the culture of a particular country

Despite the fact that we now know whoSt. Valentine, and that his homeland is Italy, the celebration that takes place in his honor covers the whole world. In England, where the feast was first celebrated, in our day most often wonder ... on birds. If on February 14 you first see the robin - then you and the sailor will live happily ever after. A sparrow is found most often to a poor groom, but a dandy is a clear messenger of a rich prince. When this holiday became the property of the Americans, their men took for the tradition of giving their second half the marzipans. Today they are easily replaced with chocolate and other confectionery products, but their color should remain red or white. The most expensive gifts to their women are made by the French - they present jewels and jewelry to those they love. But in Japan, citizens are limited only to chocolate. In this case, this product is a manifestation of pure love, and confess their feelings can both a man and a woman.


Such a mysterious and diverse originholiday "Valentine's Day" made him a world celebration. In our country, it also gained popularity, but only with the beginning of the 1990s. It is also widely accepted throughout the world that marriages concluded on February 14 will not only be happy, but also eternal.

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