New York Museum of Modern Art: history, review, interesting facts and reviews

One of the most important places of cultural leisure in the USAis the New York Museum of Modern Art (MoMA). Here, before having time to enter properly, visitors encounter a masterpiece of Picasso. Indifferent after visiting this institution usually no one remains.

New York Museum of Modern Art

MoMA Overview

This museum is designed to surprise and even shock the public. Such a concept almost a century ago was a challenge to the traditional notion of art.

Now he occupies a building that is aindependent work. It exhibits various periods of contemporary art, beginning with the end of the XIX century. In addition, there is a cinema and a restaurant.

Museum of Modern Art in New York

A visit to the cinema does not need to be paid separately. It occupies 2 underground floors. Here you can accidentally get on any film from the MoMA foundation. So, the next variety of works is demonstrated - in the form of cinema and video.

Historical Aspects

Create a New York Museum of Modern Artbecame possible thanks to the patronage of patrons (the Rockefeller clan). It began functioning in 1928. At that time he occupied several premises of one office building. Subsequently, MoMA built a separate building (1939), which was reconstructed in the middle of the last century by the famous Japanese architect. After which it acquired the present form.

museum of modern art moma new york

MoMA was originally an educational institution. In addition to the main activities, a number of educational programs are being implemented within its walls, as well as exhibitions, a library, a restoration workshop and a research laboratory.

New York Museum of Modern Art in itstime almost lost the most valuable specimens of his collection after the conclusion of the contract with the Metropolitan Museum. According to this document, he had to transfer all the works that in time passed to the category of classical, into the fund of the Underground. Fortunately, MoMA terminated this contract six years after its conclusion.

What is MoMA?

The entire territory of the museum is a space forexhibitions and installations. Various events here are held regularly. The sixth floor of its building is designed for special exhibitions. The site has an archive of all expositions with a systematized catalog of exhibits that have been exhibited on them.

museum of modern art in new york prices

Fill the New York Museum of Modern Artart works of great masters. The collection of MoMA exceeds 150 thousand works. Due to the active activities of his financial position allows you to constantly replenish the stock of funds. This is also facilitated by state support and funds from sponsors.

MoMA is an international cultural centeractivity. Within its walls there are often various events of a world scale connected with contemporary art. These events can be visited by any art connoisseur or professional. The Internet resource of the museum contains a calendar of all upcoming events with their announcement.

What masterpieces can be found in MoMA

Here you can join the modern artin all its facets and hypostases. In addition to painting, there are architecture, design, copies of printed graphics, photo art, books with illustrations, videos and movies.

New York Museum of Modern Art reviews

During the visit to the museum there is an opportunityTo contemplate, as here presented Van Gogh ("Starry Night"). The New York Museum of Modern Art is also famous for paintings by Picasso ("Avignon girls"), Malevich ("White on White"), and other best-known authors.

Here is collected the most extensive collection of works by Picasso. Traditional painting coexists with unthinkable installations (on neighboring floors).

 Museum of Contemporary Art in USA New York

The collection is divided by floor, depending on thetime periods and directions (style). It is more correct to start looking at the exhibits, moving from the last floor. On each successive floor (from top to bottom) newer exhibits are placed. It is recommended to overcome the distance between the floors on the stairs, because otherwise you can skip, for example, Matisse's masterpiece called "Dance".

Here are the workspost-impressionism, surrealism, and other areas. In particular, the creations of Cezanne, Modigliani, Kandinsky, Brancusi, and other great authors. Installation with these works takes the fifth floor of the museum.

Starry Night New York Museum of Modern Art

American authors

The Museum of Modern Art in New York has becomecult, thanks to the flowering of American art-art in the period covered by it (abstract expressionism, minimalism, pop art). Perhaps this was partly facilitated by MoMA.

New York Museum of Contemporary Art

The visitor here must find out what is considereda masterpiece, from the point of view of modern art-art, and where there is a fine line between it and kitsch. In particular, the example of works by Andy Warhol. In addition to it, the museum presents the works of Rothko, De Kooning, Liechtenstein, and other US authors. You will find here and little-known at the moment the new American authors.

Design art

Design is part of the collection. In this regard, the New York Museum of Modern Art provides an opportunity to trace the latest history of design in all its metamorphoses and stylistic colors.

New York Museum of Modern Art

Here you can see different styles of design onsamples of interior and exterior elements. The exhibits are represented here also in the form of furniture - chairs, armchairs, lamps, window grilles from Gaudi, etc. On the ground floor there is a sculpture garden where you can find the original work - the entrance to the station of the Paris Metro, authored by Guimard.

MoMA will also help buy or sell works of modern design. This is facilitated by holding all sorts of exhibitions.

New York Museum of Modern Art

Special esthetes consider and feel everythingworks of MoMA are impossible in a short period of time. Enjoy this aesthetic pleasure can be fully in the course of several consecutive visits. Good ticket does not need to be bought every time anew (a month).

How to go to MoMA

Museum of Modern Art in the USA (New York)it is not difficult to find. Its main building is located at: Manhattan, between 5 and 6 Avenue. You can get there by metro. MoMA has another Art Center on Long Island (Jackson Avenue, 22-25).

New York Museum of Modern Art

You can visit at any time of the week Museummodern art in New York. Prices for visits are: $ 25 - adult, $ 18 - pension (with pension certificate), $ 14 - student (with student). There is a free entry once a week - on Fridays, from 4 pm to 8 pm. Visitors who have not reached the age of 16 are free all the time.

The specified price includes the audio guide service. A little more than 3 million tourists from all over the world visit it every year. Tickets to MoMA can be purchased online at his website.

You can also visit the museum withusing its official Internet resource. There you can see all the detailed information about MoMA: location on the map, opening hours, schedule of events, etc.

Souvenirs and other goods

Visiting the Museum of Modern Art in New Yorkor on its website online you can buy various souvenirs associated with it, or sold them art. For example, in this way you can buy small copies of masterpieces or original works of promising new authors.

New York Museum of Modern Art

Museum of Modern Art MoMA (New York)contains a shop selling design objects and books, as well as a separate bookstore on the second floor. In New York there are also 2 stores of design objects MoMA - next to the museum and on Broadway (Spring Street, 81).

The museum is actively working to increase volumesits sales, for example, by opening a huge branch in Tokyo. It can be purchased in the same way as through its online store, a variety of design objects, including reproductions, books, interior items, and even household appliances.

Delivery of goods from MoMA is also made to Russia. It can be accompanied by accompanying services, the taste of the buyer. For example, you can get a greeting card attachment, and so on.

Reviews about MoMA

Visiting the New York Museum of Modern Artart, reviews about it people often leave positive. This object can be safely attributed to places that are worth visiting at least once in life, especially those who have anything to do with art.

New York Museum of Modern Art

However, the avant-garde may not be understandable for children and many older people for objective reasons. And so visiting this museum is hardly ideal for a family holiday.

The museum has its own blog, where events are discussed in MoMA, and there is an exchange of views on issues of its thematic focus. The blog helps to keep MoMA in touch with the cultural community.


MoMA is not exactly a "museum" in the traditionalsense, and a whole system for the study, promotion and support of new trends (in its way grafting one's own taste), as well as the commercialization of art. There is no sense of decrepitude, antiquity, mustiness, etc. The museum is really modern in every respect - in terms of equipping, updating the collection, directions and organization of work, technical support, related services, etc.

Museum of Modern Art MoMa (New York)aims to make the visitor feel the sense of novelty and advancement, as well as the spirit of the legendary American freedom. This contributes to the accompanying design: spacious rooms, high ceilings, lots of light, minimalism in the halls. For these reasons, the Museum of Modern Art in the United States (New York) is always so nice to visit. In online stores MoMA can also get quality service and purchase unique items. All this speaks for good management, leading to the success of the organization and its development in all respects.

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