What kind of ear pierce men of different orientations

In our time, it's no secret that menon a par with women also pierce their ears and wear earrings. Today, ear piercing is the most popular of all kinds of piercings. The first in this direction went in ancient times sea pirates, and by how pierced the ear from the recruit, the team decided on whether or not to take it aboard.

left or right ear pierced by men

What an ear to pierce, everyone decides for himself

What kind of ear pierce men normalorientation? The answer is definitely left. The right ear is pierced by men who are striving for same-sex love. But not everyone understands this, and sometimes they include men with pierced ears to the blue, without going into details.

Women also treat this in two ways, many of themthey believe that men should not decorate themselves with some trinkets. But the piercing of the ears of men is a trend of modern fashion, and some of them follow it.

So what an ear pierce men are unconventionalorientation? There is an opinion that gay men pierce the right lobe to show the public their preferences in a sexual sense. It is impossible to answer this question exactly. Perhaps some of them do, but not all.

Left or right ear pierced men? This question has as many answers as there are opinions in society. There is only a generally accepted division, but doing it is as subjective as wearing an engagement ring or engagement ring. Someone wears on the right hand, someone - on the left, and someone does not wear at all.

Now, ear piercing still more often givesbelonging to any grouping. What kind of ear men pierce in each such case, it is difficult to answer - everything depends on their specific direction. But, as a rule, in addition to the fact that members of these teams pierce the same ear, they also wear the same earring as a distinctive sign.

Do men need jewelry

Now the boundaries between male and femaleornaments are practically erased. To wear or not earrings, each individual man independently decides. There are always very many opponents and defenders of this fashionable climate. And do not rush to premature conclusions - the presence of earrings in men's ears does not necessarily indicate their belonging to a minority, perhaps it's just a tribute to fashion.

what ear do men pierce

Earrings, which men choose themselves, usually come in several forms:

  • earrings-carnations;
  • earrings-tunnels;
  • ring earrings.

Earring-studs have the most extensive choice. They can be any shape and size, with different pictures and pebbles, from gold, silver and medical steel. But with these earrings, wounds in the ears heal the worst, since the jewelry in question does not have any possibility of movement in the ear. Therefore, choosing the first earrings for a puncture, it is better to choose any others.

Earrings-tunnels, perhaps, the most extreme of all. During their wearing, skin tissues stretch very strongly, and to correct such a defect in the future, cosmetic surgery will be required.

The most convenient and practical are earrings-rings. But they are not loved by all men and do not always want to wear such jewelry.

Depends whether the puncture of the ear of a man from his character

There is an opinion that men with pierced ears are characterized by the following character traits:

  • romanticism;
  • kindness;
  • dreaminess;
  • emotionality.

Those who wish can find a lot of useful information from psychologists who give a lot of interpretations to how and why representatives of the stronger sex pierce their ears.

what ear pierce men of normal orientation

How and where to pierce ears

In modern beauty salons or piercing salons you can pierce your earlobe in two well-known ways:

  • with the help of a medical needle;
  • with the help of a special pistol.

Ear piercing can be of different types:

  • Ear piercing.
  • Puncture of the auricle.
  • "Industrial" - piercing two holes in the upper part of the cartilage of the ear.
  • Puncture tragus - the tragus.
  • The piercing of the anti-trap is antitragusa.

ear piercing men

Pricking ears is only necessary for professional masters. This will allow you to protect yourself from possible infection or inflammation in the future.

Recommendations for caring for the puncture site are verysimple: until complete healing, it is necessary to treat the wound site every day with any antiseptics and do not change jewelry, especially for products made of cheap metals.

Contraindications to piercings

What kind of ear pierce men, they decide only. But any piercing has several contraindications, which should be taken into account: various diseases of the skin, blood, kidneys, etc. Before piercing your ear, remember that from any piercing keloid scars can be formed, which then will remain with you for life. You can get rid of them with the help of aesthetic cosmetology, but it will be very expensive.

Learn about their predisposition to such scarssometimes you can only after you have already made a puncture. Another hidden danger of piercing ears and wearing earrings is the occurrence of an allergy to some kind of metal.

And there is a piercing in your body that canto break some processes in the body. After all, everyone has heard about acupuncture, implying the presence of certain points on our body, the impact on which can change the functioning of certain organs. So you need to be very careful.

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