Belyanka - mushrooms with the smell of geranium

Belyans - fungi, which are scientifically called"freckles are white." They are representatives of the Mlechniki. Despite this name, meringues are mushrooms, the color of which can be pinkish and even orange in color. In the people they are also called "fluffy mushrooms" because of the specific nap on the bonnet.



A whiting is a mushroom that has a convexsilky-fluffy dry (rarely mucous) hat with a depression in the center. Its diameter is 4-9 cm. Fluffy edges are wrapped. As the mushroom grows older, the hat turns around and sometimes becomes funnel-shaped. Its color can be white, white-cream, slightly pink. Seredinka - pinkish-pale yellow. Platelets of the fungus are frequent, slightly run down, accreted, narrow. Their color is white or pinkish. Cream spore powder. The stem of the fungus is cylindrical, 1.5-2 cm in diameter, and grows 2-4 cm in height. It is thin-fluffy (sometimes naked), hollow inside, light-pale with a pink tint or white in color. Whitecaps are mushrooms, the milky juice of which is very caustic. If it gets on the skin, it causes irritation. In air, the color does not change. Belyans are very similar to a pink girl. Find differences between them is quite difficult, but the first has a light hat and small disputes. Biologists often understand, only by holding a microscope, that they are not pink, but mushrooms. Photos can be seen in this article. This mushroom smells of geranium.

White mushrooms photo

Habitat and distribution

Belyans - fungi, which create mycorrhizas withbirches. Therefore, they occur in birch forests mixed with this tree. They prefer wet places. This fungus can be found on forest edges, in young birch forests, on the waysides of roads and paths. Most often they grow in groups. They occur throughout the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere (North America, Eurasia). In the Russian Federation, they are particularly rich in the European part of the country. Belyans gather from July to October.

Culinary properties

Belyans are fungi, considered conditionally edible. They are assigned a second category, which indicates a good quality. To completely get rid of caustic juice, which contains unsafe compounds, it is recommended to pre-soak white waves for two days. Then they need 15 minutes to boil. The mushroom is consumed in fried, stewed, salted and marinated.

Whisking mushroom

Application in medicine

In Scandinavian countries, whitewash is used fortreatment of various diseases. In domestic folk medicine boiled and fresh white freckles are used to treat various skin diseases, stomach disorders, constipation. The juice of fresh mushrooms is rubbed into the skin, affected by the fungus. It also helps with the sweating of the feet. Decoction of this fungus with celandine, a string, young birch leaves, chamomile is used to treat children's diathesis and scrofula. With rheumatism, gout and polyarthritis with the same make-up baths for the feet. It should be noted that the healing properties of whitewash to the end has not yet been studied. As a medicinal raw material, mushrooms can be stored dried in tightly ukuporennyh banks.

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