Actor Yevgeny Zharikov: biography

He was called the Soviet Alain Delon. A tall, fair-haired boy became the idol of many girls in the 60s-70s. But what was his way to the cinema, and how did the personal life of such a handsome actor Yevgeny Zharikov develop?

Family and childhood

He was born in 1941 in the city of Moscow in the familywriter and schoolteacher. Since his childhood fell on hard wartime, he had to live in early years in Zagorsk, with his grandparents, because besides him there were five children in the Zharikov family. But this did not stop him from becoming a strong and independent kid. He was a very athletic boy, and he also knew how to do everything in the household.

Educated and intelligent parents were vaccinatedson love of beauty, and partly due to their influence he was drawn to the cinema. Although there is another version: in VGIK there was a girl who liked the young Wife. Whatever it was, it was in this university decided to file documents Eugene Zharikov. His biography could have developed quite differently, but the vocation is a calling.

Evgeny Zharikov: Biography

The first steps in the movie

A young student entered the workshop of TamaraMakarova and Sergei Gerasimov. Immediately, in the first year, he showed that he had chosen the right life path, making his debut in the tape of Yulia Raizman "And if it's love" in the role of Sergei. Success did not go unnoticed, and the following year he just as safely played in Andrei Tarkovsky's film "Ivan's Childhood." This time it was the role of Lieutenant Galtsev.

On a wave of success, director Henry Hovhannisyaninvites Eugene in his romantic comedy "Three Plus Two", where he got the role of a charming diplomat Vadim. This film is still the actor's calling card. By the way, Zharikov had an idea to withdraw the continuation of the picture, as if the characters met again many years later, however, unfortunately, he failed to realize his plans.

Evgeny Zharikov (biography): the cause of death

After graduating from high school Evgeny Zharikov predicteda good career in Soviet cinema, though at that time, to everyone's surprise, he went to the GDR, signing a contract for shooting in the series. It was called "Russian for you". The shooting lasted 2 years, then Evgeny Zharikov returned to Russia, where he began working at the Moscow Theater-Studio of the film actor. During the time spent outside his homeland, he did not have time to forget, however, at first they offered secondary and episodic roles.


On average, between 1966 and 2011, every yearcame out one or two pictures, where he played Eugene Zharikov. His biography has about 60 roles. He did not have any creative downtime, he was always invited to appear.

In the filmography of Zharikov many diverseroles, and he himself called himself a universal actor. The image of the mysterious and fairy Lel from the Snow Maiden, and participation in the same fantastic adaptation of Belyaev's book The Seller of Air, and the role of surgeon Shulgin in the film Seven Hours Before Dying, and even the image of a bishop in the painting Richard Lion A heart". True, after the film "Born by the Revolution," where the hero of Zharikova Nikolai Kondratyev becomes a general, Evgeny has the roles of the same generals, captains, commanders-in-chief, etc. He also played historical personalities like Klim Voroshilov and even Stalin.

Since 1988, Evgeny Zharikov headed the Guild of actors of the USSR, and then - the Russian Federation. This organization, as a kind of trade union, helped those actors who remained in the 1990s without work.

Evgeny Zharikov (biography): personal life

Actors do not always manage to create a strong family,but you can not say such a thing about him. Enough happy in his personal life was the actor Yevgeny Zharikov. His biography, however, is full of all sorts of short novels. He was charming, and so hundreds of women were his desperate fans. He was often credited with novels with his companions on shootings, for example with Natalia Kustinskaya, with whom he played in the movie "Three plus two."

Officially married was an actor twice. In his first marriage with the instructor in figure skating Valentina, he lived for 12 years, but divorced because of the lack of children. The love of her life - actress Natalia Gvozdikova - he met on the set of paintings "Near these windows." He very quickly fell in love with a charming blue-eyed blonde.

Evgeny Zharikov (biography): personal life

So when he was offered to star in the film"Born by the Revolution," which later became fateful for the actor, he convinced the director to take on the role of the wife of his hero, it was Natalia. Very soon their union on the screen grew into a happy family. In 1976, the couple had their only son, Fedor.

Actor Yevgeny Zharikov: biography

Although in the early 2000s in the press a scandal thundered,related to the fact that Eugene had two illegitimate children. Natalia forgave her husband, and the family dignified out of this situation. Until now, their stellar union is considered an example for imitation.

Evgeny Zharikov (biography): the cause of death

Last years were not easy for the actor. Evgeny Zharikov, whose biography was full of events, suffered from health problems at the end of his life. In 2009, he had to learn to walk anew, because doctors failed to take a puncture from the spine. He also had prolonged problems with the kidneys and heart. And the reason for early withdrawal from life is an unsuccessful fight against cancer.

The whole country was mourned when it was announced that on January 18, 2012 the favorite of many Yevgeny Zharikov had died. His biography is quite rich, perhaps, soon a book will appear about the history of his life.

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