What can be the decoding of PPP in various activities

An interesting question: what is PPP? Someone thinks that he knows the decoding of the PPS. These are inscriptions, which we often see on police cars. This is the patrol and post service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. This is correct, but not the full answer. The PPS abbreviation has more than 20 decodings, depending on the field of activity.

decoding of PPP

What is abbreviation

We often hear incomprehensible words, or rather,sets of letters, such as gas stations, Moscow State University, the Foreign Ministry, the Security Council, the BMP and many, many others. Some are clear to us, we are looking for the value of the others with the help of the Internet. These letters are nothing but an abbreviation, an abbreviated combination composed of the initial letters or abbreviations of the words entering into it.

Depending on the type of activity, area of ​​lifedecoding of the PPP can be different. This abbreviation can be used in medicine, economics, in automobile and railway transport, construction, computer science and many other areas. In the volume of a small article, we will consider only some of them.


pps decryption in the field

In medicine, the decoding of PPP is used incardiology. It denotes acquired heart disease or valvular defects. This is a serious disease that occurs when the heart is broken due to internal structure or acquired changes in the heart valves. Defects can appear as a result of infectious lesions, inflammations and malfunctions of the immune system, overloading and enlarging the chambers of the heart without changing the thickness of their walls.

Here the abbreviation is used, as, indeed, inother cases, to reduce when writing. Deciphering PPP medical workers are not needed, they perfectly understand what is at stake. It is well known that doctors have to fill out a lot of papers, so without such cuts it will be rather difficult.


The parity of purchasing power isdecoding of PPP in the economy. What it is? Each currency has a certain purchasing power for one type of goods. Everyone understands that if we take two currencies and recount them, according to the course, then we can theoretically purchase the same quantity of this product in both countries.

There is a theory of purchasing parityability, according to which it is in close relationship with the exchange rate. If the established parity between the two countries is violated and the purchasing power of the citizens of the first country will be higher than in the second, it will be more profitable to buy the goods in the second and sell it in the first.

Practically the current exchange rates significantlydiffer from parity, as often the price of the goods is affected by various factors: customs duties, transportation costs, various restrictions on imports and exports. The greater the discrepancy between parity and the exchange rate, the more changes in volume and export structure will be needed.


pps decoding in medicine

On the railway there is also an abbreviationPPP, its decoding is a suburban rolling stock. It includes rail transport, which performs flights no more than 200 kilometers. The mobile suburban structure (PPS) includes:

  • electric trains, consisting of motor, trailer and head sections;
  • diesel trains consisting of head and trailer cars;
  • rail buses (rail buses);
  • compositions from cars on locomotive traction (in their life they often call "Cuckoo", "Motanya", "Foundling").

Law enforcement authorities

decoding of PPP

Everyone knows the acronym PPS in the police,the transcript of which is the name of the unit that is part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. Its task is to ensure order in the streets, to prevent riots. The full name of the unit is a patrol and post service. It is responsible not only for order on the street, but also the duty of order protection during mass actions, demonstrations.

Other decoding of PPP

decoding of PPP 3

In the car, the PPS is the front passengerseat. About this abbreviation can be read infrequently, most likely, self-drivers themselves call it so, but still its abbreviation will be PPP.

Payment systems (PPS). The scope of their application in modern life is huge, they are installed wherever a large number of visitors are needed: metro, water parks, stadiums, parking lots for cars and so on.

The teaching staff in higher educational institutions is also designated by the abbreviation of the PPP.

In addition to Russian, so are someforeign organizations, for example, PPP - is the abbreviated name of the Polish Socialist Party. Obviously, this abbreviation can be applied to many organizations and names.

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