St. Petersburg, the Central Park of Culture and Sport named after. CM. Kirova: description, interesting facts and reviews

Undoubtedly, for residents and visitors of the "city on the Neva"Park CAC & O (St. Petersburg) is a favorite place for leisure. This object in summer, like a magnet, attracts to walk among the shady alleys, to take a walk on the boat, admiring the unique natural landscapes. In winter, the park of the Central Park of Culture and Leisure (St. Petersburg) invites you to skate, ski and sled, in the evening wander through the squares, admiring the bright and colorful illumination. In general, here you can find entertainment not only for adults, but also for children.

Excursion to the history

Previously, the territory where the site is located todayfor recreation, was called Mishin Island. One of the legends says that Russian soldiers were looking for Swedes here, and they found a bear. The first owner of these lands was the diplomat P. Shafirov, then the proprietor P. Yaguzhinsky became the owner.

St.Petersburg TSKKIO

But the co-owner of Misha Island was Senator A.Melgunov, who built an estate for himself here and created a small park area. Then the land was sold to General Field Marshal G. Potemkin, and the latter later gave way to its historian and poet I. Elagin. He built a palace ensemble with greenhouses, pavilions, buildings and pavilions. In addition, the stichhople ordered to dig ponds and canals on the island, and pour in trees 2 meters high along the banks. This was done in order to protect the park area from flooding. The island was called Elaginsky and everyone began to visit it. After the death of the poet, the land repeatedly changed owners, passing from hand to hand.


Of course, St. Petersburg has a huge number of public gardens and green areas for recreation. ЦПКиО is that place of pastime, where one wants to return again and again.

In the early 30-ies of the last century onthe territory of the three islands - Elagin, Krestovoy and Kamenny, in the Neva delta it was decided to equip the recreation area for St. Petersburgers. The palace and park complex of Elagin was transformed into the Central Park of Culture and Sports. But before that, I did some preparatory work: the walking grounds near the Elagin estate were partially modernized, and three bridges along which I could get to the island were built with arches and propylae.

Park TsPKIO St. Petersburg

The alleys were decorated with colorful posters, and the palacedecorated with banners and flags. Of course, this object has become unique for a cultural city like St. Petersburg. The Central Park of Culture and Recreation was opened in a solemn atmosphere on August 5, 1932. Residents and guests of the "city on the Neva" walked through the summer pavilions, went for a ride on bicycles rented here, visited attractions and rushed to the hammock station where they could relax in the fresh air. In winter Petrograders came to Elagin Island specially to go skating and skiing.

TsPKiO in the Soviet years

In 1934, under mysterious circumstanceskill the Communist S. Kirov and the park on the island called in his honor. A bust of the revolutionary was installed at the central entrance. In the second half of the 30th the authorities decided to continue the modernization of the recreation area on Elagin Island in the city of Leningrad, which today is called St. Petersburg. The Central Park of Culture and Culture was subjected to the following changes: from the oil meadow to the western arrow was built the main avenue, and the arrow itself was decorated with a granite terrace on which statues of lions stood on pedestals. In the winter season, the main alley was transformed into a long ice track, and the oil meadow turned into a skating rink. In the summer, the main alley was decorated with flower beds and lawns.

St. Petersburg TsKKIO named after Kirov

In this zone, decorativevases made of marble and bronze sculptures: "A Girl Crossing a Stream", "Discobolus" and "A Dancer". In addition, the park administration has taken care of creating new avenues and erecting a summer theater with a capacity of 1600 people. But that was not all. Also built a cinema (not preserved until now) and a sports town.

The Great Patriotic War caused a serious andirreparable damage to the city of St. Petersburg. The TsKKiO became the site where the defensive fortifications were built, and the facility was significantly damaged by the bombing. After the victory, it took decades to restore the former appearance of the park. Restoration work was completed only in the early 90's.

CCPO today

At present, residents and guests of the northernthe capital, as before, prefer to spend their leisure here. Where do tourists go when they arrive in St. Petersburg? TsKKiO named after Kirov, naturally. And what can surprise this object today? Very many. You can visit the music pavilion, Granite Quay pavilion, Konyushenny building, Kitchen building, Greenhouse building, stage theater and, of course, Elaginostrovsky Palace. The latter is considered a true masterpiece of Russian architecture.

TsKKIO St. Petersburg prices

Currently, it houses a museum of arts and crafts and interior.

On the territory of Elaginsky Island there is a huge number of cozy cafes, there is a volleyball court, boat station, tennis court.

In December 2012 on the territory of the Central Park of Culture and Sports of Saint -St. Petersburg (address: 190068 Elagin Island, 4) began its work a restored mini-zoo. Visitors could see firsthand red and yellow pheasants, guinea fowls, turkeys, chicken brum and other exotic fauna.

Park in winter

When snow falls and the water on the street turnsin the ice, not everyone knows where you can go skating and sledging in such a big city like St. Petersburg. The Kirov Central Park is the ideal place for this. For those who like active recreation in winter, an ice rink is specially organized here. In the evening, the island of Elagin is particularly beautiful: light garlands adorn Konyushenny Corps, the lanterns of K.Rossi pleasing to the eye, and opposite the oil meadow you can admire the stunning spectacle called "Winter Fountain". This composition includes refined light figures, invented by analogy of Christmas decorations in the French capital.

TsPKIO St.Petersburg address

In the second half of December,festivities. At this time Elaginsky island reminds a fairy tale. Guests can buy in the shopping pavilions New Year's toys and decorations, gifts and souvenirs. Visitors are pleased to enjoy delicious cakes, gingerbread, pies and other good things.

Park in summer

A lot of interesting entertainment in the Central Park of Culture and Culture existsand a warm season. Walking on a boat, hiking to singing and chirping of birds, playing on a tennis court - all this is for guests who have come to have a good time on the island of Elagin. Even the squirrels are tame here: they will gladly receive treats from visitors. Well, numerous attractions in the Central Park of Culture and Sports (St. Petersburg) will not leave anyone indifferent from children. But how much does it cost to relax in this picturesque place?


It should be noted that the budget option for leisure is offered in the Central Park of Culture and Sports (St. Petersburg). The prices here are quite democratic.

For example, one hour of roller skating costs 150rubles. Those who want to ride a bicycle for an hour ride will give 200 rubles. If you want to rent an hour for a scooter, then this pleasure will cost 80 rubles.

TsKKIO St. Petersburg ticket price

The game of table tennis will cost 100 rubles per hour. Anyone who wants an hour to ride a boat, fork out for 200 rubles. Rent of catamarans costs 280 rubles, skates - 200 rubles, Finnish sleighs - 100 rubles, skis - 200 rubles for one hour of use.

That's where it's inexpensive, so it's in the CPC & O(St. Petersburg). The price of the ticket (entrance) for adults is only 70 rubles, and for students, schoolchildren and servicemen, and even less - 30 rubles. Moreover, on weekdays the entrance to the park is free.

Events and Festivals

On Elagin Island the island is regularly heldnumber of festivals, exhibitions and entertainment events. In particular, Petrograders like to go to the festival "Shumi, Maslennitsa!", "Tulip Festival", the street theater festival "Elagin Park", the exhibition "Glass and ceramics in the landscape". Delight at many guests is the gastronomic festival "Oh, yes! Food! "And the music festival" The Manor of the jazz ".

Operating mode

The Kirov Summer Center runs every day from 6.00 to 00.00 hours, and in the winter time from 6.00 to 23.00 hours. On holidays and weekends, the cash desk is open from 10.00 to 22.00.


Not everyone knows what transport and howthe route can be reached by the Central Park of Culture and Sports (St. Petersburg). How to get to the park? The best option is to use the "subway". You should get to the metro station "Cross Island", and then go to the right, walk a short distance along Ryukhin street. Then the path lies to the bridge across the Middle Nevka.

Saint-Petersburg how to get

The second route takes you to the metro station "Staraya Derevnya". Then you should go along the Lime Alley to the Primorsky Highway. Then, turning to the right, we move to the bridge.

The park can be reached with the help of three Elaginsky bridges from the Kamenny and Krestovsky islands, as well as from the Primorsky district.


Guests visiting the Central Park of Culture and Sports (St. Petersburg),unanimous in their responses about this picturesque place. Walking in the open air, numerous festivals, exciting festive events, exhibitions, a zoo, singing birds - all this and much more attracts Petrograders and guests of the "city on the Neva" to the Elagin Island.

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