Liv Ullmann (Liv Ullmann): biography, filmography and photo actresses

Liv Ulman is a Norwegian movie star who managedto become famous thanks to the shooting in the famous paintings of the director Bergman. The actress, who at the end of 2016 will turn 78 years old, managed to play more than 50 tapes. Also known as a director, author of several best-sellers. What interesting facts can you recall about the childhood and youth of the film star, what are her best works in the cinema?

Liv Ullmann: the biography of the star

The native city of the actress is Tokyo, where shewas born in 1938. The first years of the child's life passed in the US, and then they moved with their mother to Norway. Father Liv Ulman was an engineer who worked in the aviation field. The girl lost him at 6 years of age (a man died as a result of an unsuccessful operation on the brain).

liv uleman

England - a country in which she lived for several yearsLiv Ullmann. Biography of the actress contains a reference to her short stay in London, where she mastered the basics of the acting profession, visiting the theater studio. Then comes the return to Norway and a short work in various theaters of the country.

Film debuts Liv took place in 1957, when sheonly turned 19 years old. However, the role in the movie "Fools in the mountains" does not have a big impact on her career. Then follows shooting in several Norwegian paintings, which remain virtually unnoticed by critics and the public.

Bergman's films

The legend says that the rising star was"Opened" by director Bergman, when he saw one of the performances in which the actress played the leading role, and was impressed by her talent. The painting "Persona", which was published in 1966, was a real breakthrough for Liv Ullmann. Her filmography was supplemented by the dramatic story of the fate of the actress, who suddenly is deprived of the ability to speak.

Liv Ullman Changes

The true triumph of the Norwegian celebrity cameat the end of the 60's, this period brought her three bright roles at once in the works of Bergman. In 1968-1969, three dramas immediately appear with her participation: "Shame", "Hour of the Wolf", "Passion". Women, who are played in these tapes by Liv Ullmann, are impressed by a combination of such qualities as spirituality, passion, tenderness and inner strength. Her heroines are not interested in banal manifestations of love intrigue, needing something more.

Uneasy roles brought Ullmann the status of an ideal, towhich sought all the representatives of the intellectual elite of the time. Her roles are always different from each other. For example, in the "Autumn Sonata", which was published in 1977, Liv plays a woman suffering from moral maximalism. While Alma from the "Hour of the Wolf" agrees to sacrifice herself for the sake of love.

Pictures of other directors

Unfortunately, not all were successfulThe tape in which Liv Ullmann played his long life. Films of American, English, French directors, vying with inviting the star to appear, often disappointed the audience. Among the frank "failures" you can designate such paintings as "Lost Horizon", "40 carats".

liv ulman films

This does not mean that the list of successful roles inThe asset of the Norwegian star is limited to the works of Bergman. For example, fans of the actress and just fans of high-quality cinema must see the epic dialogue with her participation, made by Ian Truell. "Emigrants" and "Settlers" gave the woman a bright role of a peasant woman, with whom she brilliantly coped.

Noteworthy and "Gaby: a true story, "in which the actress appeared in 1987. The heroine Liv Ullmann in this film project tries to avoid death after hearing from doctors a disappointing diagnosis. Interesting was the picture "Rose Garden", which brought the Norwegian star the role of a woman lawyer, deft, determined and self-confident.

Autobiographical books

The actress was interesting, saturated with brightevents, adventures and love stories life, the details of which she once wanted to share with the public. Perhaps the best work written by Liv Ullmann "-" Changes ".

Opening this autobiographical novel, people will be able tolearn interesting facts about the childhood and youth of the star, get acquainted with the extraordinary people who surrounded her. The book will appeal to readers who like to learn the secrets of acting directly from the first mouth. Many pages are given to the pictures and productions in which the actress played.

Personal life

The creative union that united Bergman and Ulman insphere of cinema, could not but reflect on real life. For the director's sake, Liv divorced her first spouse-psychiatrist, moved to Ingmar on the island of Foret. From this relationship, the actress left the daughter of Lynn. Lovers dispersed, having lived together for about 5 years, but the gap did not affect their friendly relations.

liv ularman biography

The second person with whom the Norwegian film stardecided to tie herself up in marriage, became a Boston businessman who worked in the construction industry. His wife, she remained for 10 years, after which the couple broke up. Children, in addition to Lynn, Ulman did not appear.

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