The collapse of the USSR and the formation of the CIS

Speaking of the Soviet Union, it must be pointed out that this was a rather complicated period in the history of the state. That is why the reasons for its split are so diverse.

But still, why did the collapse of the USSR and the formation of the CIS take place? This was facilitated by many of the following events:

1. Social and economic crisis, as a result of which there was a break in economic ties between the republics, there were national conflicts, which contributed to the destruction of the Soviet system.

Thus, in 1988 the Baltic States, Lithuania, Estonia andLatvia is taking a course towards secession from the Soviet Union. In the same year, the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict begins. And in 1990 all the republics declare sovereignty.

2. The collapse of the CPSU, which was the reason for creating a multi-party system in the 90-91 years, in turn, the acting parties proposed to dissolve the Union.

The collapse of the USSR and the formation of the CISThe reason is that the allied center, having no forces to hold power democratically, uses military force (in Tbilisi, Baku, Riga, Vilnius and Moscow, as well as in Dushanbe, Fergana, etc.). All these events were also aided by the threat of the creation of another Union Treaty, which was developed in Novo-Ogaryovo by the representatives of the republics.

The discussion of the treaty ended with a vote, inwhich resulted in the majority of those present who spoke in favor of preserving the Soviet Union. The new project foresaw the collapse of the Soviet Union and the creation of SSGs, that is, equal sovereign republics. The signing of the treaty was scheduled for August 20, 1991, but many republics refused to do so and reported the creation of independent states.

A lot of people who at that time occupiedhigh positions in the Soviet Union, advised L. Gorbachev to establish a state of emergency in the country, but he refused. Most of the state leadership made an attempt to seize power, it did not allow the collapse of the USSR and the formation of the CIS. However, the coup attempt failed because the masses protected their political freedoms.

This fact contributed to the acceleration of the split of the Union, Gorbachev lost credibility, and Yeltsin gained popularity. Soon, eight republics declared their independence.

On December 8, the Union Treaty ceasedtheir existence, while Ukraine, Belarus and Russia in the course of negotiations reached an agreement on the creation of the CIS, later they invited other states to join this Commonwealth.

The collapse of the USSR and the formation of the CIS opened newopportunities for the former republics. Many agreements were signed between independent states (on collective security, on the settlement of integration in various fields, on cooperation and partnership, on the creation of a unified financial space). Thus, over the entire period of the CIS existence, more than nine hundred laws and regulations were signed with regard to defense, security, openness of borders, and so on.

If we consider the consequences of the collapse of the USSR, we should note the following:

1. The world has become one economic, political and information system.

2. There appeared a large number of new states, as well as republics, which earlier led the most severe wars.

3. The United States and NATO countries are beginning cooperation with the former republics.

Thus, the fall of the Soviet Union had a numberreasons, it was inevitable. Subsequently, instead of the republics, independent states appeared with their economy, politics, culture and standard of living. Although there are negative consequences of the formation of the Commonwealth of Independent States, on the whole, the expression of the will of the masses was heard and achieved.

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