"War and Peace": characters. "War and Peace": characteristics of the main characters

In his novel Tolstoy portrayed a number of heroes. The author does not for nothing present a detailed description of the characters. "War and Peace" is a novel in which fictional heroes, composing whole noble families, show the reader the reflection of people who lived during the war with Napoleon. In War and Peace we see the Russian spirit, the features of a secular society, historical events characteristic of the late 18th-early 19th century. The greatness of the Russian soul is shown against the background of these events.

list of characters war and peace

If you compile a list of characters ("War and Peace"),it will be only about 550-600 heroes. However, they are not all equally important for the narrative. "War and Peace" is a novel whose heroes can be divided into three main groups: the main, secondary characters and simply mentioned in the text. There are among them both fictional and historical personalities, as well as heroes who have prototypes among the writer's entourage. In this article, the main characters will be presented. "War and Peace" is a work in which the family of the Rostovs is described in detail. So let's start with it.

Ilya Andreevich Rostov

This is the count, who had four children: Petya, Nikolai, Vera and Natasha. Ilya Andreevich is a very generous and kind-hearted man who loved life. As a result, his excessive generosity led to extravagance. Rostov is a loving father and husband. He is a good organizer of receptions and balls. But life on a broad foot, as well as selfless help to the wounded soldiers and the departure of Russians from Russia inflicted fatal blows on his condition. My conscience always tormented Ilya Andreyevich because of the impending poverty of his relatives, but he could not do anything with himself. After the death of Petty, the youngest son, the count was broken, but revived, preparing the wedding of Pierre Bezukhov and Natasha. Count Rostov dies a few months after these characters were married. "War and Peace" (Tolstoy) - a work in which the prototype of this hero is Ilya Andreevich, Tolstoy's grandfather.

Natalia Rostova (wife of Ilya Andreevich)

This 45-year-old woman, Rostov's wife and motherfour children, had some eastern facial features. The surrounding considered the focus of sedentariness and slowness in it as solidity, as well as its high significance for the family. However, the true cause of these manners lies in a weak and worn out physical condition because of the genera and forces given to the upbringing of children. Natalia is very fond of her family, children, so she was almost driven to death by the news of Peti's death. The Countess of Rostov, like Ilya Andreevich, loved luxury and demanded that all fulfill their orders. In it you can find the features of Tolstoy's grandmother - Pelageya Nikolaevna.

Nikolay Rostov

character system war and peace

This hero is the son of Ilya Andreevich. He is a loving son and brother, reveres the family, but at the same time faithfully serves in the army, which is a very important and significant feature in his characterization. He often saw a second family in his brother-soldiers. Although Nikolai was in love for a long time in Sonia, his cousin, still marries at the end of the novel on Marya Bolkonskaya. Nikolai Rostov is a very energetic person, with an "open expression" and curly hair. His love for the Russian emperor and patriotism have never dried up. After going through the hardships of the war, Nicholas becomes a brave and brave hussar. He retires after Ilya Andreevich's death in order to correct the family's financial situation, pay debts and finally become a good husband for his wife. Tolstoy, this hero is represented as a prototype of his own father. As you have probably noticed, the presence of prototypes in many characters is characterized by a system of characters. "War and Peace" is a work in which the morals of the nobility are represented through the features of the Tolstoy family, who was a count.

Natasha Rostova

characters war and peace

This is the daughter of the Rostovs. Very emotional and energetic girl, who was considered ugly, but attractive and lively. Natasha is not very smart, but at the same time intuitive, because she could well "guess people", their character traits and mood. This heroine is very impulsive, inclined to self-sacrifice. She beautifully dances and sings, which was at that time an important characteristic of a girl belonging to a secular society. Leo Tolstoy repeatedly emphasizes the main quality of Natasha - the closeness to the Russian people. It absorbed the strength of the spirit of the nation and Russian culture. Natasha lives in an atmosphere of love, happiness and kindness, but after a while the girl encounters a harsh reality. The blows of fate, as well as heartfelt experiences, make this heroine an adult and, as a result, give her real love for her husband, Pierre Bezukhov. The history of Natasha's rebirth is worthy of special respect. She began attending church after she fell victim to a deceitful seducer. Natasha is a collective image, the prototype of which was the daughter-in-law of Tolstoy, Tatyana Andreevna Kuzminskaya, and her sister (the author's wife), Sofya Andreevna.

Vera of Rostov

This heroine is the daughter of the Rostovs ("War and Peace"). Portraits of characters created by the author are distinguished by a variety of characters. Faith, for example, was famous for its strict morals, as well as inappropriate, though fair remarks, which she did in society. Her mother, for some unknown reason, did not like very much, and Vera was acutely aware of this, often going against everyone. This girl later became the wife of Boris Drubetsky. The prototype of the heroine is the sister of Leo Nikolayevich's wife (Elizabeth Bers).

Peter the Great

characters war and the world of thick

Son of the Rostovs, quite a boy. Petya, grown up, rushed the young men to go to war, and his parents could not hold him back. He escaped from their care and decided on Denisov's regiment. In the first battle Petya perishes, not having time to fight yet. Very ruined the family of the death of her beloved son.


This character we finish the description of the characters("War and Peace"), belonging to the family Rostov. Sonya, a glorious tiny girl, was her own niece, Ilya Andreevich, and lived all his life under his roof. The love for Nicholas became fatal for her, since she could not marry him. Natalia Rostovova, the old countess, was against this marriage, because the beloved were cousins. Sonya acted nobly, denying Dolokhov and decided to love all his life only Nikolai, while freeing him from the promise given to her. She spends the rest of her life in the care of Nicholas Rostov, with the old countess.

The prototype of this heroine is Tatiana Alexandrovna Yergolskaya, the second cousin of the writer.

Not only are the Rostovs in the work - the main characters. "War and Peace" is a novel in which the Bolkonsky family also plays an important role.

Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky

This is the father of Andrei Bolkonsky, the general-secretary inpast, in the present - the prince, who earned the nickname in the Russian secular society "Prussian king." He is socially active, strict as a father, pedantic, is a wise owner of an estate. Outwardly, this lean old man with thick eyebrows, which hung over intelligent and penetrating eyes, in a powdered white wig. Nikolai Andreevich does not like to show his feelings even to his beloved daughter and son. He harasses Mary with constant quibbles. Prince Nicholas, sitting in his estate, follows the events taking place in the country, and only before his death loses the idea of ​​the scale of the war between the Russians and Napoleon. Nikolai Sergeevich Volkonsky, the writer's grandfather, was the prototype of this prince.

Andrei Bolkonsky

Characteristics of the characters War and Peace

This is the son of Nikolai Andreyevich. He is ambitious, like his father, in restraining his feelings, but he loves his sister and father very much. Andrei is married to Liza, the "little princess". He made a successful military career. Andrew philosophizes a lot about the meaning of life, the state of his spirit. He is in constant search. In Natasha Rostova, after the death of his wife, he found hope for himself, because he saw a real, and not false, as in a secular society, a girl, and therefore fell in love with her. Having made this offer, he was forced to go abroad for treatment, which was a test of their feelings. The wedding eventually broke. Andrew went to war with Napoleon, where he was seriously wounded, as a result of which he died. Until the end of his days Natasha was courting devotion after him.

Marya Bolkonskaya

This is Andrei's sister, the daughter of Prince Nicholas. She is very meek, ugly, but good soul and also very rich. Her devotion to religion is an example of meekness and kindness. Marya loves her father, who is often unforgettable, who often pester her with her reproaches and ridicule. This girl also loves her brother. She did not immediately take Natasha as her future daughter-in-law, since she seemed too frivolous to Andrei for her. After all the troubles Marya marries Nicholas Rostov.

Its prototype is Maria Nikolaevna Volkonskaya, Tolstoy's mother.

Pierre Bezukhov (Pyotr Kirillovich)

characters of the novel war and peace

The main characters of the novel "War and Peace" would belisted not completely, if not to mention Pierre Bezukhov. This hero plays one of the most important roles in the work. He survived a lot of pain and trauma, has a noble and kind disposition. Pierre himself very much loves Leo Nikolayevich. Bezukhov, like Andrei Bolkonsky's friend, is very responsive and devoted. Despite the intrigues, weaving under his nose, Pierre did not lose confidence in people, he did not become embittered. Marrying Natasha, he finally found happiness and grace, which he lacked with his first wife, Helen. At the end of the work, his desire to change the political foundations in Russia is noticeable, even the Decembrist sentiments of Pierre can be guessed from a distance.

character description war and peace

These are the main characters. "War and Peace" is a novel in which a major role is assigned to such historical figures as Kutuzov and Napoleon, as well as to some other commanders-in-chief. Other social groups are represented, except for the nobility (the merchant class, the petty bourgeoisie, the peasantry, the army). The list of characters ("War and Peace") is quite impressive. However, our task is to consider only the main characters.

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