Children's Educational Center "Sirius", Sochi: photo, address, reviews

For a long time gifted and talented children inour country was not given due attention. The specificity of educational programs did not imply the development of individuality, the allocation of "stars" among the rest of the guys. A real breakthrough in resolving the issue of identifying gifted students was the educational center "Sirius" (Sochi).

sirius educational center

A project that has no analogues around the world

On the initiative of the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin established the "Talent and Success" Foundation. He became chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation. What tasks should this fund solve? The main purpose of its creation was to identify talented children all over the country, to help them in intellectual growth, to reveal their creative, mental and physical abilities. To solve the task, the educational center "Sirius" (Sochi) was opened. Even in European countries there are no such centers, so Russia has something to be proud of!

sirius educational center sochi photo

The new "Star" was lit in Sochi

The educational center "Sirius" (Sochi) was namedin honor of the brightest star. It unites the most talented teachers and schoolchildren from the most remote corners of the Russian Federation. Since mid-June 2015, the camp has been in an experimental mode of operation. September 1, the head of state officially announced that the educational center for gifted children "Sirius" (Sochi) is open.

educational center sirius reviews

Towards the talents

Why Sochi was chosen for the organizationsites for gifted children of the Russian Federation? It was here that the Olympiad took place, on the basis of the objects that remained after its closure, and the educational center "Sirius" (Sochi) was established. This project is coordinated by the Ministry of Science and Education, Culture and Sports.

Educational center "Sirius" Sochi should open new horizons for gifted Russian schoolchildren. Here, children are waiting regardless of their social status, place of residence, financial possibilities, social status. The program of stay in this center is free for children. What does the "Sirius" school-educational center offer to schoolchildren? Photos presented by the guys who visited it, I testify that there are a lot of opportunities for realizing the personal and intellectual potential here. Project activities, master classes, interesting recreational activities contribute to the identification of leadership qualities, the development of creative thinking, the formation of communication skills, and an increase in the educational and cultural level.

educational center for gifted children

The President of the Russian Federation

Vladimir Putin noted that the idea itself not onlynoble, but also very beautiful. He expressed the hope that here children will be able to receive additional knowledge, communicate. The President of the Russian Federation and the new media center visited. "Sirius" - an educational center (Sochi), indicating that the government pays great attention to the development of the younger generation.

How to be in "Sirius"

Let's try to find out how to get to the "Sirius"educational center (Sochi). The right to travel here has Russian schoolchildren from 10 to 17 years who demonstrate outstanding success in biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, have achievements in sports (figure skating and hockey), have shown themselves in the classical ballet. The doors of "Sirius" are open to the guys who are fond of academic music, painting.

The center helps to develop the children playing on the following musical instruments:

  • clarinet;
  • pianoforte;
  • bassoon;
  • oboe;
  • bassoon;
  • pipe;
  • French horn;
  • tuba;
  • trombones.

educational center sirius g Sochi


The inhabitants of the "Sirius" live in comfortablerooms of the hotel, which is located near the most beautiful mountains and the unique beauty of the Black Sea. In addition to the "granite of sciences", the students of this center are offered six meals a day in the form of a "buffet", a special bar with ice cream, desserts and even chocolate fountains. In their spare time, the guys are engaged in sports fields, visit cinemas. Gifted Russian schoolchildren go to amusement parks, excursion programs for sightseeing in Sochi are organized for them. In summer, children can swim in the Black Sea, because the camp has its own equipped beach.

There is in the "star camp" and closed and openpools, a special thermal complex with a Russian, Finnish, Turkish bath. On the territory of the camp there is a branch of the National Electronic Library where you can find the necessary book or scientific journal at any time.

What is so good about the educational center "Sirius"(Sochi)? The responses left by those lucky people who were able to visit here are direct proof of the importance and timeliness of the project, supported by the President of the Russian Federation. The camp does not have a parenting day, but the pictures that the children send to their parents while they are in Sirius show moms and dads the usefulness of finding their children here.

work in the educational center of the sirius of Sochi

Change for "clever" and "clever"

The duration of the shift is three weeks. Every day is filled with interesting events that help children not only to get knowledge, but also to usefully spend time in "Sirius". Creative meetings and master classes are combined with recreational procedures, developing games. In addition to classes in a certain specialty, the guys are studying additional subjects that help to expand the horizons: history, English, literature. If desired, the guys can engage in psychology, journalism, photography.

media center educational center of Sochi

Training with benefit

Beginners hockey players train in the arenaof the Olympic complex "Shayba". The ballet dancers visit the halls of the Ice Ice Palace "Iceberg". In classrooms there are interactive whiteboards, video systems, audio-boards, Internet access, so lessons with teachers from foreign educational institutions, online conferences - for Sirius is a familiar phenomenon. This educational institution is an ideal platform for the start of talented youth. The country has a real unique city of the future. The main factor of success is belief in one's own strength, in oneself. The President of the Russian Federation, "patronizing" the place of a cluster of talented children, notes the importance of helping the children to find their place in life.

Work in the educational center "Sirius" (Sochi) is considered prestigious, only the best Russian teachers, teachers of lyceums, profile schools, higher educational institutions of the Russian Federation are invited here.

Young athletes are selected on the teambasis, according to the recommendations given by Departments and the Ministry of Sports of the subjects of the Russian Federation on the results of participation of schoolchildren in regional and All-Russian competitions. The Foundation Expert Council conducts the final selection of teams. An application from the club or sports school to participate in the selection of the educational program "Sirius" is sent to the regional department of education. After consideration of the application by the regional sports department, a letter is sent to the management of the Foundation "Talent and Success", which indicates the request to include this team in the shift.

The direction of "Science" in "Sirius"

In this direction, the camp for gifted children is selected according to the following criteria:

  • Excellent results in subject Olympiads, competitions, regional, Russian, international tournaments, recognized by the Fund's Expert Council as significant events.
  • Holders of the document that confirmsthe exclusive right of a gifted schoolchild to the product of his intellectual activity. As such a result, you can use your own or team project.

To work with such children, only the best teachers of leading Russian and foreign educational institutions are invited.

Direction "Art"

To get on this profile shift, youngartists and musicians provide videos to the Expert Council for their performances or samples of their own paintings. Individual selection is conducted in the St. Petersburg House of Music. For young artists, there is also a remote viewing of works, photos are attached to the online application.

Creative group selection of young representativesThe Russian ballet is performed according to the performances that are provided by the choreographic schools of the Russian Federation. Videos of performances are watched, additional references should be made in the application for them.

Applicants for a visit to the camp for literary creativity are selected on the basis of special criteria. First of all, the works written by a young poet or writer are analyzed.

About the rules of stay in "Sirius"

The center is located at the address: Adler district, Sochi, Olimpiysky Prospekt, 40. Accepts a center for talented and gifted children all year round. There are special profile shifts, so when submitting an application it is important to indicate what talents the student has in order to choose the right direction.


The idea of ​​creating a center for learning and recreationyouth elite of Russia, proposed by the President of the Russian Federation, was supported by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports. Here come those talented Russian guys who really have the right to this, want to develop further in the intellectual or physical direction. In addition to training sessions, schoolchildren relax, get acquainted with local attractions. There are the inhabitants of the camp "Sirius" and certain duties. In addition to complying with the internal regulations, the regime of the day, which are approved by the administration, the children must respect each other, the leadership of the Center. They do not have the right to smoke, drink alcohol, foul language. Forbidden in the camp and humiliation of the dignity of other people, any unlawful actions. If the children violate the rules of the internal order, they are immediately sent back, no question of a secondary visit of the Center will not be forthcoming.

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