Hard-leaf and evergreen forests and shrubs: geography, flora and fauna

Hard-leaf and evergreen forests and shrubsgrow relatively compact groups in several areas. This natural zone was formed in the subtropical climatic zone, where the winter period is cool with strong moistening, and the summer period is sultry. The annual amount of rainwater is about 600 mm. On the territory of the forests there are special soils - brown. They are characterized by a large layer of humus and high fertility with abundant rainfall.

Key impact on composition and activitiesbiocenoses in the subtropics area is exerted by intensity and mode of precipitation. Low temperatures, especially continuing for a long time, there almost never happens.

Geographical position

Hard-leaf and evergreen forests and shrubsgrow on the territory of the Australian continent, the coasts of the Mediterranean Sea, the western part of North America, the African continent. Vegetation of this type refers to sclerophytes. Forests have a rich species composition not only of flora, but also of fauna. A large number of animals have adapted to life under these conditions.

What is remarkable for hardwood and evergreenforests and shrubs? Geographical location determined the composition of their flora and fauna. In the north of them there are forests of temperate climate. From the south to them approach the boundless deserts, savannas and tropical thickets. This arrangement determined the specific composition of the animal world, which resembles the symbiosis of fauna of neighboring regions.

hardwood and evergreen forests and shrubs

Animal world

Hard-leaf and evergreen forests and shrubs,The animals that inhabit them form a complete ecosystem. In the forests of the Mediterranean Sea there is a large number of marmots and ground squirrels. Their number gives out a lot of holes visible everywhere. From reptiles live snakes, turtles and various lizards. A large number of orthopterans and other insects. Among the birds, one can distinguish a fir-tree, a blue thrush, and a mocking.

Hard-leaved evergreen forests and shrubs inSpain - home for genetta and tailless macaque. Corsica and Sardinia - the habitat of wild hares and goats, as well as moufflon. Among the birds are a black vulture, a Spanish sparrow and a mountain chicken. The fauna of the Australian eucalyptus forests is characterized by an abundance of slow koalas.

hard-leaved evergreen forests and shrubs

Vegetable world

Hard-leaf and evergreen forests and shrubsgrow on all continents, but most of them in the area of ​​the Mediterranean Sea and the Australian mainland. One of the most noticeable climatic features - warm and humid periods do not coincide in time. Thanks to this regime, sclerophytes predominate in these regions, with a number of distinctive features:

  • On the trunk there is a bark or cork.
  • Branching plants begin practically from the ground.
  • The widest crown.
  • Rigid foliage that persists for several years.
  • Often, the leaf blades on the underside are fluffy.
  • Wax covering is common.
  • High content of essential oils.
  • Deep penetration of roots into the soil (in some species up to 20 m).

Species diversity is great. The main period of growth of the flora is in the autumn-spring season. At this time, plants are actively blooming. The forests are very light with developed tiers of grass and bushes. The plants with bulbs and tubers predominate, flowering in autumn or spring.

Hard-leaved evergreen forests and shrubs have long-formed species composition. Dominated by cork and stone oaks. Some representatives of the latter have a height of 20 m.

hardwood and evergreen forests and shrubs animals

Disappearance of forests

In the Mediterranean Sea, as a resultAnthropogenic impact is the process of forest disappearance. It lasts for several hundred years. Hard-leaf and evergreen forests and bushes also disappear due to erosion, flushing and destruction of soils. Because of this, the areas of stone soils unfit for plant life are growing.

hardwood and evergreen forests and shrubs geographical location

Areas that are not used foragricultural land, went into the maquis. This is the first stage of degradation of forest tracts. These areas are intensively cut down and suffer from fires that occur during the summer drought. Destroyed makvis is replaced by a gariha - low bushes and herbs-xerophiles. Among them, Kermes oak, its height is not more than 150 cm, but it is able to survive the fire and reborn.

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