Chatsky and Molchalin. Composition on the theme "Chatsky and Molchalin." Comparative characteristics of Chatsky and Molchalin (composition)

One of the main theatrical events in RussiaThe thirties of the XIX century was a play based on Griboyedov's play "Woe from Wit." The first years after the creation of the work was banned in theaters of Moscow and St. Petersburg, as it was attended by a rigid satire on the capital's society. His critical view of reality the author was able to express by contrasting such vivid characters as Chatsky and Molchalin. The composition of one of the themes on Griboedov's play is not accidental in the school curriculum. After all, this work has not lost its relevance for two centuries.

Chatsky and Silence essay

New type of hero

The innovation of Griboedov was that hecreated a completely new type of character. In Chatsky, the author embodied the qualities of the progressive progressive personality of his time. The beliefs of this hero are close to the Decembrist ideas. At an early stage, when this movement was just beginning to emerge, its adherents believed that much can be achieved with just one word. However, the old society was still quite strong. It was impossible to defeat him with one speech. Two opposite worlds are represented by Chatsky and Molchalin. The work on Griboedov's work reveals exactly this topic - a clash of views.

Contemporaries author

In the period when he created his immortalthe work of Griboyedov, there were disagreements primarily between the elders and the younger generation. For mature people, the flexibility of world outlook is uncharacteristic. Revolutionary ideas arose in the hearts of the ardent and unsophisticated, and their desire to change society for the better was not devoid of romantic idealism.

essay on the topic of Chatsky and Tikhon

The clash of views

Of course, people who hold a strong weightplace in social life, critical statements about the established orders could only be irritated. However, not only they. There were also many young noblemen who did not have high ranks, and they had to please more mature and accomplished in order to break their way into the future. It is not difficult to imagine that at the meeting of one of the idealist Romantics with the "lackey" of the serf landlord, there would be a conflict. In order to depict a similar situation, the author created such characters as Chatsky and Molchalin. Griboyedov's writing caused a storm of negative emotions, that many theatrical spectators saw the characters in the characters themselves.

Griboyedov and his fate

In order to write an essay on the topic "Chatskyand Molchalin, "you must first get acquainted with the biography of the main character. The hero of Griboedov is a young man who was orphaned early and grew up in the family of his father's friend. In his childhood, he was associated with a tender relationship with Sophia - the daughter of Famusov. But in his youth he left the house, where he was perceived as his own son and brother: he was bored and uninteresting here. Before the events that are depicted in the play, he rarely visited Famusov, he tried to travel the whole world. In Moscow during this time there was a lot of talk about Chatsky's service and his conflict with the minister.

 comparative characteristic of Chatsky and Silence

Famusov's daughter

After a long absence, he againreturns to Moscow and looks forward to meeting with Sophia, since since childhood he has been in love with this girl. The composition on the topic "Chatsky and Molchalin" also touches upon this topic. The hero did not see his beloved for a long time, he did not visit the Famusovs' house. And because not immediately able to believe that his main rival in love affairs is MOLCHALIN. When he realizes this, love appears as a mad, irrational feeling. Personal drama Chatsky gives a special movement to the whole story and aggravates the problems connected with other issues. The hero begins to express himself critically about the FAMUS society, seeing in it survivals of serfdom, landlord cruelty, careerism, riches and servile morality. It is on the example of such remarks that the comparative characteristic of Chatsky and Molchalin is formed. The writing on this topic should be supplemented with the statements of the heroes. Over the years, the play has scattered into winged phrases and quotations. Most of them belong to Chatsky. And in them is the main idea of ​​the work.

Philosophy of MOLCHALIN

Secretary Famusov - a representative of the poornoble family of the Tver province. But not on the origin of the characters should be based on the comparative characteristics of Chatsky and Molchalin. The writing on the play "Woe from Wit" touches upon acute social themes. However, it is important to pay attention to the fact that both heroes were initially almost equal, but chose different ways in life. Chatsky preferred independence in his views and judgments, which resulted in disapproval from others and even the emergence of certain problems in the professional sphere. Molchalin went on a simpler path. With the help of toadying and serving, he seeks to climb the career ladder. And this is the bright difference between the characters. The expression of two opposing points of view is represented by Chatsky and Molchalin. The writing about these heroes suggests not only their analysis. It should express the opinion why Chatsky's views have a moral basis, which can not be said about the worldview of Molchalin.

composition characteristic of Chatsky and Tikhonlin

Collective image of a nobleman of the XIX century

Thanks to his "skills" the antipode of the main characternot only secures the position of secretary (for which protection is necessary), but also, not stopping at what has been achieved, continues to make his way. Now with the help of Sophia, who is in love with him.

This character personified standard behaviorthe young nobleman of Griboedov's times, although, perhaps, in a somewhat exaggerated form. MOLCHALIN does not stop at nothing. He does not know the concept of noble honor. He praises the smooth fur of the dog Khlestovoy. His philosophy lies in the profound conviction that small ranks should bow to the more significant. And in this business he is very successful. Establishing ties with the right people, he not only is not shy of his pronounced careerist actions, but he is even proud of them. And Molchalin's danger lies in the fact that he, trying to meet outdated ideals, is capable of harming the society that takes it. His relationship with Sophia is an essential detail, which must be supplemented with the composition. The characteristics of Chatsky and Molchalin are given by the author primarily on the example of how each of the heroes is able to perceive this heroine. Chatsky feels tender and pure feelings towards Sophia. For Molchalin, it is only another means of achieving the goal.

comparison of the Chatsky and Silence work

Not only on training materials, but also onTheir own reflections should be based on the comparison of Chatsky and Molchalin. Composing on this topic contributes to the formation of a true worldview. In fact, in our time infrequently there are mad Chatsky, but so many sensible Molchalins.

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