Diploma work is a scientific study,performed on a theoretical and empirical level, which indicates the qualification level of the student. Choosing the sphere of scientific or professional interests, the student will have to decide on the following issues:
After the theme of research is formulated,key structural elements of the introduction to the diploma (for example, purpose, tasks, object, subject, novelty), it is necessary to try to make a schematic outline of the thesis. It is necessary to be initially ready for the fact that the compilation of section titles, paragraphs and subparagraphs is a creative and at the same time complex process. Not always from the first time you can accurately display the essence of the information in a short title of several words. Therefore, when composing the plan of the thesis, a student can have far more than one option prepared for analysis with his supervisor, who will more competently make corrections and adjustments.
This is the so-called work plan. To make it easier to make up the whole content of the work, you can start with a plan-heading. This means that, focusing on the goal and the main tasks, you formulate the name of the aspect that you will study.
It is necessary to define several such basic directions of study, from them in the subsequent and crystallize the sections of the diploma.
Further, presenting a ready-made plan of the thesis,try to specify each of the section names you define. Most likely, when work with bibliographic sources starts, and the data array grows, there will be a need to clarify, break down into separate items, and organize the information. Thus, in the plan of the thesis, it is necessary to include items, and in the subsequent - sub-items. Adhere to the structuring of information from general to specific. The title of the section should be more ambitious than the subparagraph, and not vice versa.
Imagine an example of how you can draw up a plan for your thesis.
CONTENTS (depending on the requirements of the department, all the letters of the word can be capitalized, or only the first)
Section 1
General-theoretical aspects of the formation of the individuality of a journalist
1.1. Identification of personality as a socio-psychological phenomenon
1.1.1. Historical retrospective of the emergence of the concept of "personality"
1.1.2. ... .. (the second subparagraph of the first paragraph of the first section)
1.2. ... (second paragraph of the first section)
Section 2
Specificity of creating a professional image of a TV journalist
2.1. Socio-psychological progression of a TV journalist personality in creative activity
2.2. Forming a professional image of the TV host on regional television in Russia
2.2.1. Personal characteristics (by example ...)
2.2.2. ....
Conclusions (possibly the name of the structural element "Results of the study")
List of used literature (possibly the name of the structural element "Literature")