The invention of electricity: history, application, reception

One of the most important milestones in the history of the planet is thethe invention of electricity. It is this discovery that helps to develop our civilization to this day. Electricity is one of the most environmentally friendly types of energy. Who owns the discovery of this phenomenon? How is electricity received and used? Is it possible to create a galvanic cell on its own?

invention of electricity

History of the invention of electricity briefly

Electricity was discovered as early as the 7th century BC by the ancient Greek philosopher Thales. He found out that amber rubbed with wool can attract smaller objects.

However, large-scale experiments with electricitybegin in the era of rebirth in Europe. In 1650 the Magdeburg burgomaster von Guericke built an electrostatic installation. In 1729, Stephen Gray was given the experience of transmitting electricity over a distance. In 1747, Benjamin Franklin published an essay, where all the known facts about electricity were collected and new theories put forward. In 1785 the law of Coulomb was discovered.

The year 1800 was a turning point: The Italian Volt invents the first DC power source. In 1820, the Danish scientist Oersted discovered the electromagnetic interaction of objects. A year later, Amper found that the magnetic field is created by an electric current, but not static charges.

Such great researchers as Gauss, Joule,Lenz, Om made an invaluable contribution to the invention of electricity. The year 1830 also became important, because Gauss developed the theory of the electrostatic field. The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction and the development of a motor running on a current belongs to Michael Faraday.

At the end of the 19th century, experiments with electricity were conducted by many scientists, including Pierre Curie, Lachinov, Hertz, Thomson, Rutherford. In the early 20th century a theory of quantum electrodynamics appeared.

history of the invention of electricity

Electricity in nature

The discovery and invention of electricity occurredalready a very long time ago. However, earlier it was believed that in nature it simply does not exist. But the American Franklin found out that such a phenomenon, like lightning, is purely electrical in nature. For a long time his point of view was rejected by the scientific community.

Electricity is of great importance in nature. Many scientists believe that due to lightning discharges, the synthesis of amino acids was realized, as a result of which life on Earth was born. Without nerve impulses, it is impossible for an animal to function. There are varieties of marine organisms that use electricity as a means of defense, attack, orientation in space and the search for food.

invention of electricity year

Getting electricity

The invention of electricity has had an impact onscientific and technical progress. To generate electricity, power plants have been created for many decades now. Electricity is created with the help of energy generators, and then it is transmitted via power lines. The principle of creating a current is to translate mechanical energy into electrical energy. Power plants are divided into the following types:

  • Atomic;
  • wind;
  • hydropower;
  • tidal-excellent;
  • solar;
  • thermal.

Applying electricity

The invention of electricity is rightfullythe greatest discovery, because without him, modern life becomes impossible. It is available in almost every home and is used for lighting, information exchange, cooking, heating, and the operation of household appliances. Electricity is also necessary for the movement of trams, trolleybuses, subways, electric trains. The work of a computer, a cell phone is also impossible without electricity.

invention of electricity date

Curious experience

It turns out that a galvanic cell can be manufactured independently, and this is done quite simply. This method became known in the early 20th century.

First you need to cut it in halfwith a sharp knife a lemon in the middle. It is extremely undesirable to remove or tear off partitions between the lobules. After that, you need to connect to each lobule, in turn, a small piece of wire, about 2 centimeters in size. Cells should alternate between copper and zinc wires. Then the ends of the protruding wires should be connected in series with a metal wire of smaller diameter. This way you can get the battery. How to check if it works? To do this, you can measure the voltage with a voltmeter.

One of the most important discoveries in historyhumanity has become the invention of electricity. The date of discovery is not known exactly. However, experiments were started by the ancient Greek scholar Thales. The active study of electricity began during the Renaissance. Without it, the activity of any living organism is impossible. Today, without this invention, we practically can not imagine our life. People have long learned to receive, transmit and use electricity.

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