The science of nature is ... Types of scientific knowledge of nature

The totality of all knowledge of nature is callednatural science. Due to the variety of natural phenomena, for many millennia, separate scientific directions have been formed during their study. What sciences study nature? First of all, it is physics, biology, geography, astronomy, chemistry and other sciences. When scientists discovered new properties of matter, new sections were opened inside each direction. Thus, a whole system of knowledge was formed-sciences that study nature.


Science studying nature

This research area is concerned with the study of commonproperties of various types of matter, as well as the nature of its motion, which can be mechanical, thermal, atomic, electromagnetic, nuclear. Physics is one of the exact fundamental sciences. Physical laws and concepts that are expressed in mathematical language, formed the basis for modern natural science. In scientific circles, physics is considered to be an experimental teaching.

Within this science there are many subsections, for example, general, atomic, molecular physics, quantum mechanics, etc.


what sciences study nature

Chemistry also played an important role in thethe formation of a modern scientific picture of the world. This is the science of nature, which studies substances, their structure, composition, properties, and transformations. And the properties of substances are revealed experimentally - as a result of their interaction with each other. Here the main attention is focused on the chemical form of material motion. Within this scientific area there is a subdivision into organic, analytical, physical chemistry, etc.


Basic Nature Sciences

The science of nature called astronomyis a collection of knowledge about our universe. It explores the nature of the movement of a wide variety of celestial bodies, their properties, development, origin. To date, two sections of astronomy have become independent sciences. It's about cosmogony and cosmology. Cosmology considers the questions of the device and the development of all objects of the Universe in the aggregate. Cosmogony specializes in the question of the origin of celestial objects. One of the modern astronomical directions is astronautics.


science of nature

This is the science of nature, which studies its livingcomponent. The subject of biology is life as one of the forms of the motion of matter, as well as the laws of its development and interaction with the environment. Here we study all vital components - structure, functions, origin, development, evolution, the distribution of living beings on the planet.

This scientific area has the largest number of subsections. Among them, anatomy, microbiology, cytology, ecology, genetics and many others.

Natural History

This is a common science of nature. In other words, natural science is a set of all doctrines about nature, reduced to a single beginning. This is not only a generalized, but also an integrated system of knowledge. The forerunner of the emergence of natural science was the need for a new integrated approach. This allows you to objectively learn about natural phenomena and use patterns for national economic purposes.

Natural science is also divided into twoLarge sections of the type of research object - organic and inorganic. The inorganic form of natural science is concerned with the study of the motion of the inanimate component of nature, the organic - the manifestations of life.

On the methods of knowledge and content of natural scienceis divided into theoretical and empirical. The registration, installation, accumulation and description of the facts involved empirical science. At this stage, the information passes the first stage of processing. The theoretical analyzes, generalizes, proposes theories, hypotheses, establishes the laws of nature. On the basis of established laws, previously unknown cause and effect relationships are identified, and a generalized idea of ​​nature is formed-a picture of the world.

Each field of knowledge has its own depth andaccuracy of describing different characteristics and properties of nature. Because of this at the same time, there is a large number of the most diverse representations of nature. All of them are based on different principles and are only approximate representations.

Thus, in the knowledge of nature throughout themany millennia there was a process of formation of natural sciences. Such a differentiated approach was a necessary stage of cognition. Its reason is the need for a more detailed study of natural phenomena and processes. The basic sciences of nature are chemistry, biology, physics, astronomy. However, nature is a complex self-regulating and multifaceted organism. Therefore, at the intersection of science appeared adjacent teachings, such as biophysics, astrophysics, physical chemistry, etc. The sciences that study nature are united into one section called natural science.

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