What are the methods of scientific and pedagogical research

Pedagogy - a living science, constantlydeveloping, and at the same time fundamental. During its existence, various research methods were developed, thanks to which the process of education and upbringing of the society met the most pressing requirements at each particular stage of its development. Moreover, the laws of the surrounding world, of objective reality were also studied and realized often with the help of pedagogical methodologies.

methods of scientific pedagogical research

General characteristics of methods

The methods of scientific and pedagogical research arespecial methods, methods and means of scientific study of the world, taken together and giving the opportunity to solve the problems facing the researcher. One of the main criteria for their selection is adequacy, that is, the correspondence to the subject of study and the task facing the scientist. Only then can the methods of scientific and pedagogical research produce objective, real results, and can bring concrete practical benefits. In terms of the degree of interaction with the material studied, methods of empirical and theoretical character are distinguished. The former are connected with practical activity, experiments, that is, "living" work with the objects or phenomena studied. The second - with theoretical calculations, speculative conclusions, modeling. Both these and other methods of scientific and pedagogical research have both strengths and weaknesses and are good in their respective situations.

Detailed description

method of pedagogical research
Among the universal methods of cognition on the firstplace there are experiments and observations. They are widely used in various fields of scientific disciplines, and not only pedagogical. To the narrow professional, social sphere, include conversation, questioning, testing, questioning, observation, etc. In turn, all methods of scientific and pedagogical research have their own tools for extracting and processing information on the basis of which the conclusions are drawn and, in fact, development and enrichment with knowledge takes place. Let us dwell on some more.

  • Observation - certain tasks are set;objects are selected, observed, indicators are fixed; the data is processed. Difficulties: obtaining information requires a long time and system, which is not always possible: there is no absolute objectivity, there is an element of the human factor. Therefore, this method of pedagogical research is usually used not in itself, but in conjunction with others.
    methods of pedagogical science
  • Questionnaires (interview, interview, questionnaire, etc.) are used to obtain the necessary information as an end in itself or an additional source of knowledge on an issue of interest. Usually a plan is planned in advance, the direction and nature of the information to be obtained. Most often it is made in writing, anonymous or open.
  • Products of direct educational activitiesschoolchildren (control and other works, tests, exams, drawings, essays, workbooks, etc.) Help identify the child's attitude to his student duties, the degree of mastering the program, etc. These methods of pedagogical science are extremely important, give a real result of the state of the educational process and allow you to correct in time its flaws and misses.
  • Speaking about empirical knowledge, it is impossible not tomention the study of school business documents (class journals, personal files of students, diaries, etc.), pedagogical experiment (for example, differentiated education), self-assessment of schoolchildren and popularity rating.

"Cabinet" methods of pedagogical research -theoretical, mathematical, statistical. They are in their own complicated and interesting, and together help to recreate an objective picture of the educational process, its pros and cons, to outline prospects for further development.

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