An essay on "Nature of the native land": how to write a patriotic essay?

What should be the composition on the theme "Naturenative land "? Uniquely inspiring, inspiring and patriotic. There is an opinion that each person is a patriot of the place in which he was born and raised. In most cases, it is. Although children often want to leave their city, then, after growing up, they understand that their native harbor is beautiful. Well, the essay on "Nature of the native land" plays the role of not only a training exercise in the Russian language. It is also a way to feel your love for your native city and show your patriotism.

essay on the nature of the native land


The essay on "Nature of the native land" shouldto start beautifully. It is best to use as a introduction some reflection, meditation. In general, starting an essay with questions is very convenient. Because in this case, you can perform a kind of two-stroke. Asking the question at the very beginning of the work, the student sets himself the task of answering it in the main part. Thus, the content of the text is determined in advance. Well, you can start the work on the theme "Nature of the native land" as follows: "Russia is an amazing country ... have you ever thought about how versatile and diverse it is? In our wonderful state there is everything. Snow-covered Siberia, picturesque Altai, mysterious Taiga, sunny, affable Krasnodar Krai, modern Moscow ... how many amazing and varied in our Russia! It is unlikely that any other country can boast of such wealth ... "As an introduction, such words will look very well. And then you can go to the main part.

essay on the nature of the native land for grade 3


The essay on "Nature of the native land" shouldbe bright and informative. In the main part, the pupil should tell about his city in as much detail and color as possible and explain why he loves him. But it is necessary to make the main part a continuation of the introduction. If you continue the example given above, you will get something like this: "My wonderful city is also part of our vast Homeland. Of course, it is not as large as Moscow, and does not abound with such sights that are in St. Petersburg. Perhaps there is no sea here, as in sunny Sochi, or mountains, and palms do not grow, but ... I love my city. All its streets are familiar to me, I know how cozy it is in our small parks, and how quiet and peaceful it is at night. " Quite good is the continuation. The main thing that the description was portrait. The reader should draw in his subconscious picture of the city, which is described in the text. And to understand, to feel that the author of the work really loves his homeland.

essay on the nature of the native land russia


And, finally, the final words. Bringing the line to everything that was said above. It does not matter - whether it's an essay on "Nature of the native land" for grade 3, for the 9th or 11th - it's necessary to finish the essay beautifully. The most "convenient" option is a bright quote, which would look harmonious in the text. In this case, the composition can be ended like this: "I love my city, its landscapes, nature, endless dawns and picturesque sunsets. And I believe that every person should appreciate the place in which he was born. There is nothing better than a native city. Only with him are the best and brightest memories. Childhood, parents, growing up, the first feelings ... it's really valuable. After all, as the famous poet Vladimir Borisov used to say, and the sky is blue and native, it's better than any surf and high mountains ... "

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