Reference book of the applicant. Tula's colleges

Tula is a city in which the educational sphere is quite well developed. There are a lot of institutions of different levels here. Special attention should be paid to Tula colleges.

Education in colleges

The population of the city is almost 490 thousand. human. About 100 schools work in Tula. After their graduation, graduates can master the profession, thanks to which it will be possible to provide themselves a comfortable life. Currently, mid-level specialists are in high demand throughout Russia. That is why all colleges in Tula after 9th grade conduct a recruitment of students for different specialties. The training lasts about four years.

After the defense of the diploma, some institutionsoffer employment. If the student wants to continue his education according to his profile, then he can enter a university or university on preferential terms. It should be noted that there are about 10 of them in the city. All Tula colleges conclude agreements with higher educational institutions. In the process of training, you can practice at universities. This helps many students make their choice. Below we offer a brief description of some educational institutions in Tula. Let's talk about the proposed specialties, achievements and much more.

Pedagogical College

In Tula, there is a pedagogical collegestate sample. This school is one of the oldest in the city. It started its activity in 1945. Over the years of its work the college has produced more than seven thousand qualified specialists. They are teachers of junior classes, as well as narrow-profile teachers teaching geography, mathematics, music and other subjects in schools. In college, you can get a specialty educator.

For nonresident students, a hostel is offered. This four-story building, which is combined with the dining room. For those who study at the music department, there are individual classrooms for classes and halls. In the dining room, complex lunches are offered, the prices of which are quite affordable for students.

College of Technology

colleges after 9th grade
This educational institution, like many otherscolleges of Tula, began its activity a long time ago. For over 70 years, students have been trained in various specialties. Young people become machinists, crane operators, and master other car professions. However, recently the administration has significantly expanded this list. Now you can get training on new specialties: "transportation organization" and "insurance business". So, if you have finished 9 classes, then Tula colleges will gladly offer you variants of popular professions. To do this, you will only need to choose an educational institution and submit your documents to the admission committee.

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