"Sixteen" or "sixteen" - how correctly to write a numeral?

Sixteen or sixteen - how rightwrite? Not every person can answer this question. After all, numerals are the most complex part of speech, the spelling of which causes a lot of doubt.

sixteen or sixteen as correct

general information

Before talking about how to write correctly: sixteen or sixteen, you should find out what the numerals are all about. As you know, this part of speech can denote the order of objects, as well as their number and quantity. All names of numerals answer the following questions: "which?" And "how much?".

Types of numerals

To understand how it's right: sixteen or sixteen, you need to figure out what sort of numerals belong to. There are they:

  • Quantitative. Such numerals denote abstract numbers (for example, eight, ten) or they indicate a certain number of objects (seven chairs) and answer the question "how much?".
  • Collective. Such numerals denote a certain number of objects in general (both, four, two, five, three, etc.).
  • Ordinal. They denote the specific order of objects (for example, the second, hundred and twenty-sixth, etc.) and answer the question "what?".

As can be seen from the examples, by us the verified word"Sixteen" refers to the number of numerals. After all, it denotes an abstract number, and can also be used to indicate a certain number of objects (for example, sixteen tables, sixteen notebooks, sixteen people, etc.). Moreover, this word answers the question "how much?".

how to correctly write sixteen or sixteen

Numbers of numerals

Sixteen or sixteen - how correctly to write this word in the text? In its structure it refers to a complex category, that is, it is one-component, but has several bases.

There are simple numbers and compound. The first category includes one-component (for example: two, four, five, eight, one, six, etc.), and to the second - compound (for example: five thousand three hundred twenty-three, two hundred and eight, etc.). The last numerals have several full words, between which a space is placed.

Sixteen or sixteen - how right?

Like other parts of speech, numeralsobey certain rules that logically explain one or another of their writing. It should be emphasized that such rules to remember is particularly problematic, since capital figures are very similar to each other. Therefore, most mistakes in the Russian language are committed in them.

Consider the rule to which we are subjectverifiable word. In the names of the numerals from five to twenty, and also in the numeral thirty, a soft sign should be written only at the very end. As for the range of five hundred to nine hundred and fifty to eighty, the letter must be placed only in the middle, that is, between two roots (for example, ninth-hundreds, fifteen, , heel-sot, etc.).

sixteen or sixteen

Thus, the answer to the question of howwritten in 16 words, it is quite possible to use the following word - "sixteen". That is, in this numeral the soft sign is required to be placed only at the very end and in no other way.

Split or separately?

Sixteen or sixteen? How correctly to write such numerals, we have told hardly above. However, it should be noted that some high school students sometimes doubt not only where in this word there should be a soft sign (in the middle or at the very end), but also whether it is written together or separately.

Surprisingly, but in this respect in Russianprovided its own rule. It looks like this: complex numerals (both ordinal and quantitative), which consist of two bases, are always written together. For clarity, we give an example: sixteen, nine hundred, sixteenth, nine hundredth and so on.

As for the compound numerals, whichhave two or more words, they are always written separately. For example: six hundred and seventy-four, ten thousand eight hundred thirty-two, nine hundred forty-one, five hundred thirty-eight, and so on.

as written in 16 words

Other rules

In order that you are not mistaken in writing other numerals, we will present several rules concerning them:

  • The name "one" is inclined in the same way as the adjective, standing in the singular (one, one, one, one, one).
  • In A numeral "four", "three" and "two" - a special case endings (two, three, three, four, four, four, and so on.).
  • Names of numbers from five to ten, and also ending in Twenty, including "sixteen" change in exactly the same way as the nouns of the third declination (sixteen, sixteen, five, six, ten, thirteen, etc.).
  • The numerals "hundred" and "ninety" are ended in -about in the accusative and nominative cases. In other cases, these words at the end have the letter -a.
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