Life of Onegin in the village. Characteristics of Eugene Onegin

Eugene Onegin - the hero of Pushkin's novel -a representative of a high society. Once he gets bored of the secular way of life. He leaves the northern capital, going to the village. In the outback, an event takes place, which serves as the culmination of the work. Onegin's life in the countryside is the topic of the article.

life of the onegin in the village

Main character

Before describing the life of Onegin in the village, I should say a few words about his existence in St. Petersburg. After all, it was in the northern capital that he was born and spent his youth.

In the first chapter, the author narrates briefly about childhoodhero. The reader will learn that Yevgeny's father was a wasteful person, "he gave three balls annually" and eventually lost his way. However, Onegin's fate was preserved: he was the sole heir of all his relatives. That is why, having received a standard education for a secular person, he began to lead a way of life, habitual for a person of his circle. Namely - to attend balls, to dance the mazurka, and in the intervals between the refined dances to conduct casual conversations with the ladies. This way of life soon disgusted the hero of the work of Pushkin. He mastered English spleen, in other words - Russian spleen.

Legacy of Uncle

At a time when Eugene realized that the secularentertainment he finally bored, he learned about the serious illness of a close relative, the same one, which is referred to in the first lines of the novel. Prepared to serve medicines, adjust the pillows and sigh sadly (in order to get a cherished inheritance) Onegin goes to the fiefdom of his uncle. When he arrives at the place, he learns of the decease of a relative. From this sad event begins the life of Onegin in the village. Eugene inherits. The hero of the great novel in verse becomes a villager.

the life of eugene onegin in the village

Rural privacy

How does Evgenie Onegin's life evolve in the countryside? At first, solitude has a beneficial effect on his state of mind. First and foremost, Eugene establishes a new order: he replaces the corvee with a light quitrent. The life of Onegin in the village proceeds monotonously, which in the early days, tired of the city fuss, is inexpressibly happy. Peasants are imbued with love and respect. But Eugene neighbors - other rural residents seem too unsociable.

Vladimir Lenski

The way of life of Onegin in the village seems localthe landlords are rather strange. He eschews neighbors, immediately leaves his house, only hearing about the imminent arrival of guests. No wonder that in a short time Evgenii is spreading bad glory - as a "dangerous crank". Lensky acquires a completely different reputation.

This young nobleman was educated forborder. The secular way of life has not yet exhausted him. Vladimir is a romantic nature, which can hardly be interested in the conversations of local residents about wine, haymaking, kennels. Yet, unlike Onegin, Lensky does not express frank contempt for the rural landlords. And so it becomes, even against its will, a regular at the village parties.

the way of life of the onegin in the village


The life of Eugene Onegin in the village was boring andis monotonic. And even a new friend - Lensky - could not save him from the blues. However, to Vladimir the main character of the poem feels some sympathy, condescending to his naive dreams.

Lensky is crazy about Olga - a girl whose imageonce loved the author of the novel. But describing the life of Eugene Onegin in the village, it is impossible not to mention the eldest sister of this young creature - Tatiana. The heroine of the novel has a gentle temper, is not solicitous, likes to dream and reads a lot. There is not a drop of coquetry in it, it is simple-hearted and simple-minded. Having fallen in love with Onegin, Tatiana wrote him a letter in which she confesses her feelings. But Eugene remains cold to her message. And later he makes a fatal mistake, causing Lensky's jealousy and accepting a challenge to a duel.

Changes in the worldview of a thinking personare shown in Pushkin's novel. At the beginning of the work the hero is a man, satiated with secular joys. In the last chapter, this is not a bored slacker. Eugene became a thinking and deeply read person. In addition, he looks at Tatyana, whose love once rejected.

the life of Onegin in the village writing

How to do the analysis of the main part, in whichdepicts the life of Onegin in the village? Composition on this topic implies a comparative characterization of the hero before and after staying in the outback. But it should be said that, despite the changes in Onegin's soul, he remained a man dependent on secular society. After all, it was not by chance that he inflamed his feelings for Tatiana only when she became a princess.

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