Pink dolphins - the mystery of nature

Buoto, or inii ... Are you familiar with such names? Certainly not. So they call pink dolphins in their habitats. Are they surprised that such animals exist? Then let's get acquainted in detail with the features of their life.

Pink dolphins - the mystery of nature

These unusual creatures strike first of allskin coloring. Young individuals are born light gray. As they grow older, they acquire a pink or less often blue hue. We can assume that with such exotic features they are actively used for training. But this is not so. The fact is that the representatives of this species are quite aggressive even in relation to each other and the training gives in badly.

Notice how pink dolphins look(see photo in the article). By nature, they are albinos, but in form and size of the body are no different from ordinary representatives of toothed whales. For scientists, they still remain a mystery. Therefore, only legends explain their origin. One of them says that pink dolphins turn into beautiful young men who seduce girls. There is also a belief that in them drowned souls of drowned people.

pink dolphins


Despite all the riddles, the taxonomists determinedthe position of these amazing creatures in the system of the organic world. River pink dolphins are aquatic mammalian animals belonging to the suborder of Tooth whales.

Features of external structure

Appearance of pink dolphins (photovisually demonstrate it), is typical for their representatives. The body length usually does not exceed 2.5 m, and the mass - about 200 kg. The characteristic color of the body is only for adults. The inhabitants of the lakes are usually darker than the river inhabitants.

Pink dolphins are characterized by a rather unusual sexual demorphism. The fact is that males are larger than females, which is not characteristic of most animals.

pink river dolphin

The body of the dolphins is elongated, towards the tailbecomes thinner. It ends with a beak that is slightly curved downwards and covered with bristles. The number of teeth is about 120. They are differentiated and perform the functions of capturing, retaining and chewing food. The cornea of ​​the small eyes is yellow. This device is a protection against bright light. The head of pink dolphins is mobile and can be rotated 90 degrees. The only caudal and paired ventral fins act as a helm. But the dorsal is absent. It is replaced by a small gentle hump.

Pink dolphins: where they live and what they eat

The range of existence of these species is the basins of the Amazon and Orinoco rivers. Here they live in tributaries and small channels, estuaries, peaks and lower reaches of waterfalls and rapids.

Pink river dolphin is not found in salineThe waters that are the limiting factor of its habitat. Their diet is fish, sometimes turtles and crabs. Pink dolphins can eat about 10 kg of food per day. They are active, regardless of the time of day, can even penetrate the prey in fishing nets or swim in its search for boats.

These amazing organisms are serious predators. They can even drive packs of fish together with the otters with which they are neighbors in the range.

For successful hunting this species of dolphins usesnot just touch and hearing. Underwater they are very good at the ability to echolocation. The essence of this phenomenon is the recognition of the position of the object over a period of time during which the reflected wave returns.

pink dolphins where they live


Pink dolphins often lead a sedentary imagelife. Their movements are usually associated with a seasonal change in the water level. When the rivers become shallow, they move closer to the channels. During the water flood, pink dolphins prefer small channels. There are known cases of their migration from one river to another along flooded areas of land.

Individuals usually live alone or in pairs - a mother with a baby. In relation to each other are often aggressive. But in places with a lot of food or during breeding, one can meet their congestions.

It is proved that pink dolphins can communicate with each other by clicking, yelping, loud screaming and whimpering.

Importance in nature

Representatives of this species do not have specialfield value. In ancient times, their fat was used to fill the lamps, as well as as a medicine for asthma attacks and rheumatism. Of the individual parts of the body, amulets are made for rituals.

pink dolphins photo

But for the fishermen, the presence of the Iyn is goodattribute. It means having a large number of fish. In addition, pink dolphins drive dangerous piranhas, making many places in the rivers safer.

Due to the fact that pink dolphins often tearfishing nets and eat the intended catch, they have long been destroyed. Now these actions are banned, and many species are listed in the Red Book.

Pink dolphins are amazing representatives of the animal world, many of the secrets of life to which humanity has yet to discover.

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