The main reasons for the abolition of serfdom in Russia

After the Crimean year ended in 1856war, many historians say that the era of liberation and reforms began in Russia. Even at the end of the eighteenth century, many scientists, thinkers and public people found the reasons for the abolition of serfdom. And the grounds really were, at least, the elite of those times believed that serfdom is at least immoral. Even secret societies were created that fought serfdom, but all this was in vain.

In 1855 a new king came to power. Alexander II has been taught from childhood to humane treatment of people, regardless of their social status. Nevertheless, the new ruler was not particularly in a hurry to carry out any reforms, although he was well aware that Russia's technical backwardness, as well as serfdom, were the reasons that could be called the main ones for which the war was lost. Whatever it was, but in the end, Alexander II still came to the conclusion that reforms are really needed, and they need to be carried out as soon as possible.

So, the basic preconditions for the abolition of serfdomthe rights are the following: it greatly inhibited the growth of industry, the capital was going extremely slowly, and it was quite likely that Russia would become a secondary state.

The next reason is that everything withoutthe exclusion of the peasants' economy could not stand afloat and went bankrupt, but it all happened because the landlords too often increased corvee, and the obrok farmers had nothing to do but go to work for the factories.

The third prerequisite is that it isserfdom was the main reason why the Crimean War was lost. On the face was the fact that Russia has an extremely high military-technical weakening compared to other major powers. In addition, the peasants were very quickly ruined because of various duties and expropriations, many peasants simply fled the landowners.

Another reason is the growth of peasant performances. They, in fact, had nothing to lose, so the commotion began. The government was extremely afraid that the second "Pugachevshchina" would not start.

The fifth reason for the abolition of serfdom is that,that the ruling circles themselves knew perfectly well that with such a state of affairs they are, as if on a powder keg, and we must really carry out reforms, otherwise it will not end with anything good.

Finally, the sixth reason that serfdom had to be abolished was also that it was widely perceived as real slavery and almost all segments of society condemned this state of affairs.

This is not all the reasons for the abolition of serfdom, but it was these six prerequisites that were most troubling to the government.

It was in the first years of the reign of the new king thatan amnesty law was signed. By the condition of this document, many Decembrists, as well as participants in other insurrections, got freedom, some settlements of the military were liquidated, although the censorship remained, but significantly weakened, and the departure abroad became free.

The new government, though it saw all the reasonsabolition of serfdom, but they did not have a clear plan of action. But in the society at that time there were already notes by various cultural, historical and literary figures who offered their projects for a new reform. The most famous was the note of the historian Kavelin, who believed that when carrying out the peasant reform it is necessary to take into account the interests not only of the landowners, but also of the peasants. In his opinion, these people were to receive land for use, and landlords - reward for it.

Also this person most brightly describedall the reasons for the abolition of serfdom, and the people really listened to his words. However, it should be noted that the government was not particularly happy with such activists, he was even fired from his place of work, but for the sake of justice it is necessary to take into account the fact that it was his ideas that determined the main provisions of the future reform.

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