Warsaw University. Higher educational institutions of Poland

Polish universities are among the most popular andprestigious in the territory of Eastern Europe. Education in the country meets all the standards of European education. In addition, the diplomas of Polish universities are recognized throughout the world. In this publication you will find the necessary information about the higher education system in Poland, the University of Warsaw and other prestigious universities in the country.

Interesting facts about education in Poland

  • For today in the country nearby 450 high schools. Most of them are private.
  • The oldest is the Jagiellonian University. He is also on the list of the oldest educational institutions in Europe. The Polish King Kazimierz III founded the university in Krakow in 1364.
  • Poland is a party to the Bologna Process. Education here is two-level: bachelor's and master's degrees.
  • After 3-4 years of training (depending onspecialty) the student receives a bachelor's or engineer's degree. Training in magistracy lasts 2 years. After graduation, it is awarded a master's degree or a certain qualification (for technical specialties).
  • You can get a doctor's degree after graduating from doctoral studies or writing a dissertation.
  • In public higher education institutions, foreign students can receive free education in the presence of a Pole's Card.
  • Applicants who are not citizens of Poland, upon admission to the university, must present a certificate that confirms a high level of proficiency in the state language.

Warsaw University

Warsaw State University: History

University in the Polish capital Warsaw waswas founded in 1816 by the order of the Russian Emperor Alexander I. Initially, specialists were trained in three directions: law, theology and administrative sciences. The Polish insurrection in 1830, which was held under the slogan of restoring independence of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth, led to the closure of a higher educational institution. Revived by the University of Warsaw only in 1869, when he received the title of Imperial. Its rector is a professor from Kharkov Lavrovsky P. A. At that time there were 4 faculties at the university that trained specialists in the field of human, legal and natural sciences. At the end of XIX century. The citizenship of the educational institution is transferred to the Main Library of Warsaw, the meteorological and astronomical observatories are opened, the botanical garden is equipped.

Warsaw State University

University in Warsaw: modernity

Warsaw University today is the most prestigious university in the country. More than 56 thousand students study there.

Let us examine in more detail the training programs thatoffers the University of Warsaw. Faculties of Polish philology, neophilology, applied linguistics, orientalistics, Artes Liberales prepare leading experts - translators and art historians.

Every year the university produces qualified biologists, chemists, physicists, historians, geologists, who win grants and scholarships for their own research.

Particularly popular are the faculties of journalism and political science, management, jurisprudence and management.

Warsaw University closely cooperates withby many scientific and research institutions of the world. The university produces leading specialists of the country, which are competitive in the world labor market.

The State University in Warsaw is the most prestigious higher education institution in Poland.

Warsaw University Faculties

Famous teachers and university graduates

  • Kovalevsky IP - the famous Polish psychiatrist. Rector of the Warsaw State University from 1894 to 1897.
  • Robert Kupetsky - famous political scientist, graduateWarsaw University. From 2008 to 2012 he was the Ambassador of Poland to the United States. At the moment he works in the Ministry of National Defense of the country.
  • Subbotin MF is a Soviet astronomer. The author of the famous work "The Course of Celestial Mechanics".
  • Zelinsky F. F. - a famous antiquarian and religious scholar, professor. Honorary Doctor of Oxford University and Sorbonne.
  • Kamensky MM - an astronomer. The founder of the Polish comet school.
  • Novosadsky NI - epigraphist, philologist. Professor of the Warsaw and Moscow universities.
  • Kachinsky LA - President of Poland from 2005 to 2010.
  • L. Hurwits is a famous economist, a Nobel laureate in economics.
  • Komorowski Broneslav is the president of Poland from 2010 to 2015.

Higher educational institutions of Poland

Economic universities of the country

The oldest economic educationalestablishment in Poland - the main commercial school in the capital of the country (now - Warsaw University of Economics). It was founded at the beginning of the 20th century. Warsaw University of Economics - alma mater of such famous Polish political scientists, economists and financiers as Michael Kaletsky, Leszek Balcerowicz, Jerzy Tomaszewski (creator of the Museum of the History of Polish Jews, famous journalist), Andrzej Wroblewski (Minister of Finance of Poland from 1988 to 1989).

Krakow Economic University is one of theprestigious universities of the country, the largest scientific center. For foreign students, special training programs in English are specially designed here. The educational institution cooperates with many international organizations and scientific laboratories.

Economic University in Poznań - prestigioushigher educational institution in Voivodeship Wielkopolska. The only university in the country that has the right to award the title of candidate and doctor in the field of economic sciences.

University of Economics

Medical universities

Medical universities in Poland enjoy a specialpopularity among foreign students. It is important to know that these educational institutions are subordinate to the Ministry of Health, so the admission and training here have their own characteristics. In total there are 12 medical universities in the country. The curricula in such universities are not divided into two stages (there is no possibility of obtaining a bachelor's degree). The term of training in such specialties as "medical business", "pharmacy", "dentistry", is 6 years.

Warsaw Medical University - the oldesteducational institution in Poland. It was founded in the beginning of the XIX century. Today, university programs correspond to international standards of education. This university produces leading specialists in the field of dentistry, obstetrics, health, physical therapy, etc.

Among other medical universities in the country, universities in Poznan, Bialystok, Bydgoszcz, Lublin and Lodz enjoy special popularity.

Warsaw Medical University

Polytechnic universities

  • Warsaw Polytechnic University. In 1826, in the capital of Poland, thanks to the efforts of one of the ideologists of the Enlightenment, Stanislaw Staszic, the first technological institute was opened. On its base in 1915 the university was opened. Today, it ranks first in the ranking of technical universities in Poland. On the basis of the University, 17 faculties have been opened, which train specialists in various fields of science and technology.
  • In recent years, the Vortzslav Polytechnics ranked 2nd among technical universities in the country. On the basis of the university there are 12 faculties, as well as several scientific laboratories.
  • Krakow Polytechnic is popular among students from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus.

Warsaw Polytechnic University

Features of teaching foreign students in Poland

  • Admission to some private Polish universities for foreigners is possible without exams.
  • Some non-state universities conduct recruitment on a competitive basis (based on the results of the interview).
  • Students of technical universities receive a uniquethe opportunity to practice at the enterprises. After that, a summary is placed in the resume, which increases the chances of finding a job in the EU countries.
  • In state universities, foreign students can receive scholarships. Monetary prizes are awarded for special merits in the field of science or social activity.
  • The average cost of studying for foreign students in Poland is 700 euros.
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