How to spell the word "somehow"?

Russian is rich in rules and exceptions fromthem, so often there is a problem with the correct spelling of certain words. One of the most common mistakes is incorrect spelling of words with particles. Among them is the word "somehow", which can be found on the letter with an obvious mistake - written together or through a space.

Competent spelling

In the modern world, more and more commonit becomes "fashion" to speak and write correctly, but not everything follows it. Often in our speech adverbs with indefinite time are used, for example "somehow". And if you use them incorrectly in a conversation it is quite difficult, then when writing, you may have problems with grammar. To competently write words that have a "something" particle in their composition, you should familiarize yourself with a number of rules of the Russian language. According to them, the correct spelling of the word "somehow" - only with the use of a hyphen, and nothing else.

Fundamental rules

Dealing with the question of how to write "someday" (and also "somewhere" and other words with this particle), it is enough to get acquainted with only one rule for the proper use of it on the letter.

how do you spell something

According to the spelling guide, all words,using particles "-o", "-libo", or "-never", are written only through a hyphen. Thus, when forming words with unknown time, for example "somehow", a hyphen should be placed between the word part and its particle.

Is it possible to separate spelling?

Most of the rules of the Russian language have a numberexceptions, including because of the transition to lexicon of foreign words. In this regard, there may be doubts: are there any special words in which a particle is written together with a word or separately from it? The rule for writing words with "something" exceptions concerning the merging of a particle with the word itself is not. A separate spelling, through a space, is possible only if the word "something" exists and in the sentence with "how" it is a subject of comparison. But, according to the Russian explanatory dictionary, at the current moment there is no such isolated word in the language.


Nevertheless, the Russian language continues to developand include all the new words that correspond to the present time. So, in the modern vocabulary, you can often meet little-known to the older generation terms - "like", "spoiler", "newsmaker" and others. It is not ruled out that in the course of time, the word "something" will appear in the Russian language, which will have its own meaning, different from the analogous particle.

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