What is the semaphore alphabet?

At the beginning of the nineteenth century, a specialThe method of transmitting information from the ship to the land, the so-called semaphore alphabet. On the mast, several rails were lifted and by their moving they put letters together, and then words. "Semaphore" in Greek means "sign carrier." Almost two centuries, this system of signs was actively used around the world. Later, she was replaced by radio communication and Morse code. Today the flag communication in the Navy is practically not used.

semaphore alphabet

The semaphore alphabet in Russia

In Russia, the appearance of semaphore alphabet is associated withthe name of Vice-Admiral Stepan Osipovich Makarov. At the end of the XIX century, he developed a system for the transfer of Russian letters with the help of flags. The Russian semaphore alphabet consists of twenty-nine alphabetic characters, to which, if necessary, three service symbols can be added. All numbers and punctuation marks are spelled, since it does not have a separate symbol for numbers or signs.

Each letter or service mark isset position of hands with flags. Sometimes, if there are no flags, signal transmission is performed with the help of caps. It is believed that a sailor, well-trained alphabet flags, can clearly reproduce 60-80 letters or characters per minute. In the evening or at night, flags of bright and light colors, for example yellow or white, are used. In the light of day - black or red. Currently, the semaphore alphabet is taught only in special courses. After all, the flags were replaced by searchlights with Morse code and radio communication.

Russian semaphore alphabet

Semaphore ABC Abroad

In the XVII century in England to transmit information todistance applied pictures. The modern semaphore alphabet was created in France only two centuries later. The flag system used abroad is a bit like the Russian one. It also uses the checkboxes to indicate the letters from which words and sentences are composed. But there are some differences between them. The first is that the flags are not used one-color, as usual in Russia, but color, with a different combination of colors and symbols. Each such flag is a single letter. That is, you can post flags in a certain order, making up words and sentences from them. Based on the Latin alphabet. Another difference is that the Western semaphore alphabet has special notations for numbers. At the same time, a method of transmitting information and two flags are allowed.

marine semaphore alphabet

Systematization of the flag language

In view of the fact that the method of communication withUsing the semaphore was recognized as very successful, it became necessary to order all the signals. In the XIX century, the number of ships increased, many countries acquired their own fleet, so it became necessary to create a single marine language for communication at a distance. In 1857, the Code of Signals was developed, where international flags, their colors and significance were designated. It included eighteen basic flags constantly used in the fleet. Initially, four maritime powers took part in the development of this code: the USA, Canada, France and Britain. In 1901, all states that have a military and merchant navy approved this document for use. It is believed that from that moment the marine semaphore alphabet was accepted and officially registered as a unified system of communication.

In 1931 the Code of Signals undergoes smallchanges. In view of the fact that radio communication and floodlights began to be used more actively to transmit information using the Morse code, some of the flags were removed, and for the others, the value was changed. In 1969, the translation of flag signals was made not only to the Latin alphabet, but also to the Cyrillic alphabet. The system has become truly international and understandable for seafarers practically anywhere in the world.

Flags and their meaning

At the moment, the International Code of Signalsconsists of three blocks. The first includes twenty-six flags, which designate only letters. The basis is, of course, the Latin alphabet. The second contains ten flags to indicate the numbers from zero to nine. In the last block there are three replacing the flag. They are used in exceptional cases: if on the ship only one set of flags and the ability to post, for example, repeated letters in a word, no. To help come replace.

semaphore alphabet pictures

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the flag signal system in Russia and the CIS countries remained almost unchanged.

Using the semaphore alphabet in our days

With the advent of radio communication and electricity, the flagthe signal system has gradually lost its relevance and at the moment is practically not applied. But in almost every country in case of a critical situation on the ship there is a sailor who knows how to transfer information with the help of flags. Also the semaphore alphabet is actively used in parades and during demonstration performances. Now it is more a tribute to tradition than a means of communication at a distance.

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