The reign of Prince Rurik is a time enveloped in legends and secrets. Until now, it is not known exactly who this legendary person was, who gave the Slavs the first ruling dynasty.
"The Tale of Bygone Years" tells that in 862the Ilmen Slovens (Chodi tribes, Meri and Libra), tired of the prolonged internecine wars for power, called on a foreign ruler. They hoped that in this way they could conclude a long-awaited peace. At their request, three brothers immediately responded: Truvor, Sineus and Rurik. The first of them was a donkey in Izborsk, the second - on the White Lake, and the third - in Novgorod. After the death of the brothers, Rurik collected all power over their lands.
Rurik's rule is connected with the hypothesis thatThe northern prince was not completely alien to the Slavs. Later sources say that he was a descendant of Gostomysl, the Novgorod prince-elder: his middle daughter, Umila, married one of the Varangian rulers. The new prince of Novgorod took as his wife Efanda, who came from a noble local family.
However, some historians believe that the governmentRurik was not at all based on calling him boyars. Most likely, he seized power during the military campaign, so the Novgorodians rebelled against him. Perhaps the boyars did not agree: some of them supported the Varangian, and some were against the stranger. It is also unknown who the legendary prince was: the Baltic Slav, Finn or Scandinavian.
The name Rurik in Europe is known from the fourthcentury. Some researchers believe that it occurs from the name of one Celtic tribe - whether raourikov, or rurikov. In the eighth-ninth century princes with this name ruled the Jutland peninsula. Sineus can be translated from the same Celtic language as the "senior", Truvor means "third by birth." Other historians consider Rurik Rerik, the leader of the Vikings. Perhaps the plot with the vocation of the Varangian to the throne of Novgorod was introduced in the annals much later, so there is so little detailed information in it.
However, despite a number of inaccuracies, the boardRurik on the territory of the Russian lands remains a fact. It had important consequences for the Slavs, since it established the ruling dynasty (Rurikovich), promoted the development of Russia as a state, centralized power. The rule of Rurik, whose tribal sign was a trident (or a tzu), marked a new page in the development of Kievan Rus, its golden age, whose apogee fell on the reign of Yaroslav the Wise.
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