Monophosphate potassium, its characteristics and application features

Potassium monophosphate is a concentratedphosphorus-potassium fertilizer, which is used to feed plants and is introduced into a protected or open ground with irrigation water. In addition, this substance is used for foliar dressing. It should be noted that potassium monophosphate is on the list of the most concentrated phosphate compounds used as fertilizers.

Its high efficiency is due to the fact thatplants are very good at absorbing pure chemical nutrients. When potassium monophosphate is used to dress plants, yield increases are observed, and fruits and vegetables are characterized by better quality due to more intensive accumulation of sugar and vitamins. An important property of potassium monophosphate is its ability to increase the resistance of plants to various fungal lesions.

Potassium monophosphate contains potassium in the amount of 34% of the total number of constituents, as well as total phosphates, the percentage of which reaches 52%, respectively.

This substance is in the form of a white powder orslightly yellowish color. It is characterized by good solubility in water, so it can be used in drip irrigation systems to replenish fruit, vegetable or ornamental plants, as well as vineyards that grow on any type of soil.

It must be said that this substance can be usedfor the production of solid and liquid fertilizer mixtures, but it must be remembered that it can not be combined with preparations containing magnesium or calcium.

It should be noted that potassium monophosphate canapply and in the field of growing ornamental plants. It allows to achieve fast and long flowering of flowering plants. In addition, when using this fertilizer shoots mature better, and ornamental trees and bushes better tolerate winter.

In vegetable growing this potassium compound with successIt is used for self-production of nutrient solutions that are characterized by a high content of salts and are perfectly suitable for foliar dressing.

Monophosphate potassium is often used in the spring incombination with other fertilizers, which include nitrogen. This improves root growth, especially after picking or in case of transplanting. The use of such fertilizing after flowering or at a time when the plants are already bearing fruit, the yield increases significantly, and the products obtained can be stored for a long time. In addition, the use of potassium monophosphate contributes to the fact that the fruit buds of the harvest are effectively laid for the next year.

Depending on the purpose and period of application,the flow rate of the watering solution may be different. So, when using this fertilizer in the early phases of plant development, it is necessary to prepare a solution at a rate of 5 liters per m2, for vegetable and flower crops, at least 10 liters per m2 should be used from the beginning of the 6-leaf phase, and for watering trees or shrubs, watering solution - 20 liters per m2.

It should be noted that potassium compounds are not importantonly for effective farming. Potassium is an important element for the normal functioning of the human body. So, potassium in the human body takes part in the work of muscles, heart, nervous system, regulates water metabolism and affects the overall metabolism of substances.

The norm of potassium in the blood is from 3.5 to 5.0mmol / l. With an increase or decrease in this indicator, there is a syndrome of hyper - or hypokalemia, which manifest themselves with the corresponding clinical symptoms and require adequate medical intervention.

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