Vacuol is ... The functions of the cell vacuole

Today we will talk about what a vacuole is. This is another constituent part of the cell, that is, the organoid. The organoid, or organelle, is the particles from which the cells are composed, the latter, in turn, are the basis of everything that surrounds us.

In fact, the world is not what it seems to befirst glance. It's worth picking up a microscope, and our worldview will change a lot. The first acquaintance with this device is still in high school. Teachers must necessarily give a lecture on the rules of using a microscope to avoid unpleasant incidents in such an exciting lesson. After a brief digression, let us tell you what the vacuole is. This is our main question.


Let's start with the definition. Vacuole is an organoid (single-membrane). It can be found in eukaryotic cells. Immediately introduce a small explanation: eukaryotes are cells containing the nucleus. The latter is separated from the cytoplasm by a double membrane. The value of the nucleus is large, it contains the DNA of the molecule.

vacuole is

So, the vacuole is an organoid capable of performinga lot of different functions (we'll talk about them a little later). How do these organelles form? They originate from provakuols, and they appear before us in the form of membrane vesicles.

It is also important to know that all vacuoles can be divided into two groups:

  • digestive;
  • pulsating.

Sometimes pulsating vacuoles are called contractile. They help to derive decay products. What other such vacuole of function has, we will consider a little later.

In plant cells, vacuoles take up more than half the volume, sometimes they merge into one large organoid, which greatly exceeds the dimensions of the usual ones.

All vacuoles are bounded by a membrane, it is called a tonoplast. Inside, we can detect cell sap. The latter consists of the following components:

  • water;
  • monosaccharides;
  • disaccharides;
  • tannins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • nitrates;
  • phosphates;
  • chlorides;
  • organic acids and other substances.


Now we propose to highlight the main functionsthe organelles under consideration. Vacuol, whose functions we now list, can occupy the space of the cell from 5 to 90 percent. Its purpose depends directly on where the organelle is located.

As for the types of cells, in plantmuch more, and animals have temporary organoids. We have already said that, depending on the location, the vacuole can perform various functions. But we will distinguish two main:

  • interrelation of organelles;
  • transport function.

Plant cell

vacuole function

Now we turn to a more detailed study of organelles in a plant cell. The cell vacuole is its main component. Let's list why:

  • vacuole absorbs water;
  • removes harmful substances;
  • in some cases, vacuoles produce milky juice;
  • participate in the process of splitting of old organoids;
  • store nutrients.

As you can see, the role of these organelles is reallyis great. We mentioned that they are capable of splitting old organoids, that is, they perform the function of lysosomes. Hence, vacuoles can have enzymes necessary for the hydrolysis of the following substances:

  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates;
  • nucleic acids;
  • phytohormones;
  • phytoncides and so on.

They also participate in the process of photosynthesis, which is extremely important not only for the plant, but also for other organisms.

Animal Cell

cell vacuole

Vacuoles can be found in:

  • freshwater protozoa;
  • multicellular invertebrates.

In the first case we will encounter contractivevacuoles serving as a regulator. That is, they are able to absorb or release excess water. To the second group we can include a number of organisms, among which:

  • sponges;
  • coelenterates;
  • ciliated worms;
  • mollusks.

These organisms form digestivevacuoles, which are capable of intracellular digestion. The latter can also form in higher animals, but only in certain cells (phagocytes).

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