On how to convert liters of gasoline per tonne

In our time, many consumers of petroleum products oftenThere are difficulties with transferring the amount of fuel from units of volume to units of weight and vice versa. This issue is especially pertinent to accountants, who are engaged in accounting for its receipt and sale. Indeed, how to translate liters of gasoline per tonne or perform a reverse recount? It's time to finally deal with this issue.

how to translate liters of gasoline per tonne

How to get from tons of liters

Once in school, we were taught that the weight of anyThe physical body depends on its density. The same assertion is also true for liquids. The greater the density of gasoline or diesel fuel, the smaller its volume will be. This relationship can be written in the form of a simple formula:

V = M / ρ, where ρ is the density of fuel, kg / m3, V is the volume of fuel expressed in liters, and M is the mass of fuel in kg.

Thus, it seems that the answer to the question is howto translate liters of gasoline per ton, is quite simple. First of all, we need to find what the density of the desired fuel is equal to, and then perform an elementary mathematical operation. However, this is where the difficulties begin. The matter is that the density of fuel is a capricious thing and depends not only on the type of fuel, but also on the air temperature. In summer, in the heat, it is less, and the volume of fuel and lubricants increases, and in winter, on the contrary, the density decreases, and the number of liters decreases. Therefore, in order that there was no confusion, and people did not puzzle over how to translate liters of gasoline per ton, GOST 305-82 for diesel fuel and GOST 2084-77 for gasoline were developed in due time. These documents contain tables with all the detailed technical information for each type of fuel.

diesel fuel

How to get from liters of ton

In order to find out what is the massspecific volume of fuel, we use the inverse relationship: M = V x ρ. Do not forget that the result will be kilograms, which still need to be translated into tons. It seems that everything is clear, but there is still a question with the account and submission of reports to the controlling bodies. The weather often changes, but constantly looking at the thermometer is not serious. How to be in this case?

Translation rates

For a simplified and correct translationThe Ministry of Industry and Energy of the Russian Federation decided to establish fixed average density values ​​for each fuel. Now, accountants are not worried about how to translate liters of gasoline per ton, but simply use the adopted coefficients. So, for example, for gasoline A-76 (AI-80) it is 0.715 g / cm3, for AI-92 fuel the average specific density is 0.735 g / cm3, for AI-95 - 0.750 g / cm3 and, finally, the average specific gravity of AI-98 is 0.765 g / cm3. As for diesel fuel, forIn order to perform a transfer from tons to liters or back, it is customary to use a coefficient of 0.769. At the same time, Rostekhnadzor uses its established density values ​​to recalculate fuel. So, for liquefied gas the average value of this parameter is 0.6 t / m3, and for diesel oil it is equal to 0.84.

fuel density
From this follows a simple conclusion: when drawing up reports, one must use those coefficients that the controlling body adopts. It remains to add that in order to measure the density, hydrometers are used, and in addition, you can use the information specified in the consignment notes.

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