What is full-blown in Russian?

Good knowledge of Russian is impossible withoutstudying the historical laws of its development. The processes that have occurred and are fixed in the language for a long time are very important for its study. An appeal to history will help explain what at first glance the explanation does not lend itself to. All that is said fully applies to the stated topic of the article, in which it will be discussed what is full-blown in Russian.

Phonetic processes in linguistics

Modern Russian language in antiquity was the languageeastern Slavs. They were part of the Slavic branch of the Indo-European tree of languages. In the 14th century the ancestor (Old Russian language) disintegrated into Russian, Belarusian and Ukrainian. Each of them develops in its own way, but there are common features.

What is full-blown

In the Russian language there are many Old Slavs. They have their signs, which have appeared in connection with some phenomena in the language. Given the historical processes, we can talk about many of them. This is assonance, dissonance, reduction, stunning and others.

Next, consider what is full-blown in Russianlanguage. For all the complexity of this process, it should be noted that changes in the result of this phenomenon in the Russian language are noticeable. All words with full-blownness are divided into three groups:

  1. Historically, single-root words with full-blown and incompleteness exist in parallel. For example, bhered - Pribrecrockery, goloc - ascendinglas, fherebievesreBiy and others.
  2. Words that have only full-blown combinations, and incomplete words have been lost. For example, boroon, toorofrom, witholoma and others.
  3. Words only with incompleteness, and full-blownness is lost. For example, inlaha, sram, inreme and others.

Polnoglasie in Russian

In connection with the historical development of the language,talk about such a phenomenon as full-blown. The roots of the Russian language are in Old Slavonic. The Old Slavonic language is the language of church books. It is understandable to the ancient Slavs. There were words with incomplete combinations. For example, inran, breg, glas etc. In modern Russian they correspond to the words inoron, bhereg, golowith etc.

What is full-blown in Russian?

So, to understand what isfull-blown, one must look into the historical processes that took place in the language. They fully explain this phenomenon. Polnoglasie - is the presence in the words of the Eastern Slavs combinations -olo-, -re-, -oro-, which correspond to the Old Slavonic -pa-, -la-, -re-, -le-. For example, molotoleco.

Full-blown consists of two vowel sounds anda sonorous (unpaired sonorous consonant) between them. In the word they are between consonant sounds. With incompleteness in the Indo-European language, these combinations corresponded to diphthongic combinations, that is, the vowel in this syllable could or might not. In the Old Russian language, these were reduced sounds. For example, moltionolonya.

Words with full-blown examples, examples of which are given in the article, are often used in ordinary speech. But incompleteness is more characteristic of poetry. For example, A.S. Pushkin read "In the depths of Siberian ore XraHail proud patience ... "(xoronite).

Examples of words with full eyes

In Russian it is possible to allocate full-blown andincomplete pairs. But sometimes it happens that sometimes a half-open form is preserved, while full-blownness is considered archaic. For example, we have a word inrar, while inorog left from use.

Sometimes words with full-blown, examples of which exist today, have a different meaning than a word with incompleteness. So we can distinguish the following pairs, as borobuilding (groove) - brazdy (government), toorotacueratkii (in time), xorothread (to lay down to the ground) - xrathread (protect) and others.

The examples given will help to understand what full-blownness is in Russian.

The word thief

Not every word in which there are such combinations can be attributed to full-blown or incomplete. This phenomenon can be said when a word has a pair.

To understand if there is full-blownness in the word"thief," look in the dictionary. This word is formed from the word "thief" with the suffix -ov-and denotes the female face. The word has an expressive disdainful coloring. Take at least a nursery rhyme "Magpie-thief cooked a crock ..."

Fullness in the word thief

Since the vowels in full-blownness are at the root, it can be concluded that full-blownness in the word "thief" is absent.

Different Roots

Along with the East Slavic full-blownOld Russian language appeared incompleteness, which came from the Old Slavic monuments of writing. As we see, in the course of historical development, different processes took place in the language, which were reflected in the spelling of words.

Polnoglasie-incompleteness in the root is the resulthistorical development. Old-Slavonic, incomplete forms bear the imprint of solemnity. Therefore, they were widely used by writers and poets of the nineteenth century. So A.S. Pushkin in the poem about St. Petersburg in one quatrain uses three such words: graд, стran, blaThis is what he wanted to show the greatness of the city, built among the northern marshes and became a "window to Europe."

Words with full eyes. examples

Also examples of incomplete forms can be found in phraseological units. For example, "rla"we call some vain appeals;"ladirty nails "means" from childhood ";" boils mlehoney and honey "talk about a rich man.

But this is full-blown, you can see in such words as "sparrow", "crow", "cow", "milk" and many others.

This is the historical principle of spelling. Basically, such words are designed for memorization, that's why they enter the orthographic minimum. While working with such words, a historical digression is being made, explaining many spellings.

We write correctly

Words with incompleteness have a stressed syllable, in which the vowel is in a strong position. When writing such words, difficulties do not arise. Few will make a mistake in such words as "npAx "," inpEme "," sLAthen "," cLAand so on.

Full-incompleteness in the root

And what is full-blown? .. In full-blown combination, one of the vowels is in a weak position. It must either be checked or remembered. From this position, words with full-blownness can be divided into two groups: a vowel can be verified or this insidious word.

For example, in the word "bYerevanr "the first vowel in a strong position, the second one is checked with the word" left "E"But in the word" inoroBEE "the second vowel can be checked (" inorObows "), and the first is not .This is the dictionary word.This word is included in the spelling minimum of a schoolboy in each year of study.

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